The Key to my Heart

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Y/n's POV

Slowly, Karry placed the box next to me on the bed. Emily stood beside him, curious.

Deftly, he opened the box and took out a stack of letters. And then, preciously, a key-shaped necklace.

For some reason, his fingers were trembling as he handed the necklace for you to see.

You carefully took the necklace from him and felt it. You suddenly felt an overwhelming headache. You screamed and the pain overcame you. You blacked out.

Karry's POV

''Y/n!'' Emily yelled, staring at y/n in horror. ''What was that necklace? Why did you have to hurt y/n?''

''I was just trying to help her...''

''I'm calling in the doctor. Let's hope her situation didn't worsen...'' Emily said, rushing out of the room.

As soon as she was gone, I took y/n's hand. ''I'm sorry y/n... I didn't mean to hurt you... I hope you're okay...''

Y/n's POV

You were standing in a large room. A circular room with many doors. ''Hello? Where... where is this?'' You said, and your voice bouced around the walls, echoing back at you. You stared at the doors surrounding you... perhaps... You tried opening the nearest door. It was locked. There was a keyhole in the middle of the doorknob. You suddenly felt yourself holding something. It was a key-shaped necklace. Could it...? You testily inserted it into the keyhole and turned. There was a click and the door opened. There was a blinding light. Shielding your eyes, you pocketed the key and stepped inside.

You saw a younger boy and a younger girl sitting on a tree, their legs kicking as they chatted off happily. You looked closely at them. They seemed excited about something. A necklace, you realised.

He took out a necklace with a heart in the middle. There was a keyhole in the middle of the heart. ''Oh its so pretty! Thank you Karry!'' He fastened the necklace around your neck. ''But what's that hole in the middle?'' You asked, and he held out another necklace, with a key in the middle. ''I got the key to your heart!'' He announced triumphantly, and inserted the key into my necklace. It fitted perfectly.

You found yourself standing outside the door. All of a sudden, the door disappeared. It was like wiping words from a whiteboard. Puzzled yet eager for more, you tried the key with another door. It fitted too. Once again you stepped into the blinding light.

You saw a girl sitting on the front steps of a small cottage, looking hopeful.

You sat at the door of Karry's house. He should be back today... and you were trying to think of a better way to tell him that your dad died without making him too overworried about you. You could imagine yourself in his arms... with him whispering reassuring words to you and you nodding your head until you fell asleep.

You waited from early morning to afternoon, and from afternoon to evening. He still didn't come back. And then suddenly it rained. You knew you couldn't wait any longer. ''Karry please come back...'' you said, crying as you trudged back to your house in the rain.

You were forced out the door again. It vanished. And then you were in the dark room again. What was that? Memories? You looked around the room, where numerous doors still stood. The doors were memories, you realised. And I had the key to them.

Amanda's POV

''Awww Qian Xi! You're so handsome!'' Another voice yelled, and I desperately wanted to cover my ears. We couldn't even move an inch in the middle of the crowd, even with the security guards were trying their best to urge them out.

Suddenly I noticed a newspaper flying towards me. ''Leave Qian Xi aloneeeeee!'' A voice yelled. I screamed and covered my face as I waited for the impact of the newspaper hitting my face hard. But instead it never came. I heard raging screams from around me. What just happened? Slowly, I pulled my hands away from my face. And saw Qian Xi standing in front of me. His hand was outstretched and he was holding... newspaper? Oh my god... Cameras were flashing so quickly and those Qian Xi fans didn't look happy.

I saw Wang Yuan smirking from behind and Auntie looking amazed. ''Are you okay?'' Qian Xi asked, turning around and facing me. ''Yes... Thank you.'' I said, still unwilling to meet his gaze.

''And we should start moving... or else we'll be stuck here till tomorrow morning.'' Wang Yuan said and I nodded. I picked up three heavy albums and tried pushing my way through the crowd.

- time skip -

Wiping beads of sweat from our foreheads, we leaned against the wall of the lift. ''Whew...''

But as soon as we entered y/n's room, I could tell that something was wrong. Jun Kai and A few more equipements were added in the room. Including that thing that I saw on televisions that were used to measure your heartbeat. The doctor was writing something on his clipboard.

''What happened? Y/n?'' Wang Yuan said, staring at y/n who was sleeping on the bed.

The doctor looked troubled. ''Y/n has slipped into a coma. We also don't know why...''

''But when will she wake up? Or maybe... will she wake up?'' I forced the question out, scared.

''Oh well, it depends on y/n... she has to use her own willpower to wake up, we can't help her from here...''

''But what made her faint?'' Qian Xi suddenly asked. ''The necklace.'' Emily said, pointing to a key-shaped necklace. ''She fainted after she saw the necklace but she just won't let go of it after that, even in her coma.''

''Whose necklace is that?'' Wang Yuan asked.

''Mine.'' Jun Kai said. The room fell silent.


Is this chapter nice...? Its a little lame to me..



HAHA Byebyeee hope you'll enjoy this chapter. ((Plus ignoring the typossss


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