Secrets Revealed!

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 4

(Buttercup's P.O.V.)

I flew to the park and saw that everything was normal until music filled the air. Wait I recognize that sound. It's..... it's Fuzzy! When people started coming around him to listen to his music, he suddenly  shouted.

"Where is my Ms. Bellum!?" he yelled. Everyone ran away from the park because of that.

"Fuzzy! Why don't you get you butt back to the forest and never come back?!", I shouted at him.

"No!" he said, "This here is my land!"

"Alright you asked for this", I warned as I held my hammer to prepare to swing.

"Hyper Sonic Swing!"

But he dodged my attack. What is it with dodging my attacks?! Then I felt the aura of the green one and I suddenly felt stronger. Then Fuzzy tried to attack me but I only used my left arm to deflect the attack. Surprisingly, I didn't get thrown back because of the force. It didn't even hurt! Fuzzy backed away shocked because of what I did.

"Shocked are you?", I said smirking then I punched him right at the stomach and he hit the swing. He got up and he growled.

"I'll get you next time. I'll get the three of you next time!" he said then he ran away to the forest. When Fuzzy was gone, a little kid ran to me.

"Wow! That was so cool when you used your arm to block his attack and punched him!" the little boy said. I crouched down and to his height.

"Thanks kid. What's your name?" I asked him.

"My name is Kintaro, ma'm.", he said while saluting.

"Kintaro. Nice name, I've got to go bye kid," I told him then waved goodbye.

"Bye Buttercup!" he shouted then went back to do his own buisness. After that I flew to the creepy alleys.

"Yo! Anyone there?" I said as I walked through the first alley.

"Huh, looks like no one's here," I said to myself. Then I flew to the next alley. In that alley I only saw like, five weirdo emos

"No one in the world likes us," one of them said.

"Okay. I'll leave now," I said while slowly backing away. I flew to the third alley and saw some punks.

"What do you want?", one of the punks said. I stared at them and examined for a while.

"Welp! Doesn't look like you'll get in trouble," I said as I stretched my arms and cracked my knuckles. I flew to like, the hundredth alley already and only saw some rockers there. The rockers are bringing the house down! Literally, the two houses on both sides of the alley are almost down.


Oh, I mean one house is already down. Good thing those houses are abandoned.

"Alright guys, take care of demolishing the other house," I said as I waved off then I flew to another alley once again, but this time I can sense some dark auras there.

"Oh, if it isn't the little green Powerpuff Girl Buttercup," an ugly voice spoke.

"I know that voice...." I turned around and saw "Ace."

I growled.

"We heard you have some allies," Ivy said with a hiss.

"Hey, will you stop talking about you being nosy and fight. I have better things to do," I told them. Ace growled at this and signaled lil' Arturo to do who knows what, so I got ready for it. The midget ran around me. Oh, I know this trick! It was supposed to make me feel dizzy.

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