Chapter 27

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I stuff a few more shirts into my suitcase and zip it up. Peeta's already finished packing his bag and is sitting on the bed watching me. We only have to bring a few things since they already have most of the stuff we'll need where we're staying. All we had to pack really was clothes and whatever personal items we wanted. Since I'm so close to my due date we'll be staying in the Capitol until I give birth. Which could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. "Ready?" Peeta asks, picking up our bags. "Not really." I don't want to go. I want to have my baby here not in the Capitol. I don't trust them. But it's not my choice. President Snow is making sure this baby is being born in the safest and most camera filled hospital for all the world to see. "I know, but we've got a train to catch." He says, taking our bags and walking with me downstairs. We shut and lock the door behind us and walk outside to the train station.

We board the train and set our bags down in the bedroom. We leave all our things in the bedroom and walk over to one of the windows with a couch right next to it. We both sit down on the couch and stare at the window, watching district twelve disappear behind us. It won't be very long until we're in the Capitol.

We arrive in the Capitol and are escorted to the home we'll be staying in until I give birth. It's nice, smaller than most of the Capitol houses. It's got a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom, and a bedroom. It reminds me of the house we stayed in on our honeymoon and that comforts me. Maybe this won't be so bad after all, it'll be like a second honeymoon. After we set our stuff down and get things settled, I head straight for the shower.

After my shower, I dress in a simple, short blue night gown. I brush through my tangly, wet hair until it's straight down my back. I walk into the dining room, my feet sticking to the wood floor as I walk. When I get to the dining room I see that Peeta has already gotten dinner and set the table. On the table there's lamb stew, rice, and vegetables for dinner and fruit and chocolate to dip it in for dessert. I sit down in a chair and get some lamb stew and rice. "What's this?" I ask, taking a look at my drink. "It's tea." I must not look very convinced, because he continues talking. "Sweet tea. It's good." I take a drink, testing it out, and set the cup back down. It is good. It's very sweet and cold. I resume eating my lamb stew, while keeping up a casual conversation with Peeta. We talk about home, our families, how people are gonna react to the baby, and things like that. "Have you decided on a name?" He asks, taking me by surprise. "What?" I take another sip of my tea. "For the baby." He explains. "Oh. I thought about it a little, but I'm not really sure." I finish my tea and push the glass away from myself, along with my empty plate. "What we're you thinking?" I reach for a piece of fruit, dip it in the chocolate, and turn to face him, taking a bite. "Willow." I say, when my mouth isn't full of chocolate and strawberry. "Willow. I like it." He agrees, taking a piece of fruit too. We don't talk anymore after that. We just take turns eating pieces of fruit dipped in chocolate, occasionally glancing at each other, but neither of us saying anything. After I finish about half the plate of fruit I start to feel like I'm about to fall asleep right here at the table. So, after a few minutes of trying desperately to keep my eyes open, I excuse myself from the table.

I shuffle into the living room and sit down on the couch. I curl up into a ball and stop resisting the urge to close my eyes. Feeling warm and drowsy, I fall asleep almost instantly. By the time I wake up it's late, almost midnight. That's when I decide to go find Peeta.

I sneak into the bedroom, trying not to wake Peeta. I open the door quietly and look in. He's not asleep. He's sitting up sketching something in his sketch book. "Hey." I mumble, still trying to be quiet as I take a few steps towards him. "Hey." He sits all the way up and sets his sketch book down. "Come over here." He says, patting the bed next to him. I climb up onto the bed and crawl over to him. "You're acting different. Is something wrong?" He frowns, looking me up and down. "No." I scoot closer to him and eventually just climb on top of him. I clear my throat, trying to gather my thoughts. "I just was kinda hoping we could....." I lean in and kiss him. "You know... I mean I understand if you don't want to." I kiss him again, on the lips, then on the neck, then on his chest. "Katniss." I kiss him one more time on the lips and stop, glancing up at him. "I always want to with you." He says, his eyes staring straight into mine. For a second I get lost in his blue eyes. Then he kisses me. We undress each other slowly, kissing each other almost non-stop the whole time. I wrap my legs tighter around him and he pushes me down on him. I moan, wrapping my arm around his neck, while he grabs a fistful of my hair. "Oh, Peeta!" All the sudden all these sensations become too much for me. His hand in my hair, my lips on his, his hand on my hip, and then we're lost in each other.

A/N: I'm so happy I finished this chapter tonight. There's only two more chapters left and then the epilogue and then I'll be done with this book. I'm really excited about finishing this so I can focus more on my other fanfictions.

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