Skater Boy vs. Skater Girl

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 10

(Katsumoto's P.O.V.)
After one more period of teachers babbling on and on about boring stuff that I already know the bell rang signaling the end for school today. Finally! School is over. I know that I'm smart and all but really hate school. Every day we have to wake up early in the morning, get ready, and then walk to the hell hole. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I'm going to say, I'm talking about the school dummies. Anyway, when is Algebra actually going to help in our everyday life? I looked at my watch and saw that it's 3 o'clock.

"3:00, one more hour before the little skating competition between me and my Kaoru", I thought, "Wait, did I say 'my Kaoru'?! Stupid! Stupid! If she finds out I'm going to get killed! Oh wait, no one can read my mind except for.....".

"Ah, so you finally called Kaoru yours.", I turned around and saw Momotaro was the one that said that.

"What do you mean 'finally'?!", I yelled at their stupid faces.

"Geez dude, no need to yell we're right here," Miyazaki said picking at his ear.

"I yelled so that those words will get into your brains. Oh wait, your brains are at the edge of the wold," I said. Ugh, that comeback was lame. What the hell is wrong with me today?

"Wait, the world doesn't have an edge, does it?" Miyazaki asked confused.

"No, it doesn't have an edge. The world's shape is a circle. The world's edge doesn't exist," Momotaro shrugged.

"And so do your brains,", I said, "and the world isn't a circle, it's shape is an oblate spheroid, stupid.", then I walked away to the skate park.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Mr. Smartass! It's almost just the same thing, get over it!" Momoataro yelled. Grr! I hate him... Just ignore him.

I arrived at the skate park at 3:10 and I see Kaoru nowhere. Oh well, it's still early so I'll just do some tricks to warm up. After a few tricks I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 3:40 pm. Wow, I only did a few tricks and it's already been 30 minutes.

"Nice moves, not as good as mine though," I heard Kaoru's voice from a distance. I turned around to faced her and I smirked.

"Really Kaoru? Then prove it," I said crossing my arms.

"I will.", she said and she skated off. Then it dawned on me, she had a head start! I quickly skated off and followed her. We are supposed to go around the whole skate park four times and the first one to get back to the entrance of the skate park for the fourth time wins. There she is, now time to go infront of her. I skated faster and I caught up to her in no time. Right now we have already skated three times around the park. I can see the gate! I'm at my top speed and she looks like she is too. We both finally got to the gate but we got there at the same time.

"I win!" she suddenly screamed.

"No, I win!", I argued although I know that no one won because we tied. This kept on going for a while.

"Let's just have a rematch. In the meantime let's just buy ourselves a box of cream puffs," Kaoru said as she picked up her board.

"Nah, I'll buy the cream puffs," I said.

"Really?" Kaoru asked looking surprised.

"Yeah really, anything for you. Besides, I have money today, it's no problem," I said. Then I saw her blush then I realized what I said and I also slightly blushed and I just smiled at her.

"Whatever, let's just go to the cream puff stall.", she said then she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cream puff stall causing me to blush slightly again. My body is so stupid! She let go of my hand when we got to a cream puff stall near the skate park.

"What kind of cream puffs do you want?", she asked me. I looked at their menu and saw Power Puffs there so I asked Kaoru, "What are Powerpuffs doing the menu?".

"It's cream puffs named after the Powerpuff Girls Z. A Power Puff box has 12 cream puffs in it. 4 lime flavored, 4 strawberry flavored, and 4 blueberry flavored cream puffs. You want to try it?" Kaoru asked.

"Sure, I'll try it," I shrugged.

"Let's just share one box of Power Puffs and bring home a box of regular cream puffs to our families, ok?", she said.

"Okay, fine with me." I said, then she asked the vendor for two boxes of regular cream puffs and one box of Power Puffs. She outstretched her hand to me with her palm open.

"Give me the money Fido," she said without looking. I didn't know how much is needed so I just handed her my wallet. She opened my wallet and got the money needed and gave it to the old man. She returned my wallet. The old man handed her three boxes. She walked towards a nearby bench and I followed her.

"Psst!" the old man said.

"Hmm? What do you need?" I said turning my attention towards the old man.

"You've got a nice girlfriend over there. You'd better take care of her," he winked. Did he just say she's my girlfriend?

"Oh, no, no sir... y-you're confused... w-we're just...Ugh!" I stuttered. This is embarrassing... I then breathed heavily to regain my composure and said, "I'm sorry sir but she's not my girlfriend. At least not yet.".

"Well I hope she will be before I pass away from this world. Make sure you will remember me," he said then he smiled. I just nodded and smiled at the old man and walked towards Kaoru. Then we started eating our cream puffs. When we finished our box of Power Puffs I offered to walk her home and she surprisingly said, "Sure.".

The walk was long and silent until she spoke up.

"Why are you so nice today?" Kaoru asked.

"I just feel like it when I'm with you. And also because my brothers are not around. At least I hope they're not around," I chuckled.

"Why? Can't you be nice when they're around?" she asked.

"I can if they won't be teasing me for it," I said.

"Well, here is my home," she said looking up at a tall building. Oh, she lives in an apartment.

"Can I walk you to your apartment?" I asked 'cause, you know, I'm gentleman and all.

"Sure, alright," she shrugged. We walked into the elevator and she pressed the floor number and after a few seconds the door of the elevator opened and we walked towards a door. She opened it and she yelled, "I'm home!".

"Bye, Katsumoto. Oh, here are your cream puffs, by the way.", she said and handed me one box. I took it and I waved at her bye before she closed the door.

"Who the hell was that dude?! Did he try to hurt you?!" I suddenly heard what I'm guessing is a teenage dude yell.

"Did he try to touch you?!" I heard a kid follow.

"Chill bros, he's nothing to be worried about. He's sort of a nice guy," I heard Kaoru say.

I walked home with a smile on my face. Today was a great day!

To be continued...

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