Day Twenty Two

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Newt's POV

The next morning I phone Thomas around 9:30ish and it rings only once before he picks up,

"Hey Tommy." I starts and I can hear silence,

"Hi Newtie." Thomas says, almost whispering, he's trying to hide an emotion in his voice which doesn't sound positive. A frown carves itself into my face,

"What's wrong?" I ask him softly and I hear him stay silent,

"Nothing, I'm fine." He replies kinda quickly, I get even more worried and get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach,

"Tommy, don't lie to me." I reply, my voice laced in worry, I bite my lip, I hear him quietly sigh.

"I'm not Newt." He answers and I shake my head, I go and sit down on the couch,

"Thomas...." I trail off seriously,

"Look, everything is okay. I'm fine." He answers kinda seriously and I can almost feel him flinch after saying that loudly,

"Okay." I whisper,

"Newt. I'm sorry." He whispers, I shake my head,

"It's okay Tommy, do you wanna meet up today?" I ask him quietly, scared that he's gonna lash out at me.

"Yeah, of course. When do you wanna meet?" He asks and I shrug and realise he can't see,

"Well, I've got work today, until 10 so wanna meet after?" I ask him softly,

"Yeah sure, I'll see you then. Miss you. Bye." He says quickly and I can hear some footsteps / creaking in the background and he almost tripped over his words, as if he needed to finish the call quickly. I switch off my phone and then grab my hoodie, well Thomas' hoodie that he gave me. I smile to myself and in hale his smell - that sounds creepy but it smells so good. I walk out the door and then make my way to work.

Thomas' POV (again)

I quickly but the phone down and then hide it, I then turn around as my dad is coming upstairs, he then walks into my room slowly and I sit on my bed looking up at him. He looks down at me,

"I'm sorry son, last night I wasn't myself." He apologising like he does everytime he gets drunk. I nod and smile,

"It's okay." I mumble and nod, he walks over and goes to my desk, he then starts picking up my stuff. examining it for some reason.

"How bad was it last night?" He asks still with his back turned to me,

"Uhm- you, you hit me, threw a glass bottle at my back and I'll probably have scars, also you cut my face with a glass shard. And also you had the strippers again, and smoking." I answer quietly and look down,

"Son I'm sorry." He says in a broken hurt voice, I feel guilty now. Teresa just doesn't realise he's having a hard time,

"It's okay dad." I sigh and get up, he wraps his arms around me and it feels nice but he still stinks of nicotine and alcohol.

"Right, now, get ready and clean yourself up, Kaitlyn and her father are coming round." He orders happily, after pulling away, I frown and hug myself,

"Dad, you know I don't like girls....." I trail off, he sighs,

"Yes you do, you're just going through a stage." He states, as if it's a fact, I shake my head,

"No. I like boys." I answer and he frowns, his fists clenching.

"No. You. Don't. You. Like. Girls." He declares. I feel tears fill my eyes,

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now