Day Nine

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Newt's POV

I panic when I wake up as I hear some sort of screeching then I realise it's my alarm clock, I sigh and switch it off then I slump back down burying my face in the pillow, when I hear another beep beep sound, I grab my phone but there is no alarm. I turn around and see Minho standing there grinning and screeching BEEP BEEP.

"MINHO WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" I yell and chuck my pillow poorly at him, he doesn't even have to dodge it as it goes so far from him with my crap throw. He grins even more and carries on screeching, I angrily get out of bed and roll, falling on the floor earning a laugh from Minho. I get up and run towards him, ignoring my limp, he sprints away and keeps screeching.

"SHUT UP YOU SHUCKFACE!" I shout as I chase him, he runs to the kitchen and grabs a frying pan, then he grabs a wooden spoon and starts hitting the frying pan,

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" He chants while marching around, I run my hand through my messy hair and huff,

"I'm awake." I say, he just glances at me,

"I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUU!" He mimics the pirate at the beginning of spongebob,

"I'M AWAKE!" I shriek, he stops and smirks at me,

"No need to get your panties in a twist." He coos and I restrain myself from slapping that smirk off his stupid face,

"You're the shuckiest shuck face the shucking world has ever seen." I grumble before trudging sleepily back to my room, I take a quick shower and get dressed into my black skinny jeans and my work t-shirt. I towel dry my hair and style it with my fingers then give up because it's useless. I sigh and grab my phone and then walk back to Minho,

"Hey girlfrienddddd!" He says in an American accent like the stereotypical girls in the highschool movies, I shake my head at him and he pretends to flip his hair at me giving me the 'too fabulous for you' look that he always gives me.

"I'm going to work." I inform him and then walk to the kitchen grabbing a granola bar, eh I'll be fine who needs proper meals anyway? Minho opens the front door and gestures for me to go first,

"Ladies first." He says sweetly, I raise an eyebrow, he sighs,

"Fine.... Age before beauty." He then gestures for me to go first,

"You're older than me you stupid shank." I grin and fold my arms,

"Beauty before Age then." He grins and then steps out of the door, smirking, I grab my motorbike keys and go downstairs, he runs downstairs, oh god he's hyper, what has he eaten today?!

"Minho calm down bloody hell." I groan as he rushes down the stairs, tripping over a few he gets to the bottom and turns to me his cheeks flushed he grins like a little kid who has just been given his pocket money for sweets.

"Beat you slow coach." He teases, sticking his tongue out. I get to the bottom and play punch him,

"You're such a jerk." I mumble and he hugs me, crushing me,

"BUT YOU LOOOOOOOVE ME!" He laughs, I try and gasp for air,

"Yes. I do. Now get off." I choke out, he lets me go and I go to my motorbike, I get on it and wait for him to get on aswell, he folds his arms,

"I don't approve of this." He states and I roll my eyes,

"Just get on the bloody bike." I order and he shakes his head,

"Nope, it's not safe, what if this work of art gets ruined?" He says smugly and gestures to himself,

"All I see is the draft that gets thrown away." I snap and pull him on the bike. He sits down and wraps his arms around me, I drive to the cinema and Minho is shrieking straight away from fear. I laugh a little and pull up to the cinema, I try and get off but Minho has a tight grip around me,

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now