Crying Ravens

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 22

(No one's P.O.V.)

The romantically emotional atmosphere slightly changed. The Puffs and the Ruffs behind the bushes felt it...

There was a sudden shake of the ground, and a strong one too, enough to stumble and trip the dancing students in the premises and to leave a slight crack on the punch bowl. Everyone were in shock while the Puffs and the Ruffs didn't think much of it. "Probably just a minor quake, nothing to worry about" they thought. But even with that, it seemed that the green Puff and Ruff didn't notice the mild quake since they are so filled with different emotions, emotions they themselves can't understand.

"K-Katsu..." Kaoru, the green Puff, muttered with gentleness and warmth followed by another sparkling tear she didn't realize was falling. "Butch I-"

She was interrupted. The ground suddenly shakes violently and the ground was cracked separating Kaoru and Katsumoto.

Everyone was now in panic, running as their minds are now lost in fear. Kaoru and Katsumoto ducked down as the quake continues. Time seems to slow down with the earthquakes increasingly getting stronger. The slim crack between Kaoru and Katsumoto got bigger and wider. Katsumoto stretched out his arm for Kaoru to grab as the ground shifted away from each other.

Kaoru tried to reach for his hand but to no avail, she already drifted too far away for him to reach. She groaned as she tried to stretch her arms farther. It's impossible now, she knew that. She gave up. She fell on her knees looking down to her semi-formal gown, trying to hide the tears falling down her cheeks. She now saw the glowing red lava reveal itself as the ground drifted further apart.

"Kaoru! What are you doing?! The ground's loosening up, you need to get here or you'll fall, quick!" Katsumoto yelled as he panicked for her safety.

She looked up and forced a smile at him.

"Idiot, I'll still fall either way," she said as she accepted her fate, "the girls and I knew that this would happen someday, I just didn't think you'd be here until my last breath."

Tears fell from his eyes. 'What is she talking about?! No, this isn't how it should be, is it? No! I won't accept this.'

"Stop talking nonsense! Jump over here! You can still make it!" he yelled.

But it happened. The ground she's sitting on finally gave up. Now he can only hear ringing and as she fell, he saw her mutter the words.

"I'm sorry."

"NOOO!!!" he screamed.

The quake stopped as soon as Kaoru fell into darkness. He can't believe it, she's actually gone. 'No, she can't be. She can't be gone. I've already got a whole life planned out just for the two of us. It can't end like this.'

He stood up firm and got ready to jump after Kaoru but he was stopped by his brothers. He struggles to get out his brothers' grip.

"No, dude! Don't you dare do something irrational!" Momotaro yelled trying to calm Katsumoto down.

"We don't want you gone too, we'll be very lonely without you and with the Puffs gone, we're now left alone miserable for the rest of our lives!" Miyazaki said with matching tears. "Don't be stupider than me!"

Soon Katsumoto limps down knowing that it's really stupid, he's really stupid for trying to follow Kaoru.

"AHHHHH!!!" he screamed to the sky with everything he's got. Tears can now be seen running down his cheeks.

'*sigh* it's really weird seeing him crying his eyes out like this. Tsk, I'm one to talk, I almost tried to jump for Momoko too,' Momotaro thought.

Finally, Miyazaki and Momotaro decided to set Katsumoto down on the ground.

Katsumoto let out a small chuckle. What was he thinking trying to do something like that? He didn't know what he thought himself.

"But why?" Katsumoto whispered lowly with feelings of pain in every word he dared say out loud. "She left me too early in this miserable world, and I didn't even know if she liked me back. This life's so unfairly stupid."

"At least we're in it together."

Katsumoto looked up to see the tear stained faces of his brothers. 'At least they still look more awful than me.'

The three brothers smiled at each other, each having great emotional pain that no one else could've beared, but still, they smiled like it was nothing.

"Let's go home," Miyazaki said helping Katsumoto up and they walked back to the lab. He looked overhead to see a dark crow flying above, black particles are seen flying around with it, he didn't mind. What caught his attention is the raven falling down from the sky that seemingly mimics the way the green Puff fell to her death. His eyes followed the falling raven and it fell beside the foot of Ms. Keane. He knew that there was something wrong with her, it's strange. Again, he tried not to dwell on it.

"Yeah, let's go."


As they were walking, Katsumoto looked around, remembering moments with Kaoru with every turn of his head.

"That was where we first met them as the Powerpuff Girls Z, and Buttercup chased us around this corner, they should've seen the looks on their faces everytime we messed with them. Flipping their skirts then showing our butts, flicking buggers and using our gross improvised weapons."

"That was the theatre where we pretended to be them and showed off our 'Pull My Finger Attack'."

"Those were the swings Kaoru and I sat on when we ate icecream, and how happy she was that time."

"That's the skate park where we used to show off our skills and raced around all day."

"And finally, the lab where we revealed we'll be helping them fight crime, the place where we hanged out, where we had some of the weirdest moments together."

"And Kaoru, I can't get her out of my head, how she looked at me for the last time. She pretended to smile but I can see the hurt in her eyes. When she fell down she didn't even scream, she remained calm until she vanished in the darkness, falling down to burn in the glowing lava below. It's a horrifying scene."

"I miss her already..."


To be continued...

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