Day Five

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Newt's POV

I wake up somehow in my bed and instantly spring up my head throbbing and sprint to the toilet. Just in time for the contents of my stomach to be thrown up into the toilet. I sit back still feeling ill, I try and think back to last night and remember taking some shots and that's it. Everything after that is just gone, I stand up unsteadily and stumble to the mirror, I'm pale and sweaty and feel like crap. Yay I have a bloody hangover. I huff in frustration and walk back to my bed, everything all unsteady and spinning and fall back down and go to sleep in the hope that it will help.

Thomas' POV

I groan as Teresa opens my curtains,

"GET YO ASS UP! WE'RE GOING SHOPPING WITH MINHO AND NEWT." She yells jumping on me, I groan again, not remembering anything from last night, just drinking lots of alchohol with Newt.

"Get off me." I whine and push her but she keeps on jumping,

"You have one hour." She says then walks out, I get up my head throbbing and walk into the bathroom, only to throw up. I then have a shower and get dressed, I sigh and walk into the kitchen, the lights hurting my eyes. I grab a glass of water and down it,

"Hurry up we're gonna be late." She whines and drags me out the door, me still groaning and huffing about my headache.

"Can I at least run inside and take a paracetamol?" I ask her, I go inside and take one, I don't know what helps hangovers but paracetamol is a painkiller so LOGIC!

Newt's POV

"Get up you hungover shank." Minho says pulling my arm, I groan,

"Get offfffffff." I whine, he stops and folds his arms,

"Fine but it's you who's gonna be missing out on going shopping...." He starts,

"What a shame." I reply half hanging out of the bed,

"With Thomas." He adds and I shoot up, making myself fall out of the bed in the process, Minho laughs at me and I shove him then go get ready. Finally I'm ready and MInho drags me out of the apartment where Teresa's car is waiting outside. Minho jogs to the front and climbs in so I get in the back and see Thomas rubbing his fingers against his temples. I'm not the only one,

"Hey Newt." Teresa says, I groan,

"Stop shouting." I cry out and pull my knees up to my chest hugging them and burying my face in them,

"Newt don't be rude." Minho snaps,

"You're not my dad asshole." I snap back earning a laugh from Thomas which no matter how sick I am it makes my heart fly. I smile a little aswell, I look up to see Thomas looking at me, he's pale and as ill as me.

"Sup Newtie Patootie." He jokes around poking me, I put my middle finger up and smile sarcastically,

"Oh you know just throwing up and feeling like crap." I reply and put my hand down, Thomas chuckles,

"Same, twinziesss!" He exclaims and I giggle a little, I could swear his face lights up. We finally get there and all get out of the car, it's a sunny day causing me to shield my eyes and hiss at the sun. Looking like a complete retard, we get inside a shop and I put my arm down and sigh, there are so many people talking and so many sounds and I just ughhhhh.

"Newt do you want anything?" Thomas says to me and I shrug,

"I don't know." I reply and start wondering around looking at stuff,

"Hey Newt whatcha think?" Thomas asks me, I turn around and see him with a flowercrown and massive sunglasses and a hat. I laugh at him shaking my head,

"I think that you look fabulous, Minho would be proud." I reply and he poses in a sassy position. I laugh even more.

"NEWTIE PUT THIS ONNNN!" He giggles and puts a tiara on my head and I laugh, "Aw you're a little cutie pie." He adds and I blush, he pinches my cheeks like grandparents do and I laugh even more but take it off. He takes his stuff off and put it back, we walk around more and I see a couple of things I like and look at them,

"I'M BUYING THEM FOR YOUUUUUU!" He squeals and takes them and runs to the cashier, it's an expensive shop so it all comes to quite alot. Thomas pushes me aside when I try to put my card in the thingy and he puts his card in the thing sticking his tongue out at me. We get outside and he takes my bags, I get out my wallet and take out £50,

"I know it's not all of it but I don't have that much in cash." I say to him handing him the money repaying him for buying that stuff. He shakes his head,

"Nu uh, dude it's my treat." He insists and puts the cash in my pocket. I huff,

"For shucks sake." I mutter and stomp my feet a little, then follow him, he takes me to loads of other shops buying me loads of things and I buy him things. Then we go to a cafe and sit down, putting our like bucket load of bags down.

"What do you want?" He asks me, I shake my head,

"What do YOU want, dibs paying." I say and he frowns,

"Fine, I want a hot choclate and a chocolate brownie, don't forget the marshmellows and cream on the hot chocolate." He tells me and I nod, I get up to the counter getting him his stuff and a mango smoothie for myself then walk over and sit down. Thomas' face lights up and I hand him his stuff. I watch him eat his stuff in a matter of seconds and then watches me,

"How much did it cost?" He asks me, I shrug, we get up and Thomas insists on taking me more shopping.

"What could I possibly want Thomas?! You've bought me like a shit load of stuff already." I cry out and he turns to me,

"I don't know." He replies but we go into a shop and he sees a full on flower crown like the ones of tumblr. He puts it on my head,

"Oh my god you are like a cute little cupcake or somethingggggggg." He squeals and grabs it then runs to the cashier and buys it. I stand there looking awkward and he runs back grinning, he puts it on my head,

"I look so stupid right now Thomas." I huff and he shakes his head,

"Noooo you look beautiful you have to wear it!" He insists like an excited little kid.

"Fine but you have to have one aswell!" I say and buy him one then we walk out of the sshop with our flower crowns on our heads.

//End of the shopping day//

"What's with the flower crowns?" Minho asks as we walk back to the car,

"We're fabulous." Is all I reply with, pulling a sassy pose with Thomas and we're both giggling. We all get in the car and when Minho and Teresa aren't looking he takes my hand. I don't reject it but it's strange, why is he doing this? It's not like we're together or he likes me in that way?! I look over at him and as usual he looks so perfect, did anything happen last night that he remembers but I don't? What if something did actually happen that changed everything but we both don't remember?!

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