Chapter 12

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Music is not optional, I thought a small bit of a tune behind these next scenes would be nice, but I also think it is great silent.

Play = 🎶🎶

Stop = 🚫

Chapter 12

I smiled as I felt my bed shift.

I opened my eyes, blearily looking at the sleeping boy next to me.

I turned into my side, my eyes coming in contact with Stiles' bare back.

I smiled softly, and placed my fingers on his smooth skin, running the tips of my fingers along his back rhythmically.

I reminisced in the feeling of having my boyfriend laying beside me, not having to worry about people, or things trying to kill us.

Stiles hummed lowly, his arms flexing as he placed them under his head to form as his own pillow. His head turned to face me, his lips parted as he snored.

I laughed at his goofy face, my hand rubbing up and down his back as I studied him.

My phone went of , and I groaned, my hand stopping it's random patterns.

Stiles let out a high whine, "Turn it off!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes, throwing the covers off of myself, feeling cold air hit my bare legs, seeing as how my pajama shorts didn't have the most coverage.

🎶🎶 Goosebumps covered my skin as I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I answered, stretching my back.

"Kath-Katherine?" He whispered.

My breath caught in my throat, and I couldn't breathe as he talked through the phone.

"Katherine? Katherine, is that you? Please, I-I heard your voicemail, and I finally called your phone."

I smiled softly, "Hi, Isaac." I breathed.

I heard the other line silence, a loud intake of air being gasped in.

I covered my mouth as I smiled, happy laughs escaping my lips.

"Is this really you?" He whispered.

I let out a watery laugh, "Yeah." I said, "Yeah, it's me."

The phone went silent again before small cries echoed through my phone, "Oh my God.." He cried.

I saw Stiles stir, and I quietly slipped from my room, closing the door behind me, "Don't cry, Zach." I smiled.

He sniffled, "Don't cry? My first love died, and is alive now! Katherine, I should be catching the first flight back to Beacon Hills."

He paused, "I'm coming to see you." He stated.

My eyes widened as I heard loud rustling, and zipping and unzipping of things.

"Isaac?" I called.

He mumbled swears under his breath when a loud thud came the the receiver.

I laughed to myself, "Isaac."

He still didn't reply, and I walked down the hall, away from my door, "Isaac!" I called.

The noise stopped, "Yeah?" He panted.

I laughed into the phone, "Isaac, calm down." I laughed, "You don't need to come back to Beacon Hills. In fact, you need to stay as far away from here as possible."

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