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Amanda's POV

Something was definitely wrong. Lena looked like a guilty little mouse under my hot stare.

''Wh... what?'' Lena uttered, trying to look annoyed but instead looked even more scared.

''What have you done to y/n?'' I demanded angrily, making everyone jump. ''Whoa Amanda calm down... Are you sure?'' Qian Xi, who was suddenly standing beside me, said.

''I think... she's right.'' Xiao Kai said slowly, startling us. ''How do you know? What do you mean?'' Wang Yuan said.

''Did you hurt y/n?'' I asked, glaring at Lena, with tears suddenly forming in my eyes.

''I... I don't know what you're talking about...'' Lena muttered, and sent me hysterical.

''WHY DO YOU HATE HER SO MUCH? WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?'' I screamed, running over to slap her but I was held back by a warm pair of arms. I was crying hard, if Lena was involved, then y/n was in serious danger.

Karry's POV

Wang Yuan and I stared at Amanda in surprise, who was crying with Qian Xi hugging her and calming her down. I narrowed my eyes at Lena. She gulped. ''Where's y/n?'' I asked. Even I was taken back by how angry my voice sounded.

Lena's lips suddenly curled up into an evil smile. ''Y/n? That little loser? I can tell you where she is now, she's probably fainted. I don't want her dead yet, this sister is so fun to play with.'' She said, looking at her nails and returning to her arrogant self. ''Where... where'd you hide her?'' Wang Yuan said, his voice trembling with fear. ''Oh well, if you figured out I've hid her, you might as well find her yourselves.'' Lena said, standing up to leave.

But then my dream flashed back into my mind. Y/n had fainted in the dream and... Room 109. Could it be... ''I think I know!'' I suddenly burst out.

Amanda's POV

''I think I know!'' Xiao Kai suddenly said. Everyone turned to face him, even Lena's minions. They all looked a little guilty, which meant they probably knew where y/n was.

But Xiao Kai had dashed out the classroom, with Wang Yuan following and shouting ''Where're you going?''

Karry's POV

Room 109. Room 109. It definitely isn't a classroom, I thought as I ran past the corridor, glimpsing the room numbers as fast as I could. Wang Yuan was following behind, not knowing what I was doing. ''What are you finding Jun kai? Tell me I want to help y/n too.'' ''Do you know room 109?''

''Why yes its the storeroom isn't it?'' Wang Yuan said, gasping for breath. Storeroom. I broke into a run. The storeroom was at the far corner of the first floor. ''Y/n?'' I said as I tried opening the storeroom door. It was locked, as I've guessed. ''Wang Yuan... Xiao Kai... Help... Me...'' I recalled and with a burst of energy, I kicked open the door.

''Woah Xiao Kai be careful.. you have low blood sugar. Don't use too much energy...'' Wang Yuan warned, but I ignored him.

Y/n was on the floor, her back facing up. ''Y/n...?'' Wang Yuan said, surprised. ''Xiao Kai how did you know...''

I checked y/n's pulse. It was weak. ''Wang Yuan call the nurse now!'' He ran off without another word. ''Y/n its okay I'm here...'' I whispered into her ear.

Amanda's POV

''Where did Wang Yuan and Jun Kai go?'' I asked Qian Xi, as soon as I broke free from his arms. ''Calm down and I'll tell you.'' He said sternly and I did. ''Now tell me where they went.'' I demanded. Qian Xi sighed. ''I don't know.'' I hit him hard on the chest. ''You liar!''

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