Day Twenty Six

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Newt wakes up and groans, his backside aches. But then he remembers why and a cheeky grin spreads across his impeccable features, he looks up at his lover who is slightly snoring. His mouth hanging open a little making Newt giggle quietly, then he presses his lips together as Thomas pouts slightly in his sleep, as if he was kissing someone. Newt chuckles and leans on his elbow, then with one hand he lightly traces shapes up Thomas' perfectly toned body, starting from his abs he makes his way up to his chest.
"Hey." He hears the familiar angelic voice, which surprisingly managed to sound sexy at the same time. Newt looks at Thomas and smiles,
"Morning hottie." He pecks Thomas' lips, causing the brunette to go a light shade of pink, this only caused Newt to let out a giggle which was so girly he was embarrassed. Thomas grins and bites his lip
"Did you enjoy last night?" He asks, Newt nods a little too quickly,
"Hell yeah Tommy bloody hell." Newt laughs slightly and shakes his head, "that was the best bloody night of my existence and I don't regret a second."
Thomas nods and smiles,
"I'm glad we feel the same." He states and Newt smiles back before pecking Thomas' lips again, Thomas smiles before grabbing Newts cheeks and kissing him properly yet softly. Newt smiles against the kiss and matches Thomas' pace, the feel of their lips touching was indescribable for both of them, nothing could match it. After a few more seconds Newt pulls off and gets out of bed, sliding on a pair of boxers swiftly he then looks at Thomas,
"And for breakfast you want?" He bites his lip, Thomas shrugs
"Surprise me." He grins like a child, newt rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen. He hums quietly as he makes a dish he got from buzz feed, no it wasn't healthy at all, but it tasted amazing. He rolled out bread with a rolling pin so it was flat then he puts chocolate chips and marshmallows on it, he then rolls it up and cooks it in a frying pan until the sides are all crispy. He puts the few he made into a plate and , being Newt and incredibly stereotypically British he makes tea. Then newt carries both the plate and mug to Thomas who is now sitting against the headboard. Thomas' eyes light up and he takes the food
"Damn Newtie." He grins and after Newt sits down in bed he eats one, for a short second Thomas' face shows an expression which can only best be described as 'this food is so good I'm gonna have an orgasm'. Causing Newt to giggle like a child then laugh hard when Thomas looks at him innocently and cluelessly. Newt finally calms down and just looks at Thomas who was now sipping the tea watching newt with an amused expression.
"You alright there?" He asks and newt nods before bursting out into laughter again, causing Thomas to raise an eyebrow.
"You really are a strange one newt." He mutters and shakes his head while smiling at the adorable blonde next to him.
The rest of the day consisted of just staying at home, snuggled on the couch watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Newt was actually watching the show and enjoying it. Thomas however had basically been watching newt the whole time, admiring every single little feature that others might not understand. Like how his eyes have little gold specks in certain lights, or every few minutes he licks his lips from left to right, or the fact that when Newt is nervous he always looks to the left or at his shoes, but when he's scared he looks to the right. Thomas smiles and bites his lip, Newt laughs and his eyes crinkle up in that adorable way, his nose also scrunched up a little and his beautiful white teeth showed. Thomas tilts his head slightly as he admires newt, God was he falling, and falling hard.
At around 23:20 newt had fallen asleep, his head had slowly fallen to Thomas' lap and Thomas smiles, he gently plays with Newt's hair as the blonde sleeps. He leans down and lays a soft kiss on Newt's forehead, then he pulls away slightly and bites his lip,
"I think I really am in love with you newt." He whispers before sitting back and soon enough , dozing off himself.

Lmao sorry idek what this is. I feel really guilty for just abandoning you guys and this fanfic but I've just kinda lost the love I had for this. It's still OTP but like I just don't have that passion and I don't just want to write piles of crap as a substitute for actual writing.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now