Day Two // Part One

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Newt's POV

I drag myself out of bed and this time Tommy is on my mind, why though, why is he on my mind, he's a stranger to me, no one special. I go to the cafe and see Cas behind the counter, I walk up to her smiling she returns it,

"Heyyyyy Newt, whatcha want?" She asks me, I laugh at her long hey but then I order a hot chocolate to go,

"How's yourself?" I ask her,

"I'm good!" She shouts over the microwave, she asks me and Tommy comes to my mind again, what the hell.

"Oh, yeah I'm cool but I've got work in 30minutes so I gotta run." I say, she nods and I leave handing her a fiver. My phone buzzes so I get it out,

Minho: Sup shank?

Me: Nothing much arsehole.

Minho: It's asshole you british twat.

Me: No, you and other people say asshole and I say arsehole, anyway chav wassup?

Minho: Nothing, can I come to your work today I'm bored?

Me: Whatever meet me at the cinema in 20minutes.


I put my phone away and then sip my hot chocolate, oh my god 20minutes?! I start to jog to my motorbike when I bump into someone, hot chocolate spills all over me,

"Crap." I mutter under my breath,

"Damn sorry, I didn't mean to, sorry." A familiar lovely voice says, I look up and see Tommy, my cheeks burn,

"No worries. it's all good."I tell him, smirking a little. Truth is the hot choclate burns,

"Here have this to wear." He hands me his jacket, I shake my head,

"Nah, I can't take it." I say to him, pushing his arm away, our hands brush and I feel a tingle. He shoves it towards me,

"Take it Newt." He insists, I push it away, burning up more, his eyes are so amazing,

"No, I won't take it. Besides why are you so nice to me, I mean I met you yesterday at the cinema, and you saw my friend making a joke but that's all that happened?" I ask him, this time it's his turn to blush.

"I don't know, there's something about you." He tells me, his voice so perfect, I smirk,

"Will you be seeing anything today?" I ask him, taking his hoodie, he grins,

"Someone's eager." I blush even more,

"Aha no, it would just be nice to see a familiar face." I had to resist the urge to add cute in the face bit.

"Well then, maybe I am." He replies, smirking, so sexy omfg, I say to myself. I say bye, thank him for the hoodie then walk to my motorbike still smiling. I get to the cinema and I go to the bathroom, I take my stained shirt off and put on his hoodie. It's really loose and big, going down halfway down my thighs. I look at myself, I look kinda cute. I walk back out and climb over the counter. I walk up to Sarah.

"Hey." I say she turns around and her face lights up,

"Hi Newtie, what's with the baggy sweater?" She asks, I blush almost as red as the hoodie.

"Don't call me Newtie, also it's from someone." I say pretending to suspiciously whistle, she nudges me,


"No one special." I lie, wait is he special to me, no duh. I only him yesterday, haven't had a proper conversation with him, what's wrong with me.She folds her arms,

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now