Where it all began

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 1

It's a nice and peaceful day in New Townsville until....... a villain started wrecking the city!

(Kaoru's P.O.V.)

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Finally! This class is getting more and more boring every second! If you're wondering why our belts are beeping, it's because me and my friends are the heroines of New Townsville, the Powerpuff Girls Z.

The pink/red puff or should I say, our "leader" is Momoko Akatsutsumi A.K.A. Hyper Blossom. She has long orange hair that is put up to a ponytail with a huge bow almost the size of her head. She LOVES sweets and girly stuff, she is also boy crazy and loves super hero mangas Seriously doesn't she realize that we already are super heroes? (sigh)

Anyway, the blue puff is Miyako Gotokuji A.K.A. Rolling Bubbles. She has blonde hair that is shoulder length and put up in two ponytails and curled up into ringlets. She is the "sweet and gentle" in our team. She loves fashion, she is very girly, and is very popular with the boys, that's why Momoko is jealous of her.

And the third and final member of the team, your's truly, Kaoru Matsubara A.K.A. Powered Buttercup. I have a short and messy raven hair that reaches mid neck when straightened. I am the strongest puff so I know that I would make a better leader than miss I LOVE SWEETS. I love sports and the color green. At first I didn't want to be a puff because I have to wear a skirt, but now I'm actually getting used to wearing a skirt... but that doesn't mean that I will become all girly and stuff!

Anyway our belts are beeping. The three of us looked at each other then at Momoko. She already knew what to do so she nodded back. Momoko dropped her pencil on purpose, the three of us reached for the pencil and we purposely bumped our heads to each other. We all held our heads to look more convincing.

"Sensei, I think my brain got damaged!" Momoko yelled in fake pain.

"Kean-sensei, I think I have a headache!" Miyako yelled, fake pain.

"Yo sensei! I feel like my brain is going to explode because of the pain!" I said in fake agony.

"Do you really need to go to the nurse's office now?" Kean-sensei asked.

"Yes!" the three of us yelled at the same time.

"I don't care, now as I was saying..."

"She won't budge," I thought.

We looked at Momoko and she had a face that says "Really, aww, fine! Just leave it to me."

"I feel like I'm going to puke!" Momoko said faking.

"Ew!" everyone said in disgust.

"Please teacher let them go to the nurse's office before Momoko makes a mess," one of our classmates said practically begging.

"Ok girls you can go,"the teacher sighed.

"Ok be right back!" the three of us said immediately running out the door.Then we ran to the roof and transformed.

"Hyper Blossom!"

"Rolling Bubbles!"

"Powered Buttercup!"

"Powerpuff Girls Z!"

Blossom opened her compact and saw professor Utonium on the screen.

"What's the problem professor?" Blossom asked the professor through her compact.

"It's Mojo jojo! He's destroying the city!" the professor said panicking.

"Leave it to us professor!" I said getting ready to close my compact.

"Wait! Mojo says that he has an improved robot so be careful girls," Ken warned.

"Don't worry Ken, we'll be fine," Bubbles said.

Blossom closed her compact and we flew to where Mojo is.

"Doesn't Mojo know when to stop?" Blossom asked.

"Mojo seriously have to stop trying to take over the world or else he'll get hurt, really, really bad," Bubbles said.

"If he wants to get hurt then he will get hurt, I could even send him to hell if he wants to," I said getting my fist ready for some action.

Blossom suddenly hit the back of my head hard.

"Hey! What the heck was that for?!" I yelled.

"Watch your language!" Blossom yelled back at me.
"Yeah, a girl should not speak that kind of language!" Bubbles scolded.

"Whatever, you're not my moms," I mumbled.

"What was that?!" Blossom said angrily.

Blossom continued nagging and nagging until we saw Mojo destroying some buildings and throwing around cars. Woah, he's got one heck of a robot there.

"Look! There's Mojo!" Blossom yelled as loud as my brother could fart.

"There's no need to yell, we're right here, stupid," I said crossing my arms.

"Uhm, girls...," Bubbles said.

"What?!" Blossom and I yelled.

"We're sent here to stop Mojo from wrecking the city, and there's Mojo right now, just in case you forgot," Bubbles said trying to get our head back into the game.

"Oh, alright," Blossom said lazily but quickly got her 'heroe attitude' on, as she calls it. "Hey Mojo!"

"Please stop destroying the city!" Bubbles asked politely.

"Or we'll beat you up 'till you get to hell!" I said pointing my hammer at the monkey.

Mojo turned around and saw the three of us.

"Oh, if it isn't the Stinkypuff girls," he chimed.

"It's Powerpuff Girls you stupid monkey!" Blossom said waving her arms around angrily.

"Get ready to be beaten up yet again, Mojo!" I said confidently.

"No, it is you who will get beaten up with the help of my new and improved Jojo Bot!" Mojo yelled and pressed a button.

Suddenly a giant chainsaw came behind Bubbles.

"Bubbles behind you!" Blossom yelled.

Bubbles turned around to see a chainsaw about to cut her in half. Luckily I destroyed the chainsaw pretty easily with my hammer. She turned towards Mojo with a scary look on her face. Haha, stupid monkey.

"Alright Mojo, now it's our turn to attack!" Bubbles said as she got her bubble wand ready.

"Sticky Bubbles!"

Mojo was stuck to the road as soon as the bubbles hit his robot. While Mojo is sticked to the road me and Blossom attacked him.

"Spinning Yo!"

"Megaton Hammer!"

Our attacks made it smoke in the area.

"Ha! New and improved? Looks like a stupid tin can to me!" I shouted for Mojo to hear.

"You won't call my Jojo Bot a tin can once you see what it can really do!"

Wait... he's still standing?

To be continued...

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