Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"What to wear... What to wear.." I whispered to myself.

I pushed hanger after hanger away from me in my closet, my vision and mood practically dying because of the lack of coloration in my array of clothes.

I got to the back of my closet, and saw my worn leather jacket.

I picked up the hanger, and held my jacket in front of my face, remembering Stiles' and I's conversation about it.

"And why exactly are you doing this?" He asked as he walked into my room.

I hung up my old jacket, placing it in the very back of my closet, "I'm changing, Stiles, and my clothes have to change with me."

He sat on my bed, watching as I ran my fingers over the old material, "Yeah, but... Katherine, that jacket has been through everything. Literally."

He took a deep breath, "You got it our Freshman year. It went through Peter, hunters, psychotic high school students, the Kanima, Alpha's, the Oni, the Nogitsune's, and even Malia and Liam. The things practically history!" He exclaimed.

I turned away from my closet, walking over to Stiles, straddling him.

His hands were placed softly on my thighs as I spoke, "And you want to know something about history?"

He hummed, his eyes darting around my face, "What?"

I smiled softly, "It's in the past." I told him, pushing my lips to his.

I smiled at the memory, putting my jacket back in the closet, calling the one person I knew would help me.

"Hello?" She answered.

I let out a breath, "Lydia, we have a fashion emergency, and only two hours before school starts."

She paused, "I'm on my way."


I straightened my new jean shorts as I rushed into school, pulling out my phone to answer a call from Stiles,

"Yo." I answered, breathless.

I heard him growl, frustrated, "Where is my hot girlfriend who I'm supposed to walk into school with on our first day of senior year, huh?"

I sucked in a breath, "She went out to by some really hot new clothes that actually have a pleasing color to the human eye."

I heard the squeal of his footsteps stopping, "Did you buy anything for me?"

I stopped too, "Like what?"

He cleared his throat, "You know... For me."

I grinned, "There may have been a couple pairs of matching bra's and underwear."

I heard the phone being pulled away, and a small cheer fly through the air.

He quickly cleared his throat, bringing the phone back to his ear, "I guess I can allow it this once."

I heard the bell ring, and my eyes widened, "I'm late for Biology! I gotta go, Stiles, love you!"

I quickly hung up, racing down the hall, and bursting into the classroom.

As I walked in, I saw Scott taking out his books, flipping through the pages of his textbook.

My Teen Enemies {4}Where stories live. Discover now