Day Twenty Four

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Thomas' POV

The brunette wakes up smiling to himself, he looks at the blonde beside him and admires his features. He lets his forefinger trace along the jawline of the blonde and then to his lips; he lets out a gentle sigh and bites his lip.
The blonde stirs in his sleep at the others touch. Thomas takes his hand away, wishing not to disturb the beauty in front of him. Newt opens his brown glossy eyes and looks at Thomas.
"Morning Tommy." He mumbles in his morning voice, which, Thomas found very attractive. A smile spreads across Thomas' face,
"Morning NewtieCutie." He replies , a giggle passes newt's lips, his cheeks going a rosy pink. Thomas grins and gently touches Newt's pink cheek and bites his lip. He was gentle, as if, if he was too hard, too rough, the blonde would fall apart in front of his eyes. Newt closes his eyes at Thomas' touch and he yawns a little, burying his face in Thomas' chest as he does. Thomas chuckles,
"You're adorable." He states as if it was a fact rather than an opinion, another giggles leaves Newt's lips and he cuddles into Thomas. Thomas wraps his arms gently but tightly around newt's skinny frame, kissing the top of the blondes head. Thomas grins,
"Newt is your hair secretly blonde clouds?" He laughs slightly, snuggling his face against the blondes hair. It's so soft! Like a teddy bear! Or a fluffy blanket! Or candy floss, except candy floss isn't that soft? Okay scratch the candy floss.

After an hour or so of just simple cuddling Thomas gets up,
"I'm hungry." He tells Newt, Newt looks up at Thomas,
"I'm bloody ravenous Tommy." He replies in his adorable, but sexy as hell accent. Thomas takes a second to simply admire the angel he has been blessed with. Then he walks to the kitchen and makes them a cheese and chorizo omelette, which actually turned out well. The blonde walks to the kitchen in his boxers which, once again, took Thomas' breath away, he passes newt his plate and then takes his own and sits on the sofa. He starts to eat and newt comes and sits on his lap while eating his own. He grins at Thomas cheekily. Thomas chuckles and shakes his head then carries on eating.
Once they have both finished the food which newt even complimented Thomas on, which did make Thomas go a light shade of red, newt clears the plates. Then he goes and sits on Thomas' lap once again. Thomas looks up at newt,
"What would you like to do today?" He asks Newt, Newt bites his lip for a moment looking his shirtless boyfriend up and down.
"You." He replies simply and smiles slightly, Thomas grins, yes of course he wants newt, God. He wants newt to scream his name. He wants to make newt feel pleasure. Yet, he doesn't want to do anything newt doesn't want to.
"Oh really?" Thomas asks and bites his lip. Newt nods,
"Tommy I want you right now." He says in reply and smashes his lips against Thomas', wrapping his arms around Thomas' neck as he does. Thomas melts into the kiss, his craving for newt growing as every second passes, he kisses back passionately and roughly, yet, gently. Thomas slides his hands to Newt's hips and pulls him closer, Newt presses their bodies together.
Thomas nips at newt's bottom lip, almost instantly newt opens his mouth to allow Thomas's tongue entrance. They both add tongue and Newt puts a hand on the back of Thomas' head to pull him harder into the kiss. Thomas picks Newt up as he stands and carries Newt to the bedroom, he carefully sits down with newt still on his lap. And the kiss hasn't broken once. The only time they pull away is for air, Thomas pulls away a little so their foreheads are still touching. Both their chests heaving up and down heavily, Newt's eyes meet Thomas'. Lust and love is what shows in both of their eyes, Thomas smiles a little at newt, newt looks so innocent and vulnerable yet, like a sex God. And Thomas was so attracted to him.

I know, I'm an inactive little hoe
I had many things happening and they stopped me from doing anything but worry and feel stressed. However I think it's sorted now, hopefully. Anyway, I'm back, with frequent updates, ily guys a lot.

I have kik. Woop. Come and socialise with me


Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now