Day Two (Part 2)

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Newt's POV

We pull up to the party, after singing along to every song and, no not singing, yelling to every song and laughing. Me and Tommy tease them and laugh about it, I look at Tommy, his face is so cute, Newt shut up what the heck? I smile and get out of the car, Minho rushes round and opens the door for Teresa, I roll my eyes and he takes her hand like they did in the old days and helps her out, bowing down and kissing her hand. She giggles,

"Yeah totally not in love!" I exclaim, Minho scrambles to stand up straight blushing and brushes his hands down. Teresa looks at the floor, we all follow Tommy into the party and instantly are surrounded by drunk couples making out and sweaty bodies jumping to the music.We go outside and see loads of people in the pool.

"Now this is a party!" Minho shouts over the music, stripping down to his swimming trunks, Teresa's eyes widen at his abs making me burst out laughing. They both look at me and I stop and bite my lip,

"Sorry, your face was just." I laugh and then the rest of us get undressed till we are just in our swimming trunks or in Teresa's case her bikini.

"So you found that funny?" Minho aks me grinning, I nod, Minho looks at Teresa and nods then they turn to me smirking.

"Well maybe you'll find this just as funny." Teresa laughs then pushes me into the pool, I swim to the top coughing, I climb out, they are all laughing,

"Bloody hell, me drowning is now funny?" I kid around grinning and laughing with them,

"Aw is Newtie upset?" Tommy jokes and I play punch him. My exsposed arm showing my scars on my wrist,I pull my arm back and fold my arms, Thomas raises his eyebrows like Teresa,

"What?" I whisper,

"Where did you get them?" Thomas asks, I look at the floor, and put my shirt on and my jacket,
"It doesn't matter." I say, he reaches out I flinch away,

"Newt.." Teresa starts, I look up,

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" I half yell,

"Alright then, lets party!" Minho exclaims grabbing Teresa's and jumps into the pool with her, I turn to Tommy until a guy comes up to him and pecks his lips. Tommy takes his face and kisses him properly. I clear my throat and Thomas looks at me his cheeks flushed.

"Oh sorry Newt, this is Alex my boyfriend." He introduces me, I grit my teeth at the words my and boyfriend. I put on a smile.

"Hi." I snap my voice laced with venom I feel like my whole world is falling apart. I shouldn't care, it's not like he liked me in the first place. Alex raises his hand for me to shake but I stand there with my arms folded. Thomas shoots me a look and Alex brings his hand back and puts his arm around Thomas' waist.Making my heart drop.

"I'm gonna get a drink." I tell him through my gritted teeth, hatred burning like a fire in my voice. Then I turn on my heel and walk to the bar part, I scan it and then a bartender comes up to me.

"Whatcha lookin for?" He asks me, I look up at him,

"Give me the strongest thing you've got." I hiss and he nods then mixes a load of alchohol and hands it to me. I down it, the liquid burning my throat. Newt stop it you're gonna mess up. Fuck off brain. I snap at myself then get a refill and down it, my mind starting to get blury and nothing really makes sense.

I can't believe I thought he liked me.

I down another half of it,

I will never have anyone.

It's all gone and I refill,

His boyfriend is beautiful and hot and fit unlike you.

I down another glass then stumble to the dance floor and start dancing, soon someone joins me, I vaguely remembering them, probably from university.

"Hey Newt! It's me, Dan from uni, we were roomates." He shouts over the music, I rack my brain and remember him. I nod and smile,

"What you doing here?" I ask him, he grins,

"Every party is where I'm at." He replies making me giggle, I glance around and see Thomas making out with satan - I mean Alex. Dan follows my gaze,

"Heart crushed by your crush huh?" He asks me I turn back to him,

"You're spot on!" I exclaim laughing,

"I'll help you through this mate." He says and pats my shoulder making me giggle
"Thanks." I reply and start dancing, Don't comes on.
I grit my teeth, I look at Thomas and my heart aches, I see him make out with Alex and tears fill my eyes.
"I can't."I whisper my voice breaking and go up to Thomas.
"Sorry to interrupt your make out session but I'm leaving." I hiss and walk away pushing my way through the sweaty bodies.
Dont fuck with my love.
That lyric plays over in my mind, why should I care he is just another customer from the cinema. I let a couple of tears slip from my eyes, every thought, every foolish thought thinking me and Thomas could ever be together. You're so stupid you can't fall in love with a person from the cinema. But what about souls mates, clearly he isn't yours.
I feel someone grab my wrist and I turn back my eyes blurry from the tears but I make out Thomas' beautiful but concerned features.
"Get off me." I say he grips onto me,
"Newt what's wrong?" He asks concern flying out with his words, I struggle out of his grip,
"GET OFF ME!" I shriek and shock Thomas with my sudden outburst. I myself am shocked at my voice I never knew I had so much anger inside of me, right now I'm shaking and tears violently stream down my face, some people are staring at us and Thomas just stands there his eyes wide and Alex runs in,
"I heard yelling." He says innocently and wraps his arm protectively around Thomas' waist.
"Yes you did, I yelled because I got envious and upset and I'm just stupid and useless. Sorry I'm leaving I won't bother you." I say and turn and run out to the cab I called and get in it crying and shaking uncontrollably. What have I done? Fucked up. I hate myself. See this is why everyone hates me and why no one will ever love me. I won't be surprised if he never wants to speak to me again.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now