Preparing to Start the Plan

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 21

(Kaoru's P.O.V.)

Ugh, everyone's so cheesy! The couples dance and look at each other with those silly lovey dovey faces, the boys makin' moves on their chicks and all that stuff. Ugh, this night couldn't possibly get any worse!

"Hey there Kaoru babe, it's me, Mitch. Wow, you look hot for once in your life. Wanna dance?"

"Mitch," I growled. Man this guy is annoying.

"Bad Kaoru," he said bopping me on the head. Ooohh, now I'm mad! I was about to get him when...

"What'ya doin' Kao-chan? This your friend?" Katsumoto said putting his arm around my shoulder. Blood slightly crept up my cheeks. Why is this happening to me?!

"Who the hell do you think you are? You her boyfriend?" Mitch said sounding as venomously as possible.

"What if I am, shortstack?" Katsumoto said calmly. Yeah, that's Katsumoto for you. He'll be dissing people without even trying.

"But you're not, are you?" Mitch said being annoying and all.

"Man, this guy is annoying, am I right Kao-chan?" Katsumoto chuckled.

"Ha! You know it," I replied.

"Being annoying won't help you pick up chicks, dude," Katsumoto said smirking.

"My name's not dude! I'm Mitch Mitchelson, captain of NTH men's soccer team," Mitch said proudly. This guy is full of bullcrap.

"Hm, that's strange. I've never seen your face in the field before," Katsumoto said with a confused look.

"Stop it with your crap, Mitch. This guy is the soccer team captain," I said gesturing to Katsumoto.

"W-wait up! You're Katsumoto Akatsuji?! One of the famous Akatsuji brothers?!" Mitch said shocked.

"Famous? When and how did you childish jerks get famous?" I asked surprised.

"We're naturally cool and handsome, what did you expect?" Katsumoto said smirking.

"And acts like a cocky child," I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey, Katsumoto!" Mitch said calling Katsumoto's attention. "Why don't you stop flirting with my Kaoru babe and tell me about how to become a chick magnet why don't ya?"

Does this guy have balls of steel or is he really just that stupid to talk to Katsumoto like that? Yeah, he's just stupid.

"Sure thing," Katsumoto said with his evil smile, "let's take this talk outside."

"Alright!" Mitch fist pumped the air.

I watch as they went out of the all purpose hall to have a little "talk".

(Outside) (Katsumoto's P.O.V.)

"So, you wanna tell me about being a chick magnet?" #%tch or whatever his name is asked.

"Why don't I just give you a little tip?" I said ready to get this talk over with.

"Lay it on me!" #%tch said excitedly.

"Stay away from MY Kaoru ya hear me?" I said as I gave him my deadly glare.

"Wha...?" he said confused.

"I'm gonna make her mine tonight so I don't wanna see ya anytime soon, #%tch!" I said as I got ready to do what I must. "I hope you don't have a nice flight."

I smiled evilly.

"What the heck do you mean? I don't have a fli-

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