Chapter 10

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Play = 🎶🎶

Play the song softly, because in my opinion, blaring it loudly makes it sound too peppy.

Chapter 10

I furrowed my eyebrows when Stiles didn't answer my text from nearly an hour ago.

To: Biles
Babe, are you okay?

I felt my heart beat pick up, scared for him.

I stood from my bed, "Maybe I should go check on him." I mumbled to myself.

I shook my head, pacing the floor, "No. He'd call me if something was happening."

I stopped pacing.

Would Stiles really call me if he was in trouble?

I shook my head, "I'm going."

I snatched my keys from my desk, leaving my house to go to the school.


I drove up to the school, stopping when I saw a deputy walking away from the school.

I hopped off of my bike, jogging over to the man, "Excuse me?" I called.

He stopped, saying something into his walkie before walking over to me, "Are you the one that called in?"

I shook my head, and he frowned, "Okay, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. No one needs to be out here at this time of night, especially when we have people prank calling the station."

My eyes widened, and I nodded, "Oh, of course! Sorry, I was driving by, and saw your lights. I just came to see if there was someone hurt."

The officer shook his head, "Everything's all right, kid. Just get home safe, all right?"

I grinned, "Will do, officer." I told him, walking back to my bike.

I waved slightly as his truck passed me, starting my engine.

I watched as he left, waiting for him to turn the street corner before I stopped grinning, turning off my engine, "Prank call my ass." I muttered, sliding off of my bike.

I slid my phone out of my pocket, checking to see if there were any messages from Stiles.


I shook my head, crouching as I walked up the school stairs.

"I'm a spy." I whispered to myself, "I'm a sneaky spy." I pulled in the front shook doors, opening them right away.

My eyes widened, "Well, that's not safe." I said, sliding into the school.

I stood from my crouch, sauntering into the school, "If someone jumps out at me, I swear to God I will kick your ass." I huffed.

I walked down the school halls, checking every locked door.

I turned down the last hall, and jumped when I ran into someone, immediately sending my foot into their stomach.

"Oh-God!" He grunted, bending at the waist.

I let out a short breath, "What the hell? Theo? What the hell are you doing here?" I panted, grabbing my chest.

Theo winced as he straightened himself, "I was looking for Stiles." He grunted.

I froze, "He's not at his house?"

Theo's eyes seemed to gleam for just a fraction of a second, "No, no, he is!" He quickly said.

I gave him a suspicious look, "But why were you looking for Stiles, if you said he's at his house?"

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