Chapter 20

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I rinse off, and after pushing a few wrong buttons, finally shut off the shower. I grab my towel off the rack and wrap it around myself, stepping out of the shower. I towel dry my hair and body, then re-wrap the towel around myself. "Okay, come in." I say, opening the door for Cinna. He steps in, carrying my dress in one hand, and closes it behind us. He looks me over, but doesn't comment on anything. "I think this dress should fit. I made it a couple of months ago when I started to get suspicious. But just to make sure for next time, let's take your measurements." I pause, surprised that he already had a dress for me. Apparently I haven't been nearly as good at hiding it as I thought, or maybe Cinna just knows me better than most people. "Okay." I drop the towel and allow him to take my measurements. I don't mind being naked around Cinna, he's very professional, but not in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. Outside of my family and maybe Peeta he's really the only person I feel this at ease around. "Okay, all done." I put on the silky looking underwear from off the counter and he hands me my dress. I pull on the dress and try my best to zip it, but it won't zip. "A little help please?" I ask, smiling at him. He pulls the back pieces together and zips it up easily. It's tight but not too tight. "How's it feel?" He asks, turning me around so he can look at it. "I can breathe." I say, running a hand over the yellow material. "Good. I'll see you out there. I'm sure your prep team will be here in a few moments." He says, picking his tape measure up off the counter. "Okay. See you out there." I take a seat on the small chair by the mirror.

Peeta wraps his arm around me and I lean up against him, trying to look natural as I do it. He slides his hand onto my bare thigh, pushing my dress up a little to accommodate his hand. His fingertips graze my inner thigh, making me squirm slightly. Just like that I'm sweating and blushing. How could just one little touch do so much? "Katniss you look lovely, as usual. And Peeta you look handsome as well. How are you?" I glance up at Peeta, my cheeks burning, and manage a smile. "We're good." I say, still a little dazed. I'm not used to being touched like this, especially not in front of all these people. Now that I know it's not an act things are different. "We're more than good." Peeta says, covering for my lack of focus. Caesar raises his eyebrows, acting just as interested as the rest of the audience to hear more. "That's good to hear. Now, I hear the two of you have a special announcement to make?" He leans in towards us with the microphone, making sure to catch every word. Peeta wraps his arm protectively around my waist with the hand that isn't already resting on my thigh. He looks at me expectantly. He won't take this one for me. "Yes, we do. I- um," I try to say it, but the words won't come out. Peeta waits, patiently, for me to say it myself. I know he wants to hear it too, just like the rest of the world. "I- I'm pregnant." I say, glancing at the audience, then back to Peeta. His blue eyes blaze into mine, as the audience descends into chaos. He's going to kiss me. He's going to kiss me! I lean in and press my lips into his, my face burning. I moan against his lips, my heart racing. I lift my hand up and grab his face, returning his kiss with equal enthusiasm. His fingers dig into my thigh and I pull away, burying my face in his shoulder. I don't lift my head up until my breathing's back to normal and my face is less red.

Caesar manages to get the audience to calm down enough for us to talk again. "Well, Katniss. That was really quite the announcement. I think I can speak on behalf of everyone in the Capitol when I say, congratulations." Peeta and I exchange a smile, then thank him. "That's not the only announcement I have actually..... I'm going to be seeing a doctor here in the Capitol to check up on the baby, so you'll be seeing a lot more of us around here." I say, glancing up at Peeta. This is news to him. I only found out yesterday. Apparently it's mandatory that Capitol doctors check up on the country's favorite baby. President's orders.

Peeta gives my hand a small squeeze and I turn to look at him. The Capitol Doctors offices are way more high tech than I imagined. The nurse already weighed me and checked my blood pressure, and other simple things nurses usually do and now we're just waiting for the doctor to return for our ultrasound. I tap my fingers on the metal part of the bed and glance around the room. The door opens unexpectedly, and the doctor walks in. "Hello, Katniss, Peeta. I'm sorry if I startled you." She sits down on a small chair by me and turns on a small screen. She attaches a few wires to it, then turns to me. "Lift your shirt up." I do as she tells me and lift up my shirt. I can feel Peeta looking at us, but I can't break my gaze away from the doctor. I watch curiously, as she runs the wand in her hand along my waist. They don't have things like this in twelve. I force myself to look up at the screen and I'm shocked by what I see. It's a baby. Our baby. I glance over at Peeta and see my own shock mirrored on his face. He's never seen anything like this either. "I'm assuming you'd like to know if it's a boy or a girl?" The doctor looks at us questioningly. We both nod in unison. "It looks like you're having..... a girl! I'll go print you off a picture." A picture? I look back at the screen and see our baby girl. She's so small and doesn't quite look like a baby yet, but she's a real live thing inside of me. Without warning I start to cry. I turn back to Peeta and see there's tears in his eyes too. The doctor walks back into the room this time holding something in her hands. She holds the picture out to me and I smile. I can't believe this is real. Peeta and I are having a baby girl.


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