Wanna Be My Girlfriend?

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Y/n's POV

The rain still hasn't stopped. But the thunder did, much to your relief. You and the three boys finally decided to finish the homework. That's when you got a call from your mom. ''Y/n are you okay? There's a serious flood outside our house and...''

''Mom? I'm fine, don't worry. I'll come home as soon as the rain stops and the cars can move.'' ''Okay... but can I speak to someone from that house you're staying from?'' ''Uh wait...'' without thinking, you stuffed the phone into Xiao Kai's ear. You mouthed 'mom' to him and he nodded. ''Hello Auntie...'' he said, getting up from the dining table and walking out to the living room.

''Who was thag y/n?'' Wang Yuan asked. ''My mom. She wants to speak with one of you to confirm my safety.'' ''Oh,'' Wang Yuan said, ''Lucky you didn't give the phone to me or else, judging from my words, your mom would think you're in danger!'' You laughed and smacked him on the arm. ''Of course! You speak too much nonsense!'' You both laughed and continued your homework.

Karry's POV

''Hello Auntie?'' I resist from adding the word 'Liza'. ''Hello thank you for taking care of my daughter...'' ''You're welcome and don't worry we'll take good care of her and bring her back when the rain stops.''

''Thank you so much... what's your name?''

''Wang Jun Kai.''

''Okay then thanks Jun Kai. I wonder why this name sounds so familiar... Bye!''

I walked back to see y/n and Wang Yuan bickering over something again. I handed the phone back to y/n and she thanked me, smiling. She's so cute. I thought to myself. I dragged Wang Yuan out of his seat. ''I got something to tell you come on...''

Y/n's POV

Xiao Kai dragged Wang Yuan away. ''I got something to tell you come on...'' with that, you were left with Qian Xi.

''How are you and Amanda? When are you two gonna be together?'' You burst out, unable to hide your excitement anymore. Amanda had told you and Emily that Qian Xi and her have been texting frequently, and you had told her Qian Xi liked her too.

''Well, we're fine... And who said we're gonna be together?'' Qian Xi said, blushing and looking away. You smirked and the two of you continued your work, with you texting under the table:
To: Amanda
From: y/n

Karry's POV

''I got something to tell you...''

''Must be something related to y/n.''

''Yes, how...''

''Saw you two kissing this morning.'' Wang Yuan said, slamming the door of my room behind him. ''You can't fall in love with her because she has the same name as your first crush! You met so many girls with the same name before but... why her? You know I like her too right?''

''Of course I know... Everyone knows you like her I'm just asking...''

''What? For me to give y/n to you? No way! Stay loyal to your first crush as you always do, for God's sake!''

''What if I tell you she is my first crush?''

''WHAT?'' Wang Yuan's jaw dropped.

''I don't even know why I'm telling you this but...'' I told him about the necklace, of how the keyhole and the heart fitted perfectly. He listened silently, and then, he laughed.

''You know there are other girls with the same necklace right? A necklace can't prove everything...''

''Fine. How about the fact that she's also scared of thunder?''

''A lot of girls are. And I'm not budging anyway. If you like her, go for her. I can't stop you. But in the end, let her choose, to be fair.'' Wang Yuan said, before storming out of my room.

Y/n's POV

Wang Yuan came out first, looking furious. He went into his room and slammed the door. Qian Xi and you looked at each other, confused. ''Shall I go up and... see what happened?'' Qian Xi shook his head. ''No. Leave them be. They usually make up with each other before dawn. ''Okay then.'' You nodded and smiled.

You finally finished your homework, with some help from Qian Xi. You ran up to Wang Yuan's room without hesitation! ''Wang Yuan guess what I finished my homework before you!'' You announced proudly, bursting through the door. But when you saw Wang Yuan, you noticed that he wasn't smiling.

''What's wrong? Did you argue with Xiao Kai?''

''Y/n listen to me...'' he said and turned to you. You stared back at him intently. ''What?'' He took a deep breath and began. ''I've liked you since I first met you, even if its only a few days ago. I fell in love with your heart-warming smile, and your bubbly personality. With you there the whole room seems to have lightened up. I just... I don't know why but there's a weird feeling that I've never felt before. I blush whenever you touch me, and my heart beat faster when you are around. I... I like you, y/n... will you be my girlfriend?'' He blurted out, surprising me. ''What happened to the bubbly Wang Yuan? Why are you suddenly so serious? Its scary...'' you laughed nervously. ''Y/n...'' he said, his eyes staring into you, making you heat up. ''I... Maybe...'' ''Say yes please say yes I really wanna hang out with you and it could just be a few days... If you don't like it then we can.. break up or something. Just... Give it a try?'' Wang Yuan begged, and you thought over it. Having him around is fun, but as a boyfriend... ''Uh okay... I'll just try.'' You finally uttered out, and Wang Yuan gave you a bone-crushing hug. ''Yayyyyyy!'' He screamed happily and ran out of his room. ''I got a girlfriend! Quicker than you two! Ha!'' He shouted, running around the house. You blushed and laughed.


Sorry for not updating earlier as I'm in this camp where WiFi is so unstable and Wattpad keeps deleting my story... I'll try my best to update, I promise.

Please tell me if you see any unreasonable typos or if you got new ideas, pleaseeeee comment.

Oh and a million thanks to the votes and reads! They really mean a lot to me... and hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Kerry ^^

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