Day Three

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Newt's POV

I wake up to my alarm ringing out through my empty apartment, I get up and feel weak and ill, my head is pounding like a hammer whacking it over and over again. Thoughts and memories from last night fly into my mind like a wave of water, all at once drowning me in sadness. Me drinking so much explains the throbbing pain in my head, but then I remember Thomas and Alex. My eyes filling with tears threatening to spill over the brim, a couple of them do. Rolling down my pale face, onto my lips, making them taste salty. I wipe them away, Get over it Newt. He's just a guy from the cinema. Nothing more.

"If he's a normal guy why does it hurt so much to see him with someone else?" I whisper in my hoarse and broken voice. I get ready and drag myself to the kitchen, not very hungry I grab my keys and phone, I walk out of the apartment making sure to be quiet because other people are probably sleeping without a headache or a heartache. I walk downstairs and outside, rain purs onto me like a bucket of water, I put my phone inside my jacket pocket and run to my motorbike and go to the cafe. I park outside and go inside to see Cas there and a smile plays on my lips. I walk up to the counter soaking wet,

"Alright there?" She asks me and I let out a little exhausted laugh,

"Just looking like a mess from the bloody rain." I tell her, I try to move my hair into an acceptable way but it just sticks to my face like glue.

"You look fine stop stressing." She tells me smiling and I smile back and order a tea. I take the cup and sit in the corner of the room and take out my phone. My fingers leaving marks on it from the water. I turn it on and see lots of notifications on the home screen.

Minho (58 missed calls)

Minho: Newt where are you?

Minho: Newt Thomas told us about what happened.

Minho: Why did you shout?

Minho: Please just call me back.

Minho: I gave Thomas your number btw.


Unknown caller (67 missed calls)

Unknown caller (29 unread messages)

I sigh and unlock my phone, tears filling my eyes at the mention of Thomas. I take a deep breath and blink them away but I can't stop my heart sinking as if it's one of the petals you would pick off a daisy and just drop it.

I text Minho first,

Me: I'm fine. I just got envious and upset and took it out on Thomas. It's all good though, I'm okay.

I drink some tea and go to the unknown caller and change the contact, Tommy♥ . I go to change it but I can't bring myself to, I can't bring myself to ignore that I like him a lot.

Tommy♥: Hey Newt, look I don't know why you shouted, sorry for upsetting you. What did you mean about being envious and stupid? Also don't you dare say you're useless it's not true.

Tommy♥: Please pick up. I'm sorry if I did anything.

You had a boyfriend who's hot and amazing that's what you did. Newt stop being horrible.

Tommy♥: Newt I know that we only met a couple of days ago and I'm just another customer -

You aren't just a customer to me

but I feel something towards you, like I've known you for ages and I just want you to talk to me. Please.

I didn't realise a couple of salt water drops have splashed onto my phone screen, what have I done? You made Thomas feel guilty and horrible, because you're a horrible person. I shake my head, "No I'm not." I whisper to myself, Yes you are, your friends hated you because you're horrible, your own dad hated you.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now