It's A Late Halloween Special My Cuties!

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 11

(Kaoru's P.O.V.)

Man, after the skateboarding competition me and Katsumoto had on Wednesday I couldn't help but feel that the boys really have changed. Oh, and I remembered last night when I arrived home my brothers began teasing me when I explained, well, Shou did, Dai was more like angry and glaring at nothing. I guess he saw Katsumoto walk me home and when he's out of the area Dai kept on pestering me on about why I shouldn't get a boyfriend. I seriously don't know what he's talking about but I hope it's not about Katsumoto walking me home. Why won't he just mind his own business? I mean, he pulls pranks on me all the time and it's like when he saw Katsumoto near me he finally acted like a big brother. Whatever, I don't care about what he thinks.

I've been laying on my bed staring at the ceiling this whole time. I wasn't at school. Why? Stupid question. Because it was a Saturday. Then suddenly I heard my phone ring. I reached for my phone beside me on the bed and saw that I got a text message from Momoko. It says:

Hey Kaoru! ~Momoko

Hey, what's up? ~Kaoru

Do you know that today is a holiday? ~Momoko

Momoko, it's a Saturday. I wouldn't know if it's a holiday unless the school says that we won't have classes. No, in short. ~Kaoru

Well it is a holiday today and we will be joining in it's festivities. ~Momoko

Well care to enlighten me about this holiday and it's so called 'festivities'? ~Kaoru

It's Halloween today! And you know what that means. ~Momoko

Actually, no I don't know what that means.~Kaoru

There will be lots of candy and sweets, dum dum! ~Momoko

Please don't tell me you still go trick or treating on Halloween. ~Kaoru

Why? It's fun! Getting free candy just by asking! Anyway meet us at the lab right now. ~Momoko

Whatever. Ok, I'll see you at the lab. ~Kaoru

Why do we meet up at the lab all the time, anyway? There's lots of other places to go. Oh well, better get ready. Oh, it looks like I don't have to get ready. I already took a shower earlier and I'm already dressed so, I just told my family that I have something to take care of and I grabbed my skateboard and walked out the house. I started skating after walking a few blocks away from the house. I arrived at the lab in no time. I wonder what the problem is this time.

I entered the lab, walked the hallway, and entered the lab's living room. Momoko, Miyako, and the Rowdyruff Boys were there.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh, hi there Kaoru!", Miyako greeted me cheerfully.

"It's because you got in trouble with the professor, Kaoru," Katsumoto said.

"Haha, very funny.", I replied sarcastically, "Why are we really called here?".
"The professor has something he needs help with." Momotaro answered.

"And what is that?" I asked.
"Don't know." Miyazaki shrugged.

"Oh! So I see that all of you are already here.", I heard the professor's voice say. Then the professor walked in front of us.

"How would we be of assistance to you, professor?", Momoko asked nicely.

"Mr. Mayor and I decided to have a Halloween party here at the lab and I need the six of you to help me get this place ready before the party starts," the professor said.

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