What's in that Box?

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Y/n's POV

For hours and hours this woman has been showing you a whole pile of albums. She kept pointing to a little girl and saying it was you having my first lunch by myself, walking your first step, and hitting your mom for the first time on purpose yada yada yada. But then, nothing popped up in your brain.

''Y/n... do you remember anything useful?'' The woman said, closing yet another album. You shook your head. Its been 5 albums already. You sighed. ''Nevermind I still got 20 of them wait I'll go home and take them.'' Said the woman as she jumped up from her seat beside you and dashed out of the room.

You were about to lie down and rest for a while when the teenage girl burst into the room, followed by the three boys and yet another girl, all of them sweating profusely.

''Hi Auntie we just got excused from school and ran like out pants were on fire to the hospital.'' Amanda said, ''Thanks to those boys we nearly got trampled to death in a crowd.

''What happened?'' You asked. ''That woman just ran to get 20 more albums for me to read.''

''Y/n can you really not remember us? I'm Emily!'' Said the new girl, who looked shy but also worried. ''Hi Emily... You're Amanda, right? And then Wang Yuan and Qian Xi.'' I said, recalling their names from yesterday, and they looked amazed. ''But where's Karry?'' I asked, puzzled.

''Don't know. He didn't go back to school with us...''

''Oh yes Amanda where's her school bag? Maybe she'll remember something from inside!'' Wang Yuan said, snatching a purple school bag from Amanda. He took out textbooks and a pencil case, emptying out the contents. There were different colorful pens but nothing came to mind. ''How about this?'' Amanda said, wrenching her hand deep into the school bag and finally dug up a heart-shaped necklace.

When you saw the heart necklace, everything seemed to rush back. It was like some kind of flood that gushed past its barrier and into your brain. You let go of the necklace and held your head tightly. But the memories in your brain were flashing about as you desperately tried to grasp them.

''Y/n? Are you alright?'' Emily asked, suddenly sitting on the bed next to you.

''Can... Can you call the doctor for me please?'' I said through gritted teeth. There was an aching pain in my head. Memories were floating around but I just couldn't secure them.

Karry's POV

I didn't even pause to rest. I kept my head as low as possible and scurried out the hospital without being recognised. After that, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me back home. I barged into my room and snatched the box under my bed. Y/n's waiting for me, I thought and with a burst of energy I jumped down the stairs four at a time.

Amanda's POV

I was watching y/n clutching her head helplessly. At the same time, my phone rang. ''Hello?''

''Hi Amanda its Auntie... Do you mind bringing the boys downstairs to help me take up the photo albums? They're quite heavy...''

''Um okay... we'll be down in a minute.''

''Thanks sweet girl.'' Auntie Liza said as she hung up.

''Um Auntie wants us to go down and help her take up some photo albums...''

''Sure!'' Wang Yuan said, but he glaced worriedly at y/n. ''The doctor's coming but I think someone should still stay with her...''

''I will.'' Emily said and the rest of us jogged down to help Auntie. To my surprise, as soon as we stepped out of the lift, we were crowded by fans and reporters.

''Wang Yuan! Oh God its really him!''

''Look this way! Look this waaaaaay!''

''How did they even know we're here?'' I shouted over the noise, frustrated.

''Qian Xi marry meeeeeeeeee!'' Someone shouted, and he winced.

''Who's that girl? Ewww she's touching Qian Xi!''

I tried to ignore the shouts and everything. ''Auntie's over there!'' I said, seeing a waving figure at the far end of the lobby. I shoved my way through as quickly as I could, groaning. Suddenly someone pushed me. I screamed. And then a hand slipped around my waist and caught me from falling.

''Thanks.'' I muttered to Qian Xi but without looking at him. ''Will you two move we're getting squashed right here...'' Wang Yuan, who was behind me and Qian Xi, complained. The pushing and shoving continued for a few minutes until security guards finally came and escorted us to Auntie. I haven't been so glad to see a security guard before.

''How are we even going to get back to the lift with this mess?'' I groaned.

Karry's POV

''TFboys are inside!'' I heard a girl scream, pointing at the hospital. What? How did they know? I could see that the hospital was already stuffed with so many people.

I walked faster. I knew there was no way I could enter from the hospital front door. I jogged as innocently as I could to the hospital's back. I saw the staircase where it said 'staff only'. I sighed.

As if on cue, the door opened. A female nurse saw me and gasped out loud.

I stared at her, my eyes pleading. ''I need your help.''

Y/n's POV

You heard noise from below as you were on the third floor. ''What's happening?'' You asked Emily. She went to the window and upon seeing the view, her eyes widened. ''Woah... I think people know that Tfboys are here...'' you tried getting off the bed but Emily immediately stopped you. ''Don't you dare move an inch. I don't want you getting hurt again.''

''Aww that's way too over-protective.'' You protested. ''I don't want to see Wang Yuan worried.'' She whispered, staring out the window, and you stopped. So she likes Wang Yuan, I realised. And Wang Yuan is my boyfriend... I should be mad shouldn't I? But why don't I feel anything?

All of a sudden someone burst into the room. ''Jun Kai?'' Emily said, shocked. ''How did you manage to get up here? I think the others are stuck in the middle of a crowd...''

''I'll explain that later.'' Karry said, clutching a brown leather box dearly to his chest.

''What's in that box?'' You asked, pointing.

His eyes widened. ''That's exactly what I want to show you.''

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