Day Seven

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Newt's POV

I wake up the next morning turned on by a very sexual dream I had about Thomas. What is it with me? All of a sudden I want to shove him against a wall and kiss him deeply then rip his clothes off him and make him scream my name. What the hell? I'm not gonna deny that he is well hot. Newt shut up. Fine.

I get up and go and have a shower, I get out and slide a pair of boxers on when there's knock at the door, I sigh and walk to it and open it to see a very attractive Thomas standing there. He looks up at me and a smile tugs at his lips,

"Hey Tommy." I say happily,

"Uh- I just wanted to say sorry if I was inappropriate last night, I had a few drinks and lost all knowledge and let my body control itself." He apologises. Why is he apologising? It felt good - Newt. Okay I get it shut up.

"It's fine Tommy." I tell him grinning and he grins aswell, he runs his fingers through his hair and I feel my boxers getting tighter, Crap not now.

"Wanna come in?" I ask him hoping this incredible human being infront of me will.

"If it isn't trouble for you." He says innocently, stop being such a cutie Thomas.

"It's never trouble." I reply and he walks in,

"Help yourself to whatever is in the crap excuse for a kitchen and make yourself comfy." I tell him then rush back into my room. I quickly slide on a pair of black skinny jeans which are ripped at the knees. I throw on a white shirt with it and brush my fingers through my damp hair. It does nothing so I sigh and walk into the living room where Thomas is slumped on the couch.

"Hey Newtie." He coos, I laugh a little shaking my head,

"Sup, I gotta go for work." I mumble grabbing a fruit bar from the kitchen. He turns to me a frown on his face,

"When does your shift end?" He asks me, I think about it for a second,

"It changes depending on when I'm needed so I don't know, but if you want me for anything I can leave around 10." I tell him smiling a little grabbing my leather jacket.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to catch a movie, no biggie." He sighs and turns back towards the tv. NO BIGGIE?! THOMAS YOU ARE A FUCKING SUPERGOD AND I'M A BLONDE IDIOT AND YOU THINK ASKING ME OUT IS NO BIGGIE?! my heart pounds in my chest,

"I would love to." I tell him grinning, he jumps up and hugs me,

"Yay!" He squeals smiling, I smile back then remember work.

"Hey, I gotta go but I'll see you at 10?" I ask him he nods, I nod and then walk out of the apartment still smiling like a mad man. I eat my fruit bar and just feel like dancing. I get on my bike and when I get to the cinema there are no customers so I let myself squeal and jump up and down pumping my fists.

"I got a date with Thomas, I got a date with Thomas." I sing over and over again dancing towards the counter. I climb on it dancing and jump down grinning,

"Why are you so happy?" Sarah asks and I hug her,

"I got a date with Tommy." I squeal and let go of her. She highfives me,

"Nice going man." Alby says, Winston nods all of them smiling and I can't help the massive grin plastered on my face like permanent marker. I feel so happy like I can fly. I just want to scream or something, it's one of them moments where I don't know what I can do to express my happiness. I want to get a megaphone and go outside infront of everyone and yell I have a date with a god.

//Le magical time skip//

I wait around for Thomas and then see him looking hot as hell. I run to him grinning,

"Good evening Newt." He says politely, I compose myself,

"Good evening Thomas." I say poshly, he takes my arm like the guys do to women in movies, I laugh a little and wink at Sarah before we walk into the screening room. We go in and sit down, back row in the right hand corner, I wonder why he didn't pick the middle ones? Oh well. I smile and sit closest to the wall. He sits next to me, I smile at him and he returns it making me smile even wider. I looked into his brown eyes, melting into them instantly. My phone beeps,

Minho:How's the date?

Minho: Have you done the dirty yet?

Me:How did you know I was on a date?


Me: So you've been having some alone time with her ;)

Minho: Yeah we've made out for 5minutes straight. Hell no dude, she doesn't like me like that.

"Tommy how does Teresa feel about Minho?" I ask him turning to him,

"If moaning his name in her sleep and constantly asking about him isn't enough information I don't know what is." He tells me letting out a laugh, I giggle a little,

Me: Tommy says she has been moaning your name in her sleep and always asks about you, I'll let you figure it out.

Minho: Thanks shank ;)

I sigh and put my phone away, the movie starts a few minutes later.

//Le time skip//

Thomas turns to me during the movie, he locks eyes with me for a second and then before I know it he's leaning in. His lips connect with mine, the feeling is so familiar but so new at the same time. I instantly kiss back, it goes from an innocent soft kiss to a deep and hungry kiss. He pushes me against the wall and I grab his shirt, then remember we're in a cinema. I pull away letting go of his shirt and his perfectly formed features create an adorable frown. I smirk a little,

"Later." I whisper and he nods smirking back and he sits back in his seat normally.

//After le movie ;)//

We get up hand in hand, I'm happy to know that he loves me like I love him and he wants to rip my clothes off like I want to do to him. We get on my motorbike his arms around my waist, I speed off home and we race up the stairs to my apartment.


I unlock the door and open it, I rush inside and so does Thomas, I turn and close the door then I turn back to the beautiful brunette infront of me. His lips instantly smash onto mine, and he pushes me against the wall, his tongue slides inside of my mouth, he still tastes of the sweet popcorn we ate. I fight his tongue for dominance and he wins. I grab the collar of his shirt pulling him into me more, his hand goes down and rubs his hand up my thigh slowly. I put my other hand on the back of his head resting it on his brown silky hair, winding my fingers in it. I push his head harder against mine so he is kissing me stronger and deeper. His hand goes to my inner thighs and lightly goes up to my crotch and stops just before reaching it. I put my hand off his shirt and onto his butt, his hand goes to my crotch and squeezes it lightly,

"Tommy." I moan, grabbing his butt, he rests his hand on my crotch and moves it about, I moan even more, I moan as my pants get tighter and I get more turned on. I bring my hand to his inner thigh and slowly bring my fingers up. He moves his hand up to the hem of my top and pulls it off. I pull his off and he pulls me over to the couch and pushes me down onto it, straddling me, he kisses my jaw and my neck, biting a little leaving hickeys as he goes. He starts kissing my chest and then goes back to kissing my lips and slides his tongue inside again, I smile against the kiss, he starts to grind on me and I feel his erection against mine. I gasp in pleasure and can't even form any words at how good it feels. My mouth is incapable of producing anything but slight moans. I go to his trousers and he stops and grins at me,

"It's only the first date." He whispers before getting his shirt and leaving, leaving me completely speechless half naked and turned on beyond imagination on the couch.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now