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Y/n's POV

''You'll be in the same school as Lena, isn't that great?'' Mom exclaimed when the four of you were having dinner. Lena glared at you and you kept your eyes on your rice. ''Lena, remember to show your new sister around the school, will you?'' Stepdad asked and Lena immediately showed a charming smile. ''Of course I will, daddy.'' ''School will start tomorrow, is that fine with you, y/n?'' Stepdad asked, and you showed the best smile you could muster. ''Of course.''

You woke up to the sound of your annoying alarm clock. You took a quuck shower and put on your uniform. Facing the mirror, you smoothed the edge of your skirt and smiled. You then walked down the stairs for breakfast. ''Morning!'' You said cheerfully but Lena didn't even look at you. ''Morning miss! Have some oatmeal before you go. The chauffeur will be ready in fifteen minutes.'' You thanked the maid and quickly finished the oatmeal. It tasted nice.

When you arrived at school, everyone started gathering around the limousine. ''Lena! Lena!'' The boys were screaming. So Lena must be popular, you thought. Lena was waving and smiling proudly. But then a boy noticed you and started pointing. You silently followed Lena, staring at the floor, as you pushed past the huge crowd of noisy boys and into the school building. As soon as you entered the building, Lena dodged tactfully from the boys and into a dark corner, turned and glared at you. ''Don't. Follow. Me. Loser.'' She spat and walked off.

You stood there in shock. You didn't know where you were. You wandered around the empty corridor until you saw two girls. They stared at you weirdly. ''Who are you?'' One girl asked. ''My name is y/n. I'm 15. I'm new to this school... can you please tell me where this is? I think I'm lost...'' ''Oh hi I'm Amanda and she's Emily.'' Amanda said, pointing to the girl next to her, who smiled and nodded. ''Nice to meet you, y/n. You're on the first floor, next to the library. We're 15 too, which class are you in?'' You showed her the slip that the school had mailed to you. ''Same class! Wow! New classmate!'' Amanda squealed and hugged you enthusiastically. You smiled as you walked off with your two new friends.

''Its nice to be in the same class...'' Emily said. ''The most handsome guys in the form are all in our class.'' You noticed both of them were blushing. ''Oh really?'' ''There is a famous band called TFBOYS and all three members are in our class.'' ''Wow...'' you said, amazed. Before you could discuss more with them, the bell rang, inidicating that lessons were starting.

Students rushed back to their classes and you stood outside my classroom, waiting for the teacher to call you in. ''Good morning class, today we've got a new classmate and she is.. y/n!'' Everyone clapped politely as you entered. Everyone clapped except Lena, who folded her arms and refused to look at you. ''Hi everyone my name is y/n and I'm 15. I come from Singapore.'' The teacher nodded. ''Now you may take your seat next to...'' the teacher scanned the classroom but her gaze landed on Lena. ''Miss Lena please go back to your seat.'' She said sternly and Lena, pushing the chair forward in a temper, glared at you before walking to the other side of the classroom angrily. ''You may take your seat beside Karry. Karry Wang, raise your hand please.'' I'm taking the seat that Lena just sat on, you thought to yourself. You walked over and noticed that all eyes were on you. The boys were staring and the girls glaring.

Karry's POV

I sighed in relief when Lena finally walked back to her seat. Thank goodness the teacher saw her or else I'd be stuck with her for the whole day. Y/n had finished introducing herself.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. ''Do you think she's pretty?'' Wang Yuan whispered behind me. I turned and looked at him. His cheeks were flushed with excitement. Qian Xi, who sat next to Wang Yuan, was staring fixedly at y/n. ''Yeah she looks nice.'' I whispered back. ''But you aren't gonna date her anyways... Even though she's got the same name as your first love.'' Wang Yuan smirked. I was about to reply when the teacher called my name. I raised my hand and realised I was going to be y/n's seatmate. ''Lucky you.'' Wang Yuan said with a hint of jealousy in his voice and y/n slowly sat next to me.

Y/n's POV

You sat down next to a good-looking boy. ''Hi I'm y/n. Nice to meet you.'' You said nervously. ''I'm Wang Jun Kai and I'm 16. Call me Xiao Kai is fine too.'' Xiao Kai winked and you smiled and winked back jokily. ''Hi then Xiao Kai.'' He was about to say something when you felt a tap on your shoulder. ''I'm Wang Yuan and I'm 15. Hello y/n. Its a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can be friends.'' Wang Yuan beamed, giving you a goofy grin ''Sure.'' You giggled uncontrollably at his cuteness. ''I'm Qian Xi. Nice to meet you.'' The boy behind you said. You turned and met his gaze. He was cool, yet charming and handsome, you thought. Perhaps being in this school isn't that bad after all.

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