Day Fifteen

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Newt's POV
I am still not over what he did. I can't believe Thomas, I can't believe that I actually thought he would like me! Or even that such a perfect guy like him would be gay; even if he was I can't believe we had a shot. I sigh as I climb out of bed, I don't want to though, I don't want to do anything. I mean what's the point anymore? I don't have to get up for anyone. No strong. safe, loving pair of arms to wrap around me, no sparkling eyes, filled with passion and lust for me to admire. No soft lips that can make me feel so incredible that it is indescribable.No Thomas. I let out an exaggerated and painful sigh as I walk to the bathroom and shower, it's calming to feel the rush of water down my body as if it could wash away all the pain, all the hurt that he has caused me. Why though? Why did he lead me on? Was it his kind of sick game? Is that what he finds funny? Or is it just satisfying to break hearts? I'm guessing all of them. Ugh. Now it makes me hate him even more. I get dressed and walk outside of my apartment, I walk down to the café and on the way get a text from Minho,
Min-hoe: Waddup lover boy??

Me : Not loving anymore.

Min-hoe: What?

Me: There's no more Thomas in my life.Suddenly I get a phone call from Minho, I sigh and hold the phone to my ear,"Explain." Is all he says and I sigh,"I went to Thomas' yesterday; because he hadn't been answering my texts or calls. I was worried. A beautiful y-young girl answers the door." I start and already feel my chest tighten and my throat get clogged up, the pain spreading again. Tears start to sting my eyes, "She calls him down- calling him b-babe. He comes down and k-kisses her!" The tears now trickle down my cheeks, like unstoppable waterfalls, "H-he then see-s me and he-e doesn't even say anything just 'Newt what are you doing here' and I turn to walk away and he grabs my arm telling me to wait. I don't know what happened but I punched him and ran off." I finish and start sobbing, I calm myself and just let the tears trickle."I'm gonna kill him." Minho grumbles and I shake my head,"Don't hurt him." I whisper, I don't know why I said that. I should want him to get hurt. To feel my pain. But I don't. No matter what he did to me. "Newt! Look at what he's done!" He exclaims, I scoff,"Yes Minho I have realised you know." I snap and sigh, "Sorry." I mumble, "I'm actually gonna kill him, I'm gonna rip out his heart, his eyes and kill him bit by bit until he's bleeding and screaming in agony and then-" He starts and I cut him off,"MINHO!" I say like I'm out of breath, because I'm shocked."Alright-alright, I won't rip out his heart." He answers and I laugh a little,"You're ridiculous." I answer,"I know, do you need me?" He asks referring to my situation. I shake my head,"No; I think I'm alright." I answer biting my lip, "Just don't let it get as far as last time; as soon as you feel like that call me." He kinda orders,"Ok." I answer quietly, I hear the line go dead and know he's hung up; I put my phone away and then go inside the café. I walk up to the counter and see a different person, I mentally shrug and walk up to them,"Hello there! What can I get you?" He asks, hmm, he has a very thick British accent but Thomas' was American, and it was hot. "Just a tea." I reply quietly, he moves away and I look up to just see him turn back to me with the kettle. He has dark brown hair and it's kinda just messy, but it looks like it's meant to be like that and he's styled it like that. It looks alright, he has green eyes with brown specks and a good jawline. Wait what am I thinking? Da fuq Newt.He hands me my tea and I thank him and kinda leave my eyes lingering on him for a minute before walking away, I walk outside and walk to the park, I have no idea what the fuq I was doing back there. Ughh. I go and sit at a bench and cross my legs, then I start drinking my tea. After 7 minutes (approx.) I hear a laugh, a girl's one and then a guy one which I recognise. I look up at the source of the sound and see Thomas pushing Kaitlyn (more like bitchlyn but anywayyyyyy) on a swing, I watch them and imagine her going flying off the swing and faceplanting in the mud. I laugh quietly and sip my tea while watching them with an evil smirk on my face. They stop and I hear the laughter get closer and see them coming towards the round a bout which I am close to, I hear it move and I look up to see bitchlyn on the round a bout sitting down and laughing while Thomas pushes her. He stops and looks at me, like directly in the eye. I see a big purple bruise on his jaw and feel guilty, he doesn't break the eye contact until bitchlyn gets off the round a bout and goes to him. Then she holds his hand and I scowl and look away, they walk out of the park and I shiver. I throw away my empty tea cup and then trudge out the park, I walk back to my apartment and see something on the door, an eviction notice?! What?! I rip it off and walk inside, apparently I haven't paid my bills and I am being kicked out?! What! I have! I have paid every penny of it, I storm out and walk to the manager thingy's office. I bang on the door and walk inside, he's sitting there,"What is this?" I ask calmly,"You haven't paid your bills." "Yes I have." "The record here clearly-" He starts, I walk over to him and go and look at his computer screen, all of my parts say unpaid. What the heck!? "Then where's my money been going?" I ask and he shrugs, I walk out and pack my few bags. He comes to my room, I put my middle finger up at him."FUCK YOU DICKHEAD!" I shout and walk out, I drive on my motorbike to Minho's house, I stomp up his front door and he opens it, I walk inside and throw my bag down. I plop down on his couch running my fingers through my hair,"What's up?" He asks softly,"I got kicked out of my bloody apartment because apparently my bloody bills ain't been paid, that's bullshit." I answer,"Well I'm sure you know that you're welcome here for however long mate." He answers and I nod.

Ugh my life is falling apart. I'm so bloody pissed right now. Like literally I could punch a wall and break through it. I huff and fall back, so I'm basically lying on his sofa.
"Get me ice cream." I order, he comes back a few minutes later with chocolate brownie ben and jerry's and a spoon. I thank him and start stuffing my face. ---Tahm skip--- I get up and walk to his spare bedroom, I undress until I'm just in my boxers and then lie down in bed, hugging the covers. Then I close my eyes but can't sleep because of everything. WHY!?

My life is big pile of crap at the moment.

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