Day Eight

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Newt's POV

I get out of the shower and get dressed then check my phone,

T: Hey gorgeous.

T:We should do yesterday again.

I smile tugs on my lips, I fall back on my couch,

Me: Maybe or maybe I won't let you.

T:Maybe I won't let you not let me.

Me: You make no sense.

T: Maybe I'll tie you down and have my way with you. ;)

Me: What if I don't even let you in my apartment?

T: All I have to do is send you a selfie. ;)

I sigh and smile, he's right, he always win damn it. I always knew Thomas was the dominating one. My phone buzzes and I pick it up,

T: You still there baby?

Me: Yeah, just getting breakfast.

T: It's 14:29

Me: Shut up I'm tired after yesterday...

T: I guess that's an okay excuse.

I go and make a bowl of cereal and start to eat it when Thomas texts me inappropriate stuff making me choke a little. I clean up and swallow it all and eventually stop choking, I decide to go out to the park inviting Thomas, he arrives a few minutes later and I fix my hair which looks crap anyway so I just answer the door and a smile spreads on my face.

"Hey Newtie cutie." He says in a cute voice, I blush a little and shake my head,

"Don't call me that Tommy." I mumble,

"Why; you call me Tommy." He laughs, I walk out closing the door, he puts his arm around my waist,

" Yeah but it's cute, Newtie is stupid." I reply seriously,

"Fine I'll just call you sexy." He smiles this stupid and sexy smirk, I play punch him,

"You're a bloody idiot." I giggle, we walk out and we walk to the park as it's only 5 minutes away. There a little kids with parents there, I smile a little, we go and sit on a bench and I lean against his shoulder.

"You alright sexy?" Thomas asks and I look up at him,

"I'm great Tommy, what about you?" I reply smiling a little,

"Good." He whispers and pecks my lips,

"And now even better." He adds smirking, I put my hand on the back of his head and pull him towards me and connect our lips. He kisses me back and instantly I feel the elephants inside my stomach and he bites my bottom lip and I open my mouth a little, he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue inside. I pull away and hug him, he pulls away from the hug and grins,

"Let's go on the roundabout!" He giggles and pulls me to the roundabout, I climb on it even with my limp, I sit down and Thomas grins,

"You holding on sexy?" He asks and I grin,

"I'm holding on for my dear life Tommy." I reply laughing, he smirks and starts to push it, he pushes it really fast and then jumps on. I grip onto the roundabout scared of falling off, Tommy comes and wraps his arm around my waist,

"I got you." He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine, the force sends me into Tommy and I fall onto him, we both laugh and I cling onto him it finally stops and I stumble off all dizzy, Thomas catches me when I trip over my feet.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now