Day Twenty One

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Newt's POV

I wake up in the morning and instantly feel ill, ugh, I go to move but my head pounds as if someone is punching my skull. I groan and slowly sit up, ow ow ow, my head, I groan again and then put the palm of my hand on my forehead to try and stop the pounding. Ugh.

"There's a painkiller and water on your bedside table." An angelic voice says, it must be the heavens bringing me to them so I can live in heaven happily. I almost chuckle to myself - I would've if I didn't feel like I was dying. No I'm not exaggerating, it literally feels like I'm dying. I turn to my bedside table and down the pain killer and water, ahhh. Come on, how long does it take for a bloody painkiller to work?! I huff and go to lie back down but I land on a bare chest, shit. I didn't bring home a guy from the club did I? I don't remember anything of last night after my 3rd glass of that drink. I look up until I reach the face of my little friend here, my eyes widen when I see his face.

His face.


My Tommy. Wait....

"Tommy." I mumble quietly and poke his hip, I frown when he doesn't wake up, he just groans quietly and rolls over,

"Tommy." I say louder and prod his face, he's facing me, aw he's so adorable. He looks like a puppy. His mouth is slightly agape, I huff and poke his face again, he swats my hand away as if I was a fly,

"THOMAS!" I shout and he falls off the bed while shouting. I laugh at him, he puts his hand on his head and groans,

"Newt you poooo." He whines and huffs, I smile,

"Aw Tommy I'm sorry." I answer giggling quietly, he looks up at me and squints, then his mouth turns into a tiny smirk at the corner. Then a question pops to my mind,

"We didn' anything? Did we?" I ask him nervously, fiddling with mmy fingers as I speak because I'm scared, that would've been my first time. It's not having it with Thomas that scares me it's the fact that I wouldn't remember it.

"No, we didn't. Don't worry you didn't loose your v card to me." He answers, kind of in a disappointed tone, or annoyed that he thinks I might not of wanted it to happen. As if it did that I was disappointed, he gets up and runs his fingers through his hair,

"Tommy I didn't mean it ike that..." I trail off, feeling guilty already, I frown and look at him,

"Then how did you mean it?" He asks, starting off mad but then his voice gets soft and he sighs. He walks over to me and sits down opposite me, my eyes flicker to his bare chest and then back to his eyes. His beautiful, big, puppy eyes. I instantly melt,

"I meant it that I would be disappointed because I wouldn't remember it. And knowing you it would be the most incredible time ever." I ramble the last bit, I go red and look down, now I feel stupid. Ugh, I couldn't of left it at that I wouldn't remember it, I had to go on to saying it would be incredible. Wow Newt. Just wow.

"Oh. Well - I mean - I -" He stutters and I look up at him, he's all red and he looks so cute and he sounds nervous but proud. I smile at him, he looks at me and he suddenly smashes his lips against mine. I freeze and he pulls away, looking hurt,

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of. I'm sorry." He apologises as he gets up and scurries around, he throws on his shirt, I finally come out of my little shock attack or something. Whatever it is. I get up and turn him to face me, he looks at me straight in the eyes, I look at him straight in his and I feel like everything else around us is nothing. A blur if you will. I put one of my hands on the back of his head and I gently lean forward and kiss him. He kisses me back and his arm goes around my waist, the elephants stomp around in my stomach, I smile and pull away a little. He goes to say something but I kiss him again to stop him, he laughs and pulls away,

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now