Day Twenty Five

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Newt kisses Thomas once again, Thomas lifts the blonde, who was surprisingly light despite his height, then carried him to the bedroom. He ever so gently lays Newt down, not daring to detach their lips, his hands run down Newt's naturally paler skin. Thomas' tanned arms looking so contrasted against Newt's body. Newt gets shivers down his spine at the feeling of Thomas' hands, it was only now that Newt realised how big Thomas' hands were, and he wasn't going to lie, it did excite him.
Newt's hands slide down Thomas' chest and abs gently, almost as if he wasn't touching them at all. He slowly starts to unbutton the brunette's jeans and slide them off, a cheeky grin appears on Thomas' lips. Newt looks up at Thomas, his brown eyes wide ,
"Tommy I don't want to disappoint you." He mumbles quietly, Thomas shakes his head,
"Newt you won't I swear." Thomas says softly in reply, whilst newt chews on his own lip, which was extremely distracting.
"But I'm no supermodel, I mean look at me." Newt replies and looks down at his body, he looked so flawless and perfect, like a perfectly sculpted statue. Thomas shrugs
"I'm always looking at you Newt." He whispers, Newt blushes and bites his lip, Thomas gently places his hand on the side of Newt's face. Then he gently pulls his lip from in between his teeth, he leans down and gently kisses Newt once again.
A few seconds later Newt has begun to slide off Thomas' jeans again, and Thomas assists him, then he runs his fingers down newt's body and tugs off his skinny jeans. Even the skinny jeans are slightly baggy on Newt's skinny frame, Thomas smiles a little when they're both in boxers and kisses newt again, newt cups Thomas' face. Then Thomas begins to grind on newt, a soft moan escaping newt's lips as the pleasure begins to spread. Thomas carries on for a while, then newt flips them over so he's on top. Then he starts to kiss down Thomas' jaw and neck, sucking a little to create hickeys. Thomas leaves his hands on Newt's hips as newt draws him in more. Newt leaves sloppy kisses down Thomas' chest and abs until he gets to the boxer line, he bites his lip anxiously. Thomas gently flips them back over and moves down to newt's boxer waistband, then he glances up at newt. Newt nods as if to give him permission, Thomas nods and then slowly tugs off newt's boxers to reveal his boner. He was larger than Thomas had expected, suddenly he becomes nervous , what if HE didn't please Newt? Newt bites his lip,
"Are you okay?" He asks quietly , Thomas looks at newt and nods,
"You're just so...big." Thomas laughs a little, newt giggles and goes red. Newt shakes his head and pulls off Thomas' boxers, the bulge was intimidating but the actual thing inside his boxers was making Newt nervous. How badly was this going to hurt? Thomas kisses back up to newt's lips and kisses him once again before sliding one of his fingers inside newt to begin to prepare him. Newt gasps against Thomas' lips, this new experience so pleasing . Thomas gently moves his finger and adds another, then continues until he has three fingers moving and newt whimpering. Newt nods and grips Thomas' shoulders lightly, his whimpers getting louder as the pleasure builds.
"Do you think you're ready for me?" Thomas asks softly, newt nods and Thomas pulls his fingers out then replaced them with his erection. Despite the preparation this really was a stretch, causing a small whimper to escape his chewed lips. Thomas lets Newt adjust so he moves slowly, stretching Newt out painfully yet pleasurably. Then he starts to move faster, Newt's fingernails dig into Thomas' shoulders, Thomas grips newt's small hips.
"Yes Tommy!" Newt says in a small cry, as if he wanted to stop himself from saying it, but he couldn't stop himself. Thomas smirks and picks up the pace, now pounding into him and the panting getting louder. Newt whimpers and moans, Thomas lets out sharp breath as he goes. Loving the reaction he's getting out of Newt, Newt's whole body starts to shake as he gets closer to his climax. Thomas however wants to make it brilliant so he pulls out at the next second, making Newt cry out .
"Oh please!" He begs and looks at Thomas, needily. Thomas smirks and waits for newt to 'calm down' , then he begins to pump again, one of his hands slide across Newt's body and onto his dick. As Thomas pumps he jacks Newt off,
"Oh my god Tommy!" He exclaims and his body jolts, the pleasure surging through him like the blood in his veins. Thomas keeps thrusting and moving his hand fast, Newt begins to drip and Thomas fees it on his hand. He smirks then carries on going, Newt cries out and reaches his climax, not to mention it goes on Thomas' stomach/chest. Thomas slows down and pulls out of Newt, but keeps jacking him off. Newt jolts and cries out Thomas' name. Finally Thomas slows down and Newt pants before pushing Thomas so he's on his back, then he grabs Thomas' dick in one of his hands taking Thomas by surprise with his confidence. Then he quickly and hard pumps his hand on Thomas, making Thomas gasp and then moan. Newt grins and keeps going, his sweaty blonde hair lies unevenly on his head, Thomas' whole body is damp with sweat. Thomas soon enough reaches his point and moans newt's name. Newt smirks and they make out w little bit , as if it's the finishing piece, then newt collapses down onto Thomas' chest.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now