Mixed Emotions

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The cheers of the people filled the air as the figures of the city's heroes appeared in the distance. The people were thankful that the Puffs saved them from mayhem once again, and they fully recognized the Ruffs as heroes. The boys finally redeemed themselves to the people of New Townsville by saving them. Everyone's joy resonated to the Puffs and the Ruffs, seemingly healing their bodies from exhaustion. Everyone seemed fine except for Butch...

"And then what happened?" a little girl of about five years old asked. "Dad, tell me what happened to you! But it's not like I'm very worried or anything..."

The little girl crossed her arms and turned away from her father. He chuckled.

"Yeah, just like her mother alright." Butch thought and hugged his daughter. "Ahhh, you're adorable, Kaorin."

"Well? What happened?" Kaorin asked anxious to know what happened to her father at that time.

"Well, you know that I'll live since I'm here. But the question is how I'm still alive. Well, my brothers may have helped me with that in some way," Butch said looking around.

"How?" Kaorin asked curiously.

"You'll never run out of questions will you?" Butch asked his little child as he narrowed his eyes annoyed.

"Well, four year old girls are on average the most inquisitive." Kaorin said as she's laying down.

"Smart. You're smart, you know that? Just like me." Butch said probably.

"Just like you? That must mean I'll be a hero too when I grow up! But wait, what did your brothers do again?" Kaorin asked as she remember her question.

"Well, that's a story for another time, I'm tired. You must be tired of being a four year old girl asking a lot of questions. You do get tired don't you?" Butch asked jokingly.

"Of course I get tired, but for different reasons. I need my energy for karate training tomorrow. Did you know it'll be my first day tomorrow?!" She asked excitedly. "I'll be kicking butt there since mom already trained me in advance!"

"Yeah, you go do that. Just don't kick butt too hard. That hurts." Butch said as he kissed her goodnight. He stood up from his child's bed and opened the door. "Goodnight, little Kao."

He switched the lights off and shut the door quietly. He ran down the stairs and quickly towards the sofa where his wife was while watching television. He then quickly hugged her from behind which startled her, but she quickly calmed down.

"Hey there, Kaochan~" he whispered to her ear.

"Ugh, I'm not in the mood for your silliness right now. I'm stressing out!" Kaoru said as she grabbed Butch and slammed him to the coffee table, which they made sure was made of the strongest wood for whenever something like this happens.

"Ughhhh..." Butch groaned but recovered quickly. "Oh yeah, what were you stressing about again?"

"Well, tomorrow is Kaorin's first day in Karate and I'm just watching how much a five year old can hurt a four year old in karate. It's not like I'm too worried, am I?" Kaoru then inhaled deeply. Butch smiled softly and got up from the table. He sat next to Kaoru and he put his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh come on, calm down. You trained her for this since she was an infant, which I'm still not sure how it was possible by the way, what could possibly happen? I'll tell you what, she could kick butt tomorrow and make her an instant black belt without promotion tests!" Butch said excitedly.

"Oh, just shut it with your silly antics," Kaoru chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, just loosen up! She'll be taking karate, so she's bound to get hurt at some point, and that's okay! Getting hurt just means that there's still a higher level of skill to look forward to." Butch said smiling.

"Ughh, you're so wise you're making me feel old. You're supposed to be younger than me for crap's sake!" Kaoru groaned.

"Ahh, there it is, the normal Kaoru. Now let's just watch these five year olds beat each other up." Butch said as he rested his head on top of hers.


"Whoops, duty calls. I'll be back in an hour or two." Kaoru said and she transformed.

"Powered Buttercup!"

"Yeah, do what you gotta do. Now go kick some butt." Butch said as he gave her a thumbs up.

Buttercup blushed and she flew out through the window to meet up with her team mates.

Butch turned to the news channel and on the news he saw the Powerpuffs Girls Z arrive on the scene live.

"The Powerpuffs arrived just in time to save the city of New Townsville from destruction once again! Ohh, if only the Rowdyruff Boys were here..." the field reporter said as she fazed out at the thought of the Ruffs.

"Yuck." Butch said as he saw the news reporter daydream about him and his brothers.

... Everyone seemed fine except for Butch. They quickly flew to the lab as soon as they got to the city as Butch's wounds kept bleeding.

"Go on, fix him!" Buttercup yelled at the professor who stood there with his head lowered.

"I'm afraid I can't. He's lost too large of a portion of his skin, plus I can't find anything else to replace the blood he's already lost, except for..." professor trailed off as he looked at Brick and Boomer who looked very worried.

"What do you need us to do?" Brick breathed in deeply, ready to do whatever it takes to save his brother.

"You're taking a risk with this decision, you know that, right?" the professor reminded.

"There's nothing too risky if it means saving our brother." Boomer said looking determined.

"Alright then, let's see what we can do..." the professor nodded.

The girls were then left there sitting in the living room for what seemed like ages. Everyone was worried about Butch, about Brick and Boomer, whether their recovery would be a success. It was a long wait, but they persisted. They stayed at the lab anxiously waiting until they finally fell asleep from exhaustion. It wasn't until dawn break when they finally got news of the boys' condition.

"Girls! Wake up! I'm glad to say that the operation was a success!" Ken yelled excitedly running towards the sleeping girls on the sofa.

Initally, Buttercup felt annoyed and disoriented from being disturbed from her sleep, but as if on instinct, she just quickly flew to the lab's clinic room to check on Butch's condition.

"Surprise, Butterbabe! I'm alive!" Butch greeted limply while trying to raise his arms up in the air.

Tears formed in her eyes as she saw him there. He was obviously weak from the operation, but she's glad to see that he's alright. She quickly ran towards Butch and hugged him tightly. She was so glad to see him alright. Out of reflex from joy, she quickly got out of the hug, raised her fist and nearly punched Butch out of pure happiness. She stopped her fist just centimeters away from his face, then she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Ahhh, I miss you too, Buttercup," Butch said as he smiled at her. "We're finally back in town, and this time we can finally lead normal lives, while having superhero girlfriends!"

"Wait... what?" Buttercup asked confused.

"Yeah, the process actually made use of the excess chemical Z in our bodies which gave us our powers to synthesize the parts that Butch has lost, and now the three of us are just completely normal synthetic human dudes." Brick explained while Blossom was just there hugging him tightly.

"Well, are you alright with me just being... normal now?" Butch asked embarrassed.

"As long as you're still you, I'm fine with it."


A/N: Wahh! Thank you guys so much that you even bothered to finish reading until the very last chapter of this book! I understand if some of you think this story was crappy, this was my very first fanfiction after all, but I am just so satisfied that I finally finished it, but then I'm kinda thinking if I should make an epilogue or not. What do you guys think, should I write an epilogue?

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