And Now For The Dinner At Kaoru's Place! (Part 1)

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 13

(Buttercup's P.O.V.)
"H-how could you?", I said taking a step back, shocked. Butch turned his head to see me then he stuttered, "B-Buttercup, i-it's not what you think!". Then I said, "Oh, well I think it's exactly what I think...", I stepped my right foot forward and pointed at him and said, "You are trying to kill your own brother!". Blossom and Bubbles nodded in agreement. Then Boomer said, "Butch, are you really trying to kill Brick?". "What?! I'm not killing him, dude! This is the impostor I'm talking about!", Butch said. Blossom stomped her right foot forward and pointed at Brick and she said, "How dare you try and duplicate Brick?!". Bubbles ran to her and she said, "Blossom, calm down.". "How could I calm down?! That bastard is trying to duplicate Brick!". What does she- wait, "What the hell is that smell?!", I yelled. Blossom closed her eyes and crossed her arms and she said, "Exactly. Because you see (faces 'Brick'), Brick smells better than you impostor!". Bubbles gasped. Then Boomer gasped. Then the impostor 'Brick' gasped. Then the real Brick gasped. And I just said, "Meh". The real Brick had those 'sparkles' in his eyes and he said, "You think I smell better?". Blossom faced him and she said, "Yeah. (Giggles)". Uck! She's sooo girly. "Ha! In yo face impostor dude!", Brick cheered. We all sweat dropped at this. Then Butch said, "Bro, now is not the time to rub it in.". Then I said, "Yeah, we should be fighting this dude right now.". "Then what are we waiting for? Let's do this!", Bubbles exclaimed. Then we started attacking the impostor.
"Batter up!"
"Bubble Catcher!"
"Topspin Attack!"
"Off Key Melody!"
"Post-brush Minty Swing!"
"Wai- Aaaaahhhhh!!!", the impostor said before our attacks hit him.After the series of attacks we sent, the impostor Brick went flying away. Blossom looked at the impostor Brick flying away unconscious and she said, "Hmm, something's not right here.". "What do you mean, Blossom?", Bubbles asked worried. Then Blossom gasped as she realised what was wrong and she said, "Our attacks didn't hit the impostor Brick, but instead, our attacks hit the real Brick! Bubbles, Boomer! Go get Brick!". "Haii!", the Blues said and they flew away to find Brick. Then Butch said, "If the one we hit was the real Brick, then....". We turned our heads to the one snickering and saw that it was the impostor. The impostor pulled out a make-up remover and wiped his face with it to reveal... "Sedusa!", Blossom and I said in unison. Then Sedusa said, "Hey girls, long time no see. I can't believe that you hit the real Brick instead of me!". She chuckled. Blossom growled and she said, "That is not funny! Now why were you disguised as Brick?!". "Now why would I tell you?", Sedusa said placing her hand on her hip. "Don't you dare answer my question with a question! Now answer me!", Blossom said. Sedusa put on her disgustingly ugly smirk and she said, "Now why should I tell you?". Then Blossom said, "Ugh! Now you asked for this!". Then Blossom hit Sedusa with her yoyo continuously and rapidly that it looks like she has a hundred yoyos. After a while Sedusa still hasn't given up but so does Blossom but it looks like she's becoming tired. "Ugh, this is getting boring. Let's just help her so we can get this thing over with.", Butch said then he started playing a beautiful and relaxing music with his flute that made Sedusa freeze in place. "Now's my chance!", Blossom wrapped Sedusa with her yoyo and she threw her up in the air. I flew to Sedusa and aimed her to where Bubbles and Boomer are and I hit Sedusa with my hammer and Sedusa went flying away. I got my compact from my belt and contacted Bubbles. When I saw her on the screen I said, "Hey, Bubbs. Did you get Brick already?". She nodded and she said, "Yeah!". Then I said, "Well then get ready to bring someone else back here. I hit Sedusa and she should be flying towards you.". "Kk! *crash!* Aaahhh! What was that?", Bubbles asked turning her head to Boomer. "It's that lady with tantacle hair and always wears make-up!", I heard Boomer say from the background. Bubbles turned her head back to the screen and she said, "It looks like she's already here. (giggles)". Then I said, "Then get her here and let's take her to the lab.". "Already on the way.", Bubbles said then she hung up. "They should be getting here in 5, 4, 3, 2, and...", Blossom said getting ready to fly. As soon as we saw two different shades of blue fly past us we flew with them and went to the lab. When we arrived at the lab, Bubbles took Sedusa to the professor with Boomer while Blossom carried Brick to his room and to make sure that no 'accidents' would happen, Butch and I went with her to Brick's room. Butch laid him down on his bed and the guy had swirly eyes. I was trying hard not to laugh because of this and I think Butch almost laughed too. "Girls! The professor has something to tell you!", Ken yelled so Blossom and I went downstairs. Butch stayed with Brick to keep him company. When the two of us reached the professor, we saw him still pointing the Z ray beam at Sedusa. But the wierd thing is that Sedusa is not changing back to normal, A.K.A. Annie. Then Blossom said, "What's wrong professor?". "Sedusa isn't going back to normal. I don't know why but there seems to be something wrong here.", the professor said looking at Sedusa wondering. "Will she be alright professor?", Bubbles asked worryingly. Then the professor said, "She is completely stable except for the part where she isn't going back to her true form. But I guess that it is safe to say that she will be okay, at least for now.". The three of us sighed in relief knowing that she'll be alright. "Hey everyone.", Butch said while walking down the stairs with Brick following. "Ow... my head hurts like hell. This is all your fault!", Brick yelled. Then I said, "Whatever dude! It's not our fault that you're an easy target.". Then Butch said, "Yeah bro, ya better lay low on sweets.". "Haha! Dude, they practically just said you're fat!", Boomer bursted out laughing. "Shut up you.", Butch and I said in a cold tone at the same time. "I'm not fat!", Brick yelled. Then Butch said, "Chill dude, we didn't actually say you're fat.". "Oh really?", Brick said not believing Butch. Then I said, "Yeah, it was implied.". "Pssh! Typical Butch and Buttercup," Blossom said, "Anyway, back to Sedusa. Do you guys remember how we assumed that Sedusa, disguised as Brick, is trying to ruin the reputation of the Rowdyruff Boys as good guys?". Then the professor said, "Now that I think about it, why would she? Boys, girls, do have any idea?". "Maybe she was being controlled by someone, I don't know.", we turned around and our jaws dropped to see that Boomer, of all the other people in the room, said that. "Woah bro, that was actually.... smart.", Butch said amazed. Bubbles ran up to Boomer and hugged him and she said, "Wow! That was smart, Boomy!". "Oh, it was nothing.", Boomer said while blushing. Then Ken said, "Uhuh, but is there any idea about who is controlling her?". "Wait! Guys, do you see that very dark aura coming from that strange lady?", Brick asked. All of us looked closely at her. Well I don't see anyt- "Oh yeah! Wow, that looks scary.", Boomer suddenly exclaimed. "What?", Blossom exclaimed, shocked by the fact that the boys can see the dark aura but she can't. Then Bubbles said, "How come I don't see anything? Buttercup, do you see anything?". "Of course I see something, I have eyes you know. But what I don't see is the 'very dark aura' these weirdos are talking about.", I said with a bit of sarcasm. Then Butch said, "You can't see that dark aura? Hmm, (rubbing his chin) why can't they see that dark aura?". "How about we call Poochie here?", Ken asked the professor. The professor nodded and he yelled, "Poochie!". "I'm coming!... what do you need professor?", Poochie asked while running towards the professor. Then professor said, "I need you to see if you can detect a very dark Z-ray in Sedusa.". "Okay! (Sniff, sniff)... I don't smell any dark Z-rays here.", Poochie said while shaking his head. Hmm, why is this happening? "Ahhh! My head hurts like f*ck!", Butch yelled while holding his head. Then Boomer said, "Dude, that was some foul language but I agree. Oww! Ohhh man! My head really hurts!". Then the three them were suddenly fine. Wait, wasn't it like two seconds ago they were screaming their heads off, and now they're fine?!

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