Chapter 19

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There's only, like, five chapters left in this book you guys.

I think I'm gonna cry.

Thank you guys soooo much for everything you've done for me!

Start the song right now.

Chapter 19

I don't know what to do anymore.

I can't even see sometimes.

I've been keeping my glasses with me everywhere I go because I can't depend on my own sight anymore.

It's- it's like everything's falling apart, and maybe, just maybe, if I can go back to who I was before, I can be better than who I am now.

I feel like I've failed, like I'm a failure.

When I walk down the school halls, I see unfamiliar faces giving me wary looks, not even smiling.

But that's the thing.

No one smiles.

And I think it's because they know someone- something is coming.

We're not the same people we were freshman year.

We're dying.

I'm tired of having to worry about whether or not I'm gonna live. I'm tired of fighting every freaking hour of every day.

But it's habit.

Fighting, that is.

I've fought for the past four years of my life.

And it fucking sucks.

Which is probably why we've grown apart.

Malia doesn't even look at me as we pass each other in the hallways. She doesn't even make notice of me. She's... Gone.

Stiles and I haven't talked in a week.

He hasn't called, or answered any of my texts. I-I don't know what we are anymore.

I don't even know if he loves me anymore.

I haven't made any contact with Lydia since the day we had talked at my house when Theo had found Hayden and Liam.

And I don't think she wants to talk. She's been around Parrish lately, and I know he's giving her private self-defense lessons, because I'm not an idiot. It's not hard to tell how she's become more confident with her abilities to defend herself. But she's not indestructible.

I haven't even tried to talk to Kira.

And I don't want to.

I have nothing to say to her.

And Scott...

Scott's keeping something from me.

They all are.

But I guess it's easier to lie when there aren't people around you to find out what exactly you're lying about.

The worst part, is that we haven't even told Stilinski about Parrish.

He's been taking the bodies.

Then again, he doesn't even remember taking the bodies. From what I've concluded, he's only a threat when we're in his way.

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