Chapter 4

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When I walk in the kitchen, Peeta looks up at me from his untouched cinnamon roll. I walk past him silently and open up the cabinet. I can feel his eyes on me as I get a plate out of the top cabinet, on my tippy toes I can barely reach it. Then I get the two leftover cinnamon rolls and put them on my plate. He immediately looks away when I turn around and sit down next to him at the breakfast bar. "Are you going to eat that?" I ask, examining his cinnamon roll. He shakes his head and pushes his plate towards me. I can't imagine why he wouldn't want to eat a perfectly good cinnamon roll. I pick it up and take a bite, watching as he takes his plate, puts it in the sink, and walks out. I finish my cinnamon rolls, accompanied only by the sound of my chewing. I decide to spend the rest of my day visiting Prim. I hate not being able to live with her even if we're only a house apart.

I knock on the door of my old house, which now belongs to Prim and my mother, and Prim answers. "Katniss!" She hugs me instantly. "Good Morning to you too." I laugh, wrapping my arms around her. I don't know how long we stand in the doorway like that, but she finally pulls away. "Your dresses are here." She informs me, smiling. She's been really excited about the wedding even though she knows it's not what I wanted. "Do I get to see?" I try to sound enthusiastic, for her benefit, even though the thought of wedding dresses makes my head spin. Anything to make her happy. "Of course! They're upstairs in your old room." I follow her up the stairs and into my old bedroom. All three of the dresses are spread out on the bed with matching shoes next to each of them. "Cinna made these?" I run my fingers over the edge of one. "Yes. You're supposed to pick one and I've also got something for you to choose the guest list, if you want." I look at the small book in her hand. "Is that supposed to have all the wedding plans in it?" I ask her. She nods in response. "It came with the dresses." I smile at her, she's so grown up now. It's hard to believe she's already fourteen. "So, I guess you want me to try them on for you?" She nods, smiling back at me. "My favorite is this one." She points to the one in the middle, it's solid white with diamonds around the waist. The one on the left is long and fitted, with pearls around the edges, and the one on the right is about ankle length, with diamonds covering every inch of it. They're all beautiful of course, but I think I like the middle one the most. "Then I'll do that one first." I pick it up, along with the matching heels, and walk to the bathroom.

I get undressed and step into the dress, pulling it up around me. "Zip me up?" She easily zips up my dress and I slip my heels on. I turn around and look at myself in the full body mirror hanging on the wall and Prim follows my gaze. "It's beautiful." I twist my body side to side, watching the way it moves. It wraps tightly around my chest and fluffs out about halfway down my waist in layers of white sparkly fabric. I step out of my heels and change back into my clothes. "Are you going to try the others on?" She asks. "I don't have to. This one's perfect." Carefully, I carry the dress and heels back into my bedroom and place them with the others. Then she clears a space on the bed for us both to sit. "So, about this guest list... Do I have a limit on who can come?" I sit down on the bed and she moves next to me. "It says friends and family up to ten and that's for you and Peeta. Also Haymitch, Cinna, Effie, and yours and Peeta's prep teams are already invited." She says. "Hmm... Okay, so I guess just you, mom, and Madge if she wants to come." I don't know who Peeta's inviting but I doubt most of his family will even want to come. "What about Gale and his family?" She suggests. Even if he wanted to come, which I know he doesn't, It would only make things more uncomfortable between us. Plus after what happened in the woods, I can guarantee there will be tension between us, and how would I explain that to the citizens of the Capitol? I couldn't. "I don't think he wants to come." I don't know where our relationship is exactly but I know there's no way he's coming to that wedding. "Did something happen with you two?" She asks. "It's nothing to worry about." I mumble. I don't know how to explain this to her. I can't even explain it to myself. "Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything." I take her hand and jump off the bed. "C'mon let's go downstairs and get a snack." I suggest, changing the subject.

We sit down at the table with a bowl of peppermints between us, while Prim flips through the book, telling me all about the plans for my wedding. "All we have left to plan is the honeymoon." She says, formally. I never really thought about after the wedding, at least I've tried not to. I chew on my lower lip, trying to form a response. "You only need to decide where you want to have it and they'll take care of everything else." She clarifies. "What are my options?" I ask. I'm not sure where people usually would go for these type of things, but I'm sure I wouldn't like them. I unwrap another peppermint and stare at the table, as I try to think of a way to make this honeymoon enjoyable.

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