Day One

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Newt's POV

My alarm clock screams at me to wake up, like it does every morning, waking up the empty apartment that I live in.I grab my iPhone turning the alarm clock off and checking my snapchat, great Minho is being a sassy idiot as usual, spamming me with selfies and a crown emoji placed on his head. I smile at his idiotic behaviour but Minho isn't Minho without the sass and idiocy. I check my other friend's stories, nothing happening, I go on my messages and find a spam of messages from Minho telling me to call him Sir Minho. I place my phone down and rub my eyes, I eventually kick my covers off of my sweaty body, leaving my happiness behind in the bed I drag myself to the bathroom and turn on the shower, almost falling asleep again, I undress and climb in my jump back out as the water is so hot, I climb back in the water at normal temperature and wash myself, my hair being no longer greasy I climb out of the shower and wrap my towel around myself. Yay I'm not tired anymore, I walk into the kitchen it's actually clean conisdering how messy my room is, I walk over and do what I do every morning, everyday make a cup of tea,

"How bloody british." I mutter to myself, I wait for the kettle to pop signalling it's boiled the water, I check the cupboard, where are the tea bags? Don't tell me i've run out, I take everything out of the cupboard and find an empty box where the tea bags should be,

"Crap!" I mumble, I rush into my room and get dressed, my hair still wet, I quickly get my towel and ruffle my hair with it, it half dries after a minute of ruffling, I brush it through but give up and push it to the side. I look at myself in the mirror, I look okay, a plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black vans. I go to my front door and grab my keys and leather jacket. A couple of quid in my pocket (quid is another term for pounds, as in if I said I have a couple of quid it means I have a few pounds), I then go outside, the hallway is clear, most people probably still sleeping at it is 8:17am on a Saturday, I'm not much of a sleeper. I lock the door to my apartment and make my way down the flights of stairs and walk outside, the cold wind hitting me like a slap in the face, typical London. No- typical England. I walk to my motorbike hands in pockets and get my keys out, shivering from the cold making my hands stiff, I climb on my bike, I turn it on my hands still stiff, I blow on them, my breath turning into mist in the cold. Finally they warm up and I drive to the nearest open cafe, I park my motorbike and go inside, it's warm and has a homey feeling, I take a seat at the table in the corner and get out my phone,

Snapchat from The Sassy Ass. I swipe the screen and look at the picture, yay it's a selfie of him 'just woke up' it says, I send him a picture back saying 'I don't give a shit.' he texts me and I open messages.

TSA *The sassy ass* : Y u gotta b so rude? Don't u kno Im human 2.

Me: First of all talk to me in correct grammar and not shucking text language and second why should I care if you have just woken up?

TSA: Y is Newtie so rude? Is it tht time of da month? I roll my eyes, that's Minho making his usual non funny jokes.

Me: Yes because I'm a girl and I am on my period every day when you text me it's not at all because you're annoying.

TSA: Me? Annoying? Wht u on about m8?

Me: Oh fuck you.

TSA: Rude much!

Me: Go away,

TSA: Fine I'll jst txt otha gurls who arent boring af.

I put my phone away and walk up to the counter where a young lady is standing there, she is maybe 19 and has long blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes, she is very pretty but I'm not attracted to her considering I'm gay.

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