Day Sixteen

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Newt's POV

I huff and wake up the next morning, in a different bed and remember what happened. Ugh. I frown and get up, I change into jeans and a tshirt and walk downstairs and see Minho eating at the island counter in the kitchen.

"Waddup home less boy." He jokes and I send his a spine shivering glare, he rolls his eyes and continues stuff the cereal down his gob, I huff an walk to the counter, I get a bowl of cereal, I then go and sit down at the table and pick at it. Finally when it gets soggy I put it on the side and walk back to my 'room.' I'm gonna find out why I got kicked out, ugh, I did not deserve it, it was unfair. I have paid bills, I have kept it clean and acceptable, I've followed every rule. I sigh and get dressed into some clothes that are already here from my previous stays (which have been so many that this is like my second home) and then brush my teeth. But then I become self conscious so I undress and shower, then I dress again. That's better.

I walk downstairs to see Minho taking shirtless selfies on his phone, I grin, I go to the kitchen and silently cover my hand in a blob of Newtella and then go to him, I run and when he is about to take the picture I slap the Newtella onto his face and laugh,

"NEWT YOU SHUCKFACE!" He screams and I take his phone and send it to everyone on his contact list on Snapchat, including Teresa. I then laugh and put his phone down, I take a look at him and it looks like I've just dunked a pile of klunk on his face. I can't help it but burst out laughing, he runs to the kitchen and comes back with a wad of Newtella on his hand,

"Minho no." I say and stop laughing, he smirks evilly,

"Minho yes." He answers and runs forward, I run away but my limp slows me down and it hurts so I stop. Instead I run to 'my room' and close the door in a rush, the slam echoing. I sit against it to hold him out, this is so childish and ridiculous.

"Newt. Open. The. Door." He orders,

"Nopeeee." I call back sweetly and he tries to push it open but he can't, I stand up, three, two, one, I open the door and he goes flying onto the bed. I run out and out the house,

"SEE YA LATER MIN-HOE!" I shout and then get on my motorbike, I drive to the apartment building and go inside, I walk towards the managers office and am about to go and knock when it starts to open, Thomas' girlfriend walks out.

"Bye bye daddy." She smiles and kisses the manager guy's cheek before walking off in her short pink skirt. It was her.

She got me kicked out! What a shucking bitch, I look at the manager, narrowing my eyes so much they are like two slits,

"So, I haven't payed my bills?" I ask rhetorically, and frown,

"Sir you have been kicked out, leave now." He says, I shake my head, idiot. I turn and walk off, how dare she. Come and ruin my life. How. Dare. She. I stomp out the building and see Kaitlyn making out with Thomas, although he looks slightly against it. I shake off the thought and push past them, maybe kicking Bitchlyn's heel on the way and snapping it. I smirk to myself and then walk to my motorbike. I get back to Minho's and it's eerily quiet. I check everything and there are no traps or pranks, fine, I decide to go and watch TV. I go downstairs and sit on his couch, it's so soft and amazing and bae.

Halfway through the movie Minho runs out from behind the TV and slaps me around the face with a massive lump of shaving cream in his hand. I gasp and get up,

"Told you; Minho yes." He smirks, I shake my head and flip him off before walking to the bathroom and cleaning up my face. I suddenly get a phonecall from Thomas. What? I decline it, he calls again, decline, calls again. This goes on for a while until I pick up,

"What?" I snap into the phone, I hear him sigh,

"Newt, I need to tell you something." He says quietly, I lean against the wall,

"What? That you're engaged to bit- I mean Kaitlyn and that you want me to be your bloody bridesmaid?" I hiss in reply, venom coating every syllable.

"No! Look listen to me." He starts but I cut him off,

"No! You listen to ME. How can you just one day start ignoring me?! How could you make out with a girl right in front of me?! After telling me you're gay and basically nearly having sex with me?! How can you break my heart into a million pieces and not give one damn?! HOW CAN YOU FUCKING HAVE THE NERVE TO CALL ME UP AND THINK THAT I'D BE OKAY?! I'M NOT OKAY TOMMY! YOU BROKE MY HEART, AND ME. YOU'VE DESTROYED ME, YOUR GIRLFRIEND GOT ME KICKED OUT OF MY BLOODY APARTMENT! SO HOW DARE YOU CALL ME UP ALL CALM AND EXPECT ME TO LET YOU EXPLAIN! THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLAIN! YOU CHEATED ON ME, BREAKING ME, DESTROYING ME, AND YOU COULDN'T GIVE ONE DAMN!" I end up shouting, while tears pour down my face, I'm so done, I hang up and lie in bed, throwing everything. I hate everthing right now. I cry into my pillow, the tears dampening it, until one spot is completely soaked. I end up crying myself to sleep, still having burning hatred for Thomas.

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