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Y/n's POV

''Sorry we should have come to help you but the teacher refused to excuse us...'' ''Oh well, you've been such a nice friend to me...'' Amanda grinned widely and said, ''My pleasure. Oh and I can't believe you missed Lena's face when the teacher said Karry will take care of you...''

School has ended, and you were dreading to go home. ''I've got a dance practise, y/n I'm sorry...'' Amanda said, when you asked if you could go to her home. You smiled reassuringly at her. ''Its okay... I'll ask Emily...''

''Go to our house, y/n.'' You turned and saw Xiao Kai, his face red. You pondered for a second. ''But will Wang Yuan or Qian Xi mind?'' ''Of course not! They would even be happy! Come on, y/n, let's go. Our car's this way.'' You slowly nodded. You didn't want to go home and see Lena or your stepdad anyway. You limped a but at a time, leaning on Xiao Kai to keep your balance. Xiao Kai noticed that you were having a hard time. He sighed and bent down in front of you. ''Climb on, y/n. I'll give you a piggyback ride to the car.'' You hesitated and he pushed you onto his back and carried you up. ''Oh aren't you light.'' Xiao Kai said. You hands were wrapped around his neck tightly to avoid falling. ''But can you release my neck I'm close to choking and dying now.'' You immediately loosened your hands. ''Oh sorry.'' You laughed, and he chuckled too, shaking a little.

''We're there.'' Xiao Kai said, and you saw a black van in front of you. Xiao Kai put you down. ''Do I need to carry you up there?'' He asked, smirking. You shook your head and gave a mock glare. You grasped the bar and eased yourself up onto the van. But then your grip loosened and you fell backwards. You screamed but a pair of arms caught you before you fell to eternal death.

''I told you to be careful...'' You stared into Xiao Kai's taunting brown eyes. He carried you up the empty van. ''Where are the other two?'' Xiao Kai muttered as he gently lowered you onto a seat and sat beside you.

As if on cue, Wang Yuan jumped onto the van, screaming and laughing, followed by Qian Xi, who was grinning mischievously. Qian Xi was tickling Wang Yuan until they both saw me. ''Oh hi y/n! You're coming to our home? That's great news!'' Wang Yuan beamed, and Qian Xi smiled at you. ''Are you okay now?'' Wang Yuan climbed to the seat in front of yours and turned to face you. ''Are you okay? You had a pretty bad fall this afternoon...'' ''Yeah I'm fine, thanks to this guy!'' You laughed brightly, nudging Xiao Kai who was trying to sleep. He instantly woke up and Qian Xi and Wang Yuan laughed.

''What's so funny?'' He moaned as he lowered his black cap over his face. You woke up with your head on Xiao Kai's shoulder. You immediately sat up and blushed. You carelessly aroused Xiao Kai too. He scratched his head and asked, ''Are we there?'' ''YES!'' Wang Yuan yelled, surprising you. ''Now get off! I can't wait to show y/n around the house!'' He said enthusiastically and you gave him a sleepy , making him blush.

''Here's the gym room, game room, indoor pool and yadayada.'' Wang Yuan rolled his eyes and pouted, making you giggle. ''And here's... MY ROOM!'' He pushed open a door, revealing a messy room with clothing and sheets of papers and books scattered everywhere. ''Wow...'' ''Uh... Sorry if its too messy I tried cleaning up once but it became like this again the next day.'' You laughed at him and he hit you on the arm playfully.

''Come down to do homework! Or else we'll never finish them! Especially you, Wang Yuan!'' Xiao Kai suddenly called, and you quickly hopped down the stairs with Wang Yuan keeping a close eye on you. You sat between Wang Yuan and Xiao Kai on the dining table. ''Math!'' You groaned, as you took out the sheet of exercise from your school bag. ''I can teach you.'' Xiao Kai winked at you. You giggled and shifted closer to him. ''You're gonna teach me the whole thing.'' You smirked.

''Um guys I don't think we'll need to finish the homework...'' Qian Xi said, with a TV remote in his hand. ''Why?'' Wang Yuan said, and you pulled away from Xiao Kai, sitting up straight. ''Go see the news.'' Xiao Kai and Wang Yuan pushee back their chairs and raced to the living room. But a while later Wang Yuan stopped and ran to you. He scooped you up and ran after Xiao Kai. ''You aren't as heavy as I expected...'' ''What? Do you think I'm that fat?'' You asked, pouting and hitting him playfully on the chest. ''Ouch!'' He pretended to wince. ''Here you go!'' He said and dumped you on a soft sofa. And you fell in next to Xiao Kai, who was watching the TV screen.

''Wow.. that's a heavy rainfall... Many places in China are flooded.'' Xiao Kai said. ''Its flooding outside too!'' Qian Xi shouted, peeking through the curtains.

''Uh... will there be lightening?'' You ask nervously.

Karry's POV

There was a heavy rainfall in the whole of China. It was even flooding outside our house.

''Uh... Will there be lightening?'' Y/n asked worriedly beside me. ''Probably yes.'' Qian Xi replied. I felt her stiffen beside me. ''Y/n I think you can't go home with this weather... How about you stay the night here? We have a guestroom...''

''Oh yes Yayyyy!'' Wang Yuan jumped up in excitement, diverting y/n's attention. I groaned and gave him a quick glare. Why does he have to ruin every single moment I have with y/n? It not that I like her but... I just don't know.

Wang Yuan was already leading her to the guestroom, or more like, carrying her. Y/n was laughing and wriggling around in Wang Yuan's arms. I just don't like seeing her with other boys. I'm protecting her, as her friend.

Y/n's POV

Wang Yuan carried me to the guestroom and dumped me on the bed. I pulled him down too and he yelped and fell next to me. The two of you looked at each other and grinned. Wang Yuan got up first, blushing and scratching his head. ''Um... I'll leave you to notify your parents first, okay?'' You nodded, and he left your room, closing the door behind him.

''Hi mom...''

''Y/n where are you? We've been worried sick! Lena couldn't find you after school and...''

''Whoa did she even want to find me? She wad the one who pushed me and made me twist my ankle.''

''Y/n... It must have been a mistake. Lena wouldn't do things like that she's your sweet sister...''

''I'm just calling to tell you I'll be sleeping at my friend's home for tonight. No need to worry about me. Bye.'' You said, ending the call and throwing your phone on your bed in frustration.

At the same time, someone knocked on your door. ''You don't needa knock. Just come in.'' And Xiao Kai entered your room, still drying his hair with a towel. ''Do you wanna take bath first? Those two are playing video games...'' You looked around, troubled. ''I don't even have clothes.''

''You could borrow mine, I have a lot of extra tshirts.'' ''Oh thanks Xiao Kai!'' You said to him gratefully, dramatically blowing him a kiss. His face turned tomato red. ''I... I'll take it for you now.'' He said, and ran out the room.



Thanks so much for the reads, votes and support! I can't believe I could get 100 reads... *sobs and grabs for tissue box*

I know there might be a lot of typos... I'm sorry Hehe and its probably a bit boring...

I'll try my best to update more frequently and yeah, thanks so much!

Kerry ^^

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