Day Six

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Newt's POV

I wake up in my bed, snuggled under the covers, all nice and comfy, my eyes still closed when Minho decides to blare an alarm right next to my ear.

"I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU MINHO!" I yell and scramble up, I jump onto him taking him by surprise, we both fall off of the bed,

"HOW DARE YOU! THIS IS TREASON TO ATTACK THE KING!" He cries out when he stands up, rubbing his hip.

"YOU WOKE ME UP!" I cry back at him, he smirks,

"No shit sherlock." He says pulling a 'duh' face. I laugh a little, bless him he's like them girls in reception who think they're badass when they sing 'no we can't' when Bob The Builder says 'can we fix it.'

I stand up

"Is there a reason in being this cruel to me?" I ask him, putting a hand on my hip. He shrugs,

"I was bored." He replies, I sigh,

"Go text Teresa and ask her out."

"I can't do that!"

"Uh yes you can." He shakes his head, I shrug,

"Your loss." I then walk out of the room into the shower, I get in the shower.

//20Minutes later//

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist, my clothes aren't where I left them. Eh it's only Minho he won't mind. I walk out of the shower and into my bedroom, all my pants and trousers are gone.

"MINHOOOOO!" I yell and storm into the front room, Minho is standing there with my clothes, grinning, but guess who else is there. Teresa. But the best part is Thomas is there, I look at him and his jaw drops. Yes I know I look bad, I mean I'm dripping wet in a towel. Breath suddenly hitches in my throat, my heart rate increases. I'm. In. A. Towel.


Naked underneath.

Infront of Thomas.

I run over to Minho and snatch the clothes but he stands on my towel, if I move it will fall.

"Give them back Newt and I'll let you go." He says smirking, I glare at him, heat rising to my cheeks,

"Let.Me.Go." I sneer through gritted teeth, he snickers,

"Give me the clothes." He says,

What shall I do?

Knowing Minho he will drop the towel anyway.

"You're gonna drop it anyway?" I ask him and he nods. I take a pair of boxers and start sliding them on, he smirks,

"That wasn't part of the deal." He snaps and drops the towel, I quickly yank the boxers on. Blushing like crazy, great Minho just made me flash infront of my crush and his sister. I turn to see Teresa laughing and Thomas' eyes focused on where my parts are. Minho is in stitches laughing so hard, I flash my middle finger at him and then walk back into my room and get dressed. I towel dry my hair and then walk back out, Minho has his arm around Teresa, Thomas is currently standing in the kitchen stuffing his face with doritos. He looks up at me and smiles, I walk over to him,

"Hey." I say and he swallows all the crisps,

"Youlookedsohotearlier." He replies and looks down blushing, I try and make out what he said but I can't,

"What?" I ask him,

"I said hey, that's it." He covers for himself, I nod,

"Alright then. Liar." I reply grinning and take the doritos.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now