I Will Succeed, I Just will

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Y/n's POV

The rain has stopped. ''Oh no y/n has to leave!'' Wang Yuan said with an arm around your waist. You two were playing video games, with him teaching you patiently, and saving you endless times. ''Its okay Yuan we could still hangout...'' ''Yes of course... But I'll miss you.'' He pouted. You laughed and kissed him on the cheek. ''One last kiss before you call your manager to drive me home.''

He jumped to call his manager while you called your mom and told her you were coming back.

''You're leaving so quickly?'' Xiao Kai said as he carried your school bag downstairs. ''Yeah. I don't want my mom worried...'' ''I'll go with you.''


''I'm going with you are you deaf or what?'' Xiao Kai said impatiently. ''The car's outside already come on!'' You hesitantly nodded. ''BYE YUAN BYE QIAN XI SEE YOU TOMORROW!'' you shouted as you followed Xiao Kai into the van, also showing the driver your address.

Karry's POV

As soon as the van door slammed shut, y/n's face darkened. ''Anything wrong? You look quite down... missing Wang Yuan already?'' I asked testily. ''Nah. I'm just thinking... If I get back home I'm going to have to put up with Lena, and my new stepdad. My stepdad isn't bad but I just can't get over it.'' Y/n said, and I saw a fresh tear falling. Y/n turned to look at the window, not wanting me to see her cry.

I turned her around to face me. She covered her face with her hands. I didn't pry her hands off, instead, I hugged her. ''I promised I'll protect you, remember? I won't let Lena hurt you or anything... And if you aren't happy you could tell me. I'm a good friend you know?'' I murmured into her ear. She slowly nodded and wiped her tears. She didn't pull away. ''Thanks Xiao Kai...'' she whispered, burying her head into my chest.

Y/n's POV

You felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. ''Time to wake up, y/n...'' it was Xiao Kai. You had fallen asleep on his chest. ''Oops haha sorry...'' you laughed nervously and jumped out of your seat. Xiao Kai carried your school bag for you. ''Hi!'' Lena opened the gates before you could press the bell.

''Oh Karry why are you here? Don't tell me that loser has been staying with you?'' She spat, glaring at you, her words sharp and full of hatred. ''Don't talk to your stepsister like that...'' Xiao Kai said, narrowing his eyes at her. Lena looked hurt. ''Oh Karry did you just defend her? She's not worth this, I tell you. You're not even her...'' ''I'm her friend.''

Lena looked about to burst. ''Did you just say...'' ''Yes. She's my friend.'' Lena narrowed her eyes and fixed her gaze on you. ''Y/n I hate you so much!'' She yelled, pushing you to the ground. She then stormed into the house and slammed the door.

''Y/n!'' Xiao Kai exclaimed, pulling you up. ''Are you okay? Is your ankle okay? Did you twist it again? Should I...'' ''No no I'm okay'' you laughed it off, brushing your knees. ''Uh... I think you should go... thanks for everything, Xiao Kai...'' you smiled at him. ''You're welcome.'' He said, handing you your school bag. ''Thanks.'' You said again and hugged him without much thought. But then you suddenly remembered Wang Yuan. I'm his girlfriend. I shouldn't be doing this, you thought and pulled away. ''Its okay, I won't tell Wang Yuan...'' Xiao kai whispered into your ear and before you could say anything, he kissed you on your forehead and sent your face flaming. He jogged away and hopped onto the van, leaving you standing at the door, watching the van slowly disappear from sight.

Wang Yuan's POV

I didn't know that Xiao Kai had went with y/n to her house. If I did, I would definitely have followed them two. I quickly called y/n as soon as Qian Xi told me that Xiao Kai left with her. But she didn't answer the call.

Y/n's POV

I went up to my room without stopping. I jumped onto the bed and checked my phone and saw at least 10 miss calls from Wang Yuan. I immediately called back. ''Hello Yuan... Missing me already?''

''Aww you just stole my line but yes I am.''

You giggled. ''What? You won't just call me twelve times just because you miss me...''

''What if I did? I'm sooooooooo in love with you that I...'' He started making kiss sounds.

''Eww you little...''

''Anyway are you free this Friday after school? We could have our first date...''

''Yeah OF COURSE!'' You screamed into the phone, with him laughing at the other end. ''Calm down girlfriend where do you wanna go?''

''Eh anywhere is fine as long as you are with me.'' ''Aren't you a sweetie pie girlfriend...'' you could imagine his smirk on the other end. Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate and saw a text from Xiao Kai.

''Ha glad you appreciate that but I gotta go bye boyfriend.''

''Bye sweetie pie.''

''Stop calling me that.''

''Bye then sweetie y/n.'' With that, he ended the call.

From: Xiao Kai
I hope you are alright... Did Lena push you again? I hope not... She hurt you because of me, didn't she? I'm so sorry...

As soon as you saw the message, you called Xiao Kai.

''Um... hello Xiao Kai?''

''Hi y/n what's the matter?''

''Just telling you that I'm fine. Lena haven't disturbed me after that and you don't need to be sorry. It isn't your fault. She's been hating me from the start.''

''Oh y/n...''

''Nah its okay... you can stoo worrying about me.''

''No I won't... I've fallen in love with you and you know it.''

''Yeah but I'm Wang Yuan's...''

''I don't care as long as you two aren't married yet I still have a chance.''

You sighed. ''Fine you can try but I doubt you will succeed. My heart is hard to win over you know?''

''I will succeed. I just will.'' With that, he hung off.



Hi guys its me again... sorry for the boring boring phone conversations above...

And thanks for all your supports and votes and for ignoring the typos ((I know there r a lot hehe

And I might not update frequently as I've got club activities and camps where WiFi isn't available and my data is already used up LOL... I'll try my best... Love u all byee

Kerry ^^

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