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Y/n's POV

We had to go to school the next day. You arrived earlier with Lena as she had something 'urgent' to do. But you saw her whatsapping one of her 'minions' that she was coming and their plan is gonna succeed, whatever the plan was.

She got off from the limousine and disappeared from sight. You walked back to the classroom and sat down on your seat next to Xiao Kai. You were the only one in the classroom. You took out your phone and checked it. No miss calls or messages. Good. You texted my boyfriend.

To: Wang Yuan
Frm: y/n
Hey boyfriend, where are u? I'm at school already...

Wang Yuan: So early? What are ya doing?

You: sitting in the classroom waiting until I die of boredom.

Wang Yuan: do you want me to come and stay with you? *smirk*

Suddenly you heard a shout from outside. More like, a high pitched scream. Suddenly alert, you placed your phone on the table and walked out of the classroom.

You saw Lena in the hallway, looking scared. ''Y/n...'' she said with a trembling voice. ''What happened?'' You asked her, surprised by her state. ''Some... someone's hurt.'' She uttered. ''Where?'' You asked and she immediately pulled you to the door of a storeroom. You smelled something fishy but you brushed it off. ''Inside?'' You asked Lena, and she nodded, her eyes bulging out like an insect's and staring at you.

''Okay...'' you said and stepped into the storeroom. ''There's no...'' you felt a huge impact on your head and collapsed to the floor. You struggled hard to keep conscious. Lena gasped. ''I'm so sorry y/n I didn't mean to hit you that hard...'' trembling, she slammed the door behind her and you heard the lock click. ''Wang Yuan... Xiao Kai... Help... Me...'' you slurred, and then you lounged into darkness.

Lena's POV

I really didn't mean to whack her with the broom that hard. I really didn't. I just wanted her to faint for a while. I checked the schedule and the earliest class that needed to go to the storeroom was during late afternoon. She'll be fine, I comforted myself. I walked away from the storeroom, to tell my friends that my plan had succeeded.

Karry's POV

Y/n was stuck in a dark, dark place. There was nobody else, only her. ''Wang Yuan... Xiao Kai... Help... me...'' she rasped, her eyes pleading and her voice trembling. Suddenly she stopped and her head hit the ground. Suddenly the vision changed and 'Room 109' appeared.

''Y/N!'' I jolted awake. It was only just a dream, whew. But then, why do I have an unsettling feeling about this? I looked at my clock and realised my alarm was just about to ring. I turned it off and sat groggily on the bed. I picked up my phone and dialled y/n's number. She didn't answer. It was a normal thing. She probably had her phone stuffed at the bottom of her school bag all the time, but this time I didn't know why. I was worried. I hopped off the bed to wake the other two. ''Wang Yuan! Qian Xi! Wake up! We need to...'' I burst into Wang Yuan's room first as I knew he was easier to wake. To my surprise, he was sitting on the bed, staring at his phone and frowning.

''Woah why are you up so early?''

''Y/n's been texting me.''

''She is?'' I asked sharply, noting the jealousy in my voice.

''Yeah.'' Wang Yuan winced, ''but she suddenly went offline. How weird.''

''Lemme see.'' I said, snatching the phone from Wang Yuan and reading their conversation. I felt my heart ache at how sweet they sounded. But then, their conversation ended with Wang Yuan's question hanging in the air unanswered.

''Perhaps she doesn't want you with her.'' I said, and Wang Yuan looked hurt. ''No of course not. Perhaps she has something urgent to do...'' ''Something more urgent than replying her boyfriend?'' I cut in and Wang Yuan looked devastated. ''Look Xiao Kai will you shut up? Its mine and her business, not yours.'' I felt a stab in my heart. Wang Yuan and I haven't argued like this for so many years. We faced problems together, and knew each other's secrets. Now he says its none of my business. I turned to leave his room. ''Where're you going Xiao Kai?'' He asked.

''To find y/n of course. If you aren't taking this chance to stay with her for a while more, I am.''

Qian Xi's POV

I woke up not to my alarm clock, but to a vigorous jerking and pulling that nearly shook my head off. ''What on Earth?'' I growled, opening my eyes and seeing Wang Yuan pulling my leg and Xiao Kai shaking my body with all his might. ''Wake up we need to go to school!'' Wang Yuan yelled, pulling away my blanket. I clasped to it tightly, and Wang Yuan gave up.

''We need to get to school. Quick...'' Xiao Kai said but was cut off by Wang Yuan. ''Amanda's there too quick!''

I immediately sat up on my bed. ''Now that was fun.'' Wang Yuan smirked and the two of them started laughing.

Karry's POV

We finally got Qian Xi to wake up. We hastily had breakfast, with Wang Yuan and I scoffing down our oatmeal within record's time. We dashed up the van. Wang Yuan looked excited but I had a bad feeling about it. When we finally reached our classroom, y/n wasn't there. Her school bag was on her chair and her phone on the table. Lena was already back, and a group of her friends too. When Lena saw us her face turned a bit white.

''Er hi Karry... Why are you so early today?'' She asked, twisting her ponytail nervously. Her group of friends were looking away, unable to meet our gaze. Something's wrong, I sensed.

''Hello Lena have you seen your stepsister anywhere?'' Wang Yuan asked. Something flickered across Lena's eyes. Was it fear or regret? But it disappeared as fast as it came. ''Well, no. She's disappeared right after she ran off the limo.'' ''Oh.'' Wang Yuan said, disappointed.

''But I thought y/n said she was sitting in the classroom waiting until she died of boredom.'' I suddenly recalled the text messages she sent to Wang Yuan, stil feeling a bit hurt. Wang Yuan nodded. ''Yeah. She said she was in the classroom...'' ''Can someone tell me what's happening now? Where's Amanda?'' Qian Xi asked, confused.

''Did someone just call me?'' Said a voice from behind. We all turned and saw Amanda coming in. Qian Xi's cheeks were flushed and Wang Yuan and I exchanged a knowing smirk. ''Oooh y/n's back where's she?'' Amanda asked, noticing y/n's school bag and turning to ask us.

''We were wondering too.'' Wang Yuan said, but Amanda wasn't staring at us. Instead, she was glaring at Lena, who had turned pallid.


Oh my goodness thank you so much for 500 reads I'm sooo happy that I've decided to post this extra chapter... :)

Hope you will enjoy reading this book!

Kerry ^^

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