Chapter 8

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You guys know the drill, play when you see these 🎶🎶.

Chapter 8

We ran into the Sheriff's department, running up to one of the entrance doors. Scott hesitated to open it, seeing the blood stained into the floor.

Scott ran to John, helping one of his deputies pick him up, and keep him steady.

Stiles and I followed the trail of smeared blood, leading to an open office. I felt my legs weaken as I saw Lydia on the floor, Kira's bloodstained hands pressing against the deep wound in my best friends side.

Theo placed a firm hand on my shoulder, pushing past me, and pulling his belt off to help calm the blood flowing from Lydia's side.

Stiles watched, tears in our eyes as our best friend bled out in front of us.

"Lydia?" I whispered weakly.

Her paralyzed body didn't move, but her eyes locked with mine, and her lips twitched upward.

I felt someone latch onto my shoulder, "Oh my God!"

Lydia's mom rushed past me, and onto her knees beside Theo. Lydia gasped in pain, sweat flooding from her skin as she struggled to stay conscious.

"Stiles." Scott called, breaking neither Stiles, nor my trance.

"Stiles, Katherine." He tried again.

We turned to look at Scott, and he gave us pleading looks, "Guys, come on."

We looked back to Lydia, hearing the distant wails of the ambulance sirens as we watched her.

"It's all right. She's gonna be okay." Theo said.

"Tracy." Lydia gasped out, "Guys, I'm fine. Help Tracy. Find her.. Go!"

"Come on, guys." Scott pleaded.

My eyes widened, "Malia!" I broke away from Stiles, rushing past Scott as I ran to find my Beta.

I skidded to a stop, seeing Malia staring down at Tracy's body.

She quickly turned around, raising her hands in surrender, "It wasn't me." She said fearfully.

Scott ran past me, falling down to his knees next to Tracy.

"What the hell happened to her?" John exclaimed.

Malia grabbed my arm, her eyes red and watery as she cried, "There were these people... They had masks. Um, there.. There-there-there w-were three of them. I think there were three of them."

Stiles and John stood beside me, "Whoa, whoa. What are you talking about?"

"They- they were strong, Stiles. They had a weapon." Her swollen, red eyes shined with a new set of tears as she turned to me, "Katherine, I didn't do this." She quivered, her face completely wrecked.

I nodded, pulling her into a hug, "I know, okay? Don't worry. I know you didn't do this."

She buried her face in my hair, shaking. (A/N: Why tf did no one do this in the actual episode? Malia was completely terrified, and Stiles just stared at her.. Wtf kind of boyfriend are you Stiles?.. Up your game.)

"She's not changing back." Deaton told us, "We're gonna need to get her out of here."

"What? Hey, absolutely not!" John said, "This is a crime scene. We call the coroner."

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl severed reptilian tail." Deaton told John, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't care!" John yelled.

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