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Karry's POV

Y/n has been in a coma for a week and every day after school our driver would drive us to the hospital, including Emily and Amanda. We would finish our homework there and begin telling y/n about our day. Auntie Liza was there, and she never left. She was either sleeping next to y/n or going through the albums, sometimes crying silently. Lena has been punished quite severely. She might even have to change schools after this incident.

Today was Friday and Emily told Auntie Liza as soon as we got to the hospital after school. ''Auntie I think you should go home and rest for a while... its been a week already... we'll help you take care of y/n, I promise.''

Auntie stared up at her with bloodshot eyes. ''But...''

''Its okay we'll look after her if anything happens we'll call you immediately.'' Amanda said. Auntie nodded and left us in charge. Wang Yuan was sitting next to y/n, holding her hand. Amanda was telling y/n how Qian Xi and her went together after Qian Xi's heroic action of catching the newspaper. She's been talking about that almost every day and Qian Xi couldn't stop blushing.

Y/n's POV

You've been using the key going into numerous doors. And the memories were slowly flowing back. You looked around and there was only one door left. You smiled. You already remembered how you ended up in the hospital, you saw yourself get hit and saw how Xiao Kai had rescued you. You saw how you only remembered Xiao Kai after the memory loss, and the only missing piece was inside this last door. You turned the key and the door opened.

You saw Xiao Kai holding a brown leather box, he put it next to you and took out a stack of letters. You watched in shock as he took out... a key-shaped necklace.

As the door was also wiped away in front of you, the whole room turned pitch-black. ''Huh?'' You said. ''What now?''

Suddenly a ray of light shown in the middle of the room. You walked closer to the light, and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

''Dad...?'' You asked, shocked. The man smiled. ''Long time no see, my beautiful y/n...'' ''Dad!'' You cried, running over to hug him. ''I've missed you...'' you said, sobbing.

''Y/n... We could see each other every day from now on... Just come with me...'' your father said, holding your hand as he had done when you were young.

You suddenly felt something wrong. ''I'm sorry dad, I won't go with you...'' you said, stepping away from him.

''Why y/n? We could live together happily and I could chat and play with yoh every day, like the old times...''

''I'm sorry dad...'' you said, choking back tears. ''But I'm not going with you.'' Suddenly the ray of light disappeared and you were left in the room again. You fell to your knees and started crying.

But then, you looked down and saw that your legs were fading. So were your hands.

''Wha... What's wrong?''

Karry's POV

I was staring into space again. Wang Yuan was doing his homework, Emily went to buy us some muffins and Qian Xi was showing Amanda some photos of his little brother.

I was staring at y/n's hand which was clutching my necklace. Was I imaginig things or did her fingers move? I rubbed my eyes and stared closely at her fingers. They didn't budge. I sighed.

I walked over and sat next to y/n. I stroked her head and whispered. ''I love you, y/n.''

Y/n's eyelids fluttered. ''Y/n?'' I uttered. ''Can... Can you hear me?'' Amanda and Qian Xi looked up from their phones. Wang Yuan bounced over. ''What?'' Wang Yuan asked.

''I... I think I saw her eyeslids flutter.''

We watched intensely and slowly, y/n's eyes opened. ''Oh my God she's awake! Call the doctor!'' Amanda yelled and Wang Yuan ran out the room, still cheering in joy.

''Y/n are you alright? I'm calling Auntie this instant!'' Amanda exclaimed, dialling a number on her phone. Y/n looked around the room as she slowly pushed herself up on the bed.

Her gaze landed on the key necklace she was holding. My heart stopped beating.

Y/n's POV

You sat up and surveyed the environment. You recognised Amanda, Qian Xi and Karry. Your gaze stopped on the key-shaped necklace in your hand. You felt Karry's gaze on you. Slowly, you reached for a heart-shaped necklace hidden in the top drawer next to your bed.

Your fingers trembling and unsteady, you gently pushed the key into the heart. It fitted flawlessly. Tears started streaming down your face. ''Y/n?'' Karry said, worried. ''You okay?''

You flung your arms around Karry and started crying. ''Oh Karry... I've missed you so much...'' you sobbed, burying your head into his chest. ''Me too.'' He whispered, his voice quivering.

Wang Yuan's POV

I followed the doctor, excited. Y/n's awake! Perhaps she'll remember me... But when the doctor opened the door I saw y/n hugging Xiao Kai. So I've lost, I thought miserably, turned and ran. ''Wang Yuan!'' I heard Qian Xi calling me but I ignored him. Apparently I wasn't watching where I was going as I hit someone hard. The girl screamed as she hit the ground. I also landed on my butt. ''Sorry...'' I muttered, and looked at the girl. It was Emily. ''Wang Yuan where're you going?'' She asked and I tried to hide my tears.

''Aww no are you crying?'' She asked. I sat up and shook my head, but the tears were falling uncontrollably. Instead of handing me a tissue or something she pulled me close and said, ''Cry it out and you'll feel better...''

We sat there in silence. Emily didn't even ask what I was crying for. ''You know what?'' I said, drying my tears and sitting up. ''What?'' Emily asked. ''I should be the one doing that to you.'' Emily shrugged. ''Who cares as long as you feel better.''

''Plus I ruined your muffins.'' I said, noticing the muffins all over the floor. ''Nevermind... And I hope you're feeling better now...''

''Yes I am thanks to you...'' I said, giving her a quick hug. She blushed and I pulled away.

''Hm... I've got one thing for you to do...'' Emily said, smirking.

''What?'' I asked.

''Pick up all the muffins and apologize to that janitor who is coming from right behind you and looks like he wants to murder you.'' Emily said and I turned around. There was the janitor, glaring at me like I just killed his dog or something. I gulped. ''You cheeky little...''

''Good luck!'' Emily winked and ran off, laughing.


Hm... hope you all enjoyed this chapter... :)

This isn't the end I assure you... there's one more chapter to come

And sorry for any typos haha I've been speed typing for the whole dayyy

THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR THE READS AND VOTES THO PLUS THE NEVERENDING SUPPORT... I'm sooo glad to have you guys encouraging me to write on...


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