Gym Class Disaster

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Karry's POV

I could feel that she was still down after lunch. Her eyes were distant and she seemed to be in another world. ''Hey, earth to y/n earth to y/n...'' I said, waving a hand in front of her face until she swatted my hand away. I laughed and she pouted.

''I climbed trees when I was young.'' She told me proudly during English lesson. ''Oh you do? Me too!'' I told her and she bit her lower lip. She has no idea she looks cute, and beautiful. ''Fine smarty pants!'' She pouted and crossed her arms. I laughed and pinched her cheek lightly. She leaned closer and wanted to pinch mine, but I ducked, chuckling and sticking my tongue out.

I heard a cough from the teacher. She was staring at the two of us, clearly annoyed. We shared a quick smile and sat straight. ''Sorry Miss Lee.'' We said in chorus, and remained silent for another fifteen minutes before I sneaked a glance at her and she caught me. She gave me another pout and I smiled, only turning away when I felt my cheeks heat up. Could she not be so cute?

Y/n's POV

It was gym class, the lesson you've been longing for. ''Okay class, we need one boy and one girl in a group. I'll give you five minutes to form groups. Come on come on!'' The teacher said, and the gym room buzzed with excitement. You were standing beside Xiao Kai, and he looked at you. You nodded and he grinned goofily. You turned and saw Wang Yuan staring at you and Xiao Kai. You tried to smile at him But he turned away and asked Emily, who was so overwhelmed with excitement that she looked like she was about to burst. At the same time, someone shoved you aside and you fell you the ground with a thud. You looked up and saw Lena standing in your place. ''Oh Xiao Kai you should be in a group with me! Not my ugly stepsister!'' Lena said, glaring at me. ''Oops I'm sorry, were you so scared that you fell down when you saw me?'' Lena gave a piercing laugh, pointing at you. You tried glaring back but tears were forming in your eyes.

''How could you do this to your stepsister!'' Xiao Kai pushed past Lena, who gasped in surprise, and kneeled beside you. ''Y/n, are you okay?'' He asked, his eyes full of worry. You gave him a wobby smile. ''I'm fine... Ouch!'' You clutched your ankle, which was throbbing with pain.

''Oh no... I think you twisted your ankle, y/n! I'll bring you to the nurse.'' Xiao Kai scooped you up before you could respond. He carried you bridal style, your head leaning on his chest. ''I'm so sorry... y/n... I shouldn't have let Lena do that to you...'' Xiao Kai said, as he skipped down the stairs two at a time. ''It wasn't your fault, don't blame youself... You can't stop her anyway...''

''Y/n... Listen to me... Your father... He's... dead.'' You stared back at your mother's face, shocked and dumbfounded. You shook free from your mother's grasp and ran out of the house. ''Y/n!'' Your mom cried but you didn't turn back. Tears streaming down your eyes, you ran as fast as your short legs could carry you. You turned the corner and stopped in front of the tree. ''Karry!'' You screamed, sobbing hard. At first, you thought he had already left. You pulled your knees to your chest and sat againt the tree, crying softly. But then, a pair of warm arms hugged you from the side. ''Oh y/n don't cry... Everything will be fine...'' Karry said as he stroked your head. You didn't tell him why you were crying as you wanted him to have a happy trip and not worry about you. You two leaned under the tree for about fifteen minutes, until you finally dried your tears, and looked at him. ''Thanks Karry...'' ''You're welcome, y/n... I hope you feel better now.'' You gave a small smile and said, ''Yes... and Karry I think you should be leaving... Your mom told you to be back at sunset didn't she?''

The both of you looked up at the sky, which was already dark. ''Okay then.'' Karry said as he slowly got up. ''See you soon. And have a nice trip.'' You said, and he gave you a lingering kiss on the forehead. ''I will. Thanks, y/n, see you soon.''

The next day, he was gone.

You shot up straight, tears falling down your face as you screamed, ''NO!'' ''Y/n! You're awake!'' Someone exclaimed beside you. It was Xiao Kai. ''Are you okay?'' he asked. ''I'll call the nurse...'' He said as he got up, but you pulled his hand. ''Don't go...'' you begged as you wiped the tears from your eyes. ''Tell me what happened just now... All I remember is Lena pushing me and falling down with this sharp pain in my ankle.'' You said and tried moving your ankle, which you saw was wrapped with some ice. ''Ouch!'' You yelled as the pain surged through your body. ''Don't move!'' Xiao Kai said to you sternly and he positioned the ice pack gently around your swollen ankle again. ''You sprained your ankle y/n. Its gonna hurt for a few days. Just wrap an ice pack around it and the swelling will stop. When I was carrying you here you blacked out. So I brought you to the nurse and she tended to your ankle and told me to tell her when you wake up. So I guess I'd better tell her now...'' he ran out the door before you could stop him, leaving you to recover from your memory.

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