Chapter 19

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Peeta and I walk outside into the warm summer air, and start walking towards Haymitch's house. We have to tell him today. It's nearly impossible for me to hide it anymore. I knock on the door and step back. I take Peeta's hand and hold it while we wait. I hear a loud bang and some other noises. Then the door opens. "Well, look who it is..." I tighten my grip on Peeta's hand. "We'd like to talk to you." Peeta says. Haymitch's gaze drifts down to our hands then back up to me. He stares at me for a moment, as if he can tell somethings different, and I shift my weight to my other foot, starting to get nervous. "Okay. Come on in." I exhale heavily and walk through the door. I don't release Peeta's hand, as I wait for Haymitch to close the door. We both stare at Haymitch, neither of us seeming to be able to come up with the words. "What?" He asks, looking between the both of us. He eyes me suspiciously again and I avert my gaze to the floor. "Katniss is pregnant." Peeta says, once again doing the talking for me. "Hmmm..." Haymitch looks at me, then bursts out laughing. He's drunk. "Congratulations, you finally got her knocked up."  He says, smacking Peeta's shoulder as he walks past us and into the kitchen. "I guess I'll notify the president. I'm sure the whole world is dying to hear about the star-crossed lovers new....addition.... to the family." He says, dumping a bottle of liquor into a glass. "Okay." I breathe, just noticing I'm shaking slightly. Peeta wraps his arm around my waist, not letting go of my hand. "We'll see you later Haymitch." He says, leading me back outside.

    I walk Peeta home and stop at the door. "I'll be back later. I've got some things to take care of in the woods and I might go check in on Prim." I say. "Okay. I'll see you when you get back." His hand lingers on my waist as he gazes into my eyes. Then without warning, he leans in and kisses me. I don't stop him. I kiss him back, feeling the hunger inside of me return, as well as a blush flooding over my body. He pulls away, leaving me dazed, and wanting more. "Be safe." He says. Then he goes inside the house and closes the door.

I take my normal route straight to the woods, and carry my bow with me to the lake. I sit down in the warm grass and pull an arrow out, positioning it on the bow. I shoot it across the lake and watch as it lands on the other side. I don't feel like hunting today. I'm too tired, but I want to be out in the woods as much as possible before I'm too pregnant to get through the fence. I stare at the arrow, thinking of how I'll have to eventually get up and go get it, when I get an idea. I stand up and pull my shirt off, then my pants. I leave my bow and arrows by my pile of clothes, and jump into the warm lake-water. The feeling is indescribable, like warm silk rubbing against my skin with every stroke, as I swim towards the other side of the lake. I half-swim, half-float to the other side of the lake, allowing myself to relax. It seems like it's been forever since I last was swimming in the lake. I've missed it. I swim underwater for a while, doing flips and twists, until I have to come up for air. I swim the rest of the way to my arrow and dig it out of the ground. I sit on the edge of the water, holding my arrow, as I wait to catch my breath. Swimming has always made me tired and I was already tired to begin with. I wish I could just stay here and take a nap in the sun, but I know I have to get back. I dive into the water and swim underwater almost the whole way back, only coming up to breathe.

I position myself on the kitchen counter, ignoring the fact that my clothes are still a little damp from my swim. "I'm hungry." I state, looking at Peeta. "What do you want?" He asks, leaning against the breakfast bar. "Cheese buns." I smile at him. "Okay, I'll make you some." He gets the ingredients ready and I watch over his shoulder as he makes my dinner, not leaving my spot on the counter. He puts them in the oven and starts the timer, setting it to fifteen minutes. "What'd you do in the woods today?" He asks, looking at my wet clothes. "Nothing productive." I sigh, running my fingers over my braid. "I went swimming in the lake." I say, unable to keep myself from smiling. "Oh, that explains why your clothes are wet." He smirks at me. "Yeah. I was too tired to swim for very long, but the water was really warm. It felt nice." I can't hide the disappointment in my voice. I don't know if I'll ever be able to hunt again. I'm always so tired. "That's good. Maybe sometime you can take me out there and I'll go swimming with you." He says. "Yeah, maybe." I agree. I smile at the idea. He leans in and kisses me, unexpectedly, for the second time today. I moan, wrapping my arm around his neck. I grab a handful of his hair, as I'm sucking on his lower lip. Then the timer goes off, forcing us to pull away. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself, as Peeta gets the cheese buns out of the oven. He puts them all on a big plate and hands it to me. I'm still breathless from our kiss, but I manage to smile at him, before taking a bite of my cheese bun. He leans up against the breakfast bar and looks at me, but he doesn't say anything as I eat. I set my plate down and take a deep breath. I ate almost half the batch. "Done?" Peeta looks at me. I nod, barely able to keep my eyes open. "Come here, sleepy." He picks me up. "Let's go get this dirty lake water cleaned up off of you and go to bed." He says, carrying me upstairs.


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