Lunch with TFBoys

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Y/n's POV

During Maths lesson, you were given a revision exercise. Maths wasn't your strongest subject, and you got stuck on the second question. ''Uh... Excuse me, Xiao Kai.. '' Xiao Kai looked up from the exercise. ''Yes?'' ''Do you know this question?'' You pointed, and he nodded. He leaned over, his shoulder touching your shoulder as he slowly explained. After his explanation, you finally understood. ''Thanks.'' You smiled, and you saw Xiao Kai blush as he turned away to his exercise book.

When recess came, girls rushed over and crowded around my seatmate and the two boys behind him. ''Come on, Karry, do you wanna have lunch with me?'' Lena said flirtatiously, in a syrupy voice that made you shiver. Suddenly a hand grabbed you, diverting your attention. ''Will you hang out with me?'' Said a boy. You have been unaware that you were also surrounded by a small group of boys. One boy was pulling your hand so hard. You tried to jerk away from him. But he was too strong.

''Hey! Daniel! Let her go!'' A voice yelled and pulled my hand away from Daniel's. You turned and saw Wang Yuan. ''Come on y/n let's go. I promised you a tour around the school, remember?'' Wang Yuan held your hand and together, you two barged through the crowd and out the classroom.

''Thanks so much.'' You said as soon as we got out of the classroom. ''You're welcome.'' Wang Yuan said. You noticed that you was still holding his hand and wanted to pull away. But Wang Yuan clutched your hand tighter. ''I think you really need a tour around the school.'' He winked and you laughed happily. ''Then let's go!'' Wang Yuan pulled your hand and ran around the school, still holding your hand.

Karry's POV

Y/n was in trouble. Daniel was pulling her hand too roughly. ''Karry...'' Lena said, touching my face and I swatted her hand away, annoyed. I was about to help y/n but Wang Yuan beat me to it. He pulled y/n out the classroom with every boy, including me, staring after them.

''Qian Xi! Let's go!'' Qian Xi nodded and made his way out. ''Excuse me.'' I muttered to Lena, and shook her hand off when she clung to my arm. When me and Qian Xi finally pushed our way out of the classroom, those two were nowhere to be seen. I felt a pang of jealousy. Wait... What are you thinking Wang Jun Kai! You can't fall in love with her!


Y/n's POV

The bell rang for lunchtime. ''Let's eat together y/n.'' Wang Yuan suggested as soon as the bell stopped ringing. ''Sure.'' You grinned, ''but can I bring along my friends too?'' ''Sure.'' Xiao Kai said, and you called them over. ''Amanda! Emily! Come on! Let's eat together!''

They looked shocked. ''With them?'' They pointed at Xiao Kai, Wang Yuan and Qian Xi. ''Yeah, what's wrong?'' You asked. ''N... Nothing...'' Amanda stammered, they were both blushing madly. What's wrong with those two?

''Do you know they are the most popular boys in this school? Oh y/n you're so lucky!'' Amanda whisper-screamed into your ear happily as we followed the three boys into the canteen. Wang Yuan was getting smacked on the head the fourth time on their way to the canteen. Qian Xi was laughing, which you thought was fascinating simce you haven't seen him smile before.

''They are WHAT?'' You asked Amanda in surprise. Apparently you were a little too loud, as the three boys turned at your voice. ''You okay?'' Xiao Kai asked, and you nodded, embarrassed.

''Who do you like most?'' You whispered to Amanda. ''Qian Xi of course! He's cool, but that makes him even more handsome and he gets good grades!'' You nodded. ''Well, I like Wang Yuan. He's adorable and sunny. Don't you think so?'' Emily said dreamily. ''How about you? Who do you like?'' Amanda suddenly asked you. ''I don't know...'' you replied.

''Come on, snails!'' Wang Yuan teased and you realised they had already sat down. The six of you sat with girls on one side and boys on the other. You brought your own sandwich to eat. The rest went to buy food. The three boys came back quickly. ''Wow... Don't you three have to queue?'' You asked. ''Nah. People just let us go first.'' Wang Yuan replied. ''I heard that you three are famous?'' You asked again, taking another bite off your sandwich. ''Yeah. We three are The Fighting Boys, also known as Tfboys. We're quite a famous band in China.'' Wang Yuan announced proudly, and you nodded, smiling.

When Amanda and Emily came back, the six of you started talking like you've known each other for ages. Amanda, who was a dancing queen, discussed with Qian Xi about some dancing competition and the rest of you were joking around. ''Hey!'' Xiao Kai complained when Wang Yuan took a spoonful of his corn. ''So why did you move here, y/n?'' Wang Yuan quickly asked, ducking from another smack on the head. His question landed all the attention on me and Xiao Kai stopped hitting Wang Yuan and turned to face me too.

Karry's POV

''So why did you move here, y/n?'' Wang Yuan asked. I gave him one last smack and turned to y/n. She shifted on her seat and looked a bit uncomfortable. ''Um... My father died when I was five, and then my mom met this guy at dad's funeral, who was Lena's father.'' She paused and looked at Lena. We all turned and saw Lena leaning across the table snatching another girl's bag of chips but when she saw us staring, she immediately sat down, smoothed her skirt, and gave a bright smile. ''Well, my mom fell in love with her dad. My mom have planned to come here a long time ago, but I just wouldn't leave... Because... There are many things I couldn't leave behind...'' ''Such as?'' Wang Yuan asked curiously.

She thought for a minute, her eyes gazing at a distance.

''Friends.'' She said finally. We ate silently and said no more.



Thank you guys for reading... I hope you don't think its boring.. :D

And thanks so much for voting! Your votes mean a lot to me...

Sorry for any typos and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapters, feel free to pm me ;)

Kerry ^^

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