Chapter 28

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*one week later*

When I finally start to wake up, the smell of hot food forces me to sit up. It smells like bacon. I turn my head and see Peeta laying next to me. "Good morning." He says, sitting up. I look around but I don't see any food anywhere. "Where's the food?" I ask, confused. "Come on." He gets up and holds his hand out to me. "It's in the dining room." He explains, helping me up. The smell of bacon gets stronger as I follow him into the dining room. "I left it in here so it would stay warm while you were sleeping." Peeta says, while I sit down. I take the cover off the tray and am pleased to see there's not only bacon, but eggs, toast, pancakes, and a cup of fresh fruit. "You really went all out this morning." I note, filling my plate with some of everything. "Well, I know you like the food here, so I thought you would like it." He sits down in the chair next to me. "I do like it." I take a bite of the eggs, then the bacon. It's perfect, like all the Capitol food. "So, after you finish eating what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" He asks. I start cutting up my pancakes and take a bite. "Eat. Sleep. I can't really do anything else can I?" I'm two days past my due date and it's extremely uncomfortable. "We could go up to the rooftop." He suggests. "That sounds amazing." I say, between bites of pancake.

Once I've finished all my breakfast, Peeta leads me up to the rooftop. I think all the Capitol buildings, or at least the bigger ones, have a doorway to the rooftop, but as I look around at the other rooftops I don't see any other people. All I see is big, empty rooftops. "There's such a beautiful view up here." I say, looking down at the streets of the Capitol, all the pretty colored buildings and people walking everywhere. "Yeah. It is." He says, but he doesn't follow my gaze out into the streets, instead he stays looking at me. I turn around and kiss him, wrapping my arms around him so we are only a few inches from each other.

I lay my head back onto Peeta's chest and look up at the sky as he plays with my hair. He braids it and unbraids it over and over again, trying new kinds of braids each time. The sun soaks through my thin nightgown, warming my body. I stare at the pinkish-blue sky and watch the clouds go by. They're pretty, white, fluffy clouds. "That one looks like a flower." I say, sleepily, yawning into my hand. "You said that about the last one." He runs his fingers through my hair gently, pulling all the tangles out. There's been a light breeze all morning, causing my nightgown to flow around my thighs. The breeze feels nice with the warmth from the sun, making it even harder to stay awake. "I know. I'm getting sleepy." I mumble, struggling to keep my eyes open. "Then go to sleep." I shake my head, but close my eyes anyway. "I just wish I could freeze this moment right here, right now, and live in it forever." He says. "Me too." I whisper, as I'm falling asleep.

I wander into the kitchen, thinking of what I want to eat. There's so many possibilities here, but I'm really craving cupcakes. I decide on red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing. I press a few buttons and they appear right in front of me within seconds. I pick one up, examine it, and take a bite. There not as good as Peeta's cupcakes, but still good. I set the rest of the half-eaten cupcake down and carry the plate into the living room with me. "What's that?" Peeta asks, looking at the plate in my hands. "Red velvet cupcakes." I sit down next to him on the couch and pick up the one I already took a bite of. "You want one?" I ask, when I finish the one I was already eating. "No. I'm good." I shrug and take another cupcake. "Mhmm...this cream cheese icing is amazing. Are you sure you don't want one?" I hold a cupcake out to him. "I'm sure." He says. "I'm not a fan of red velvet." I roll my eyes. Since when is there a kind of cake he doesn't like? "Okay, fine, but you have to taste the icing." I dip my finger into some of the icing and wipe it onto his lips. He licks it off his lips, then I stick my finger in my mouth and suck the rest of the icing off. "It's good, right?" I ask, taking a bite of my cupcake. "Yeah." He nods. "I should get this recipe and see if I can make these at home." He says. "Yeah. That would be good." I finish the rest of my cupcakes and set the plate on the coffee table. I cuddle up next to Peeta and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and rests his hand on my waist. I watch the tv as a bunch of models in brightly colored dresses flash before me, urging for people to vote for their favorites. I sigh, nuzzling Peeta's shoulder. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says, kissing my forehead.

I get up from the couch and start to walk towards the bedroom, but something doesn't feel right. I get another cramp in my stomach and I have to stop in the middle of the hallway, leaning up against the wall for support. "Peeta!" I scream, as another wave of contractions hit me. This isn't like the smaller contractions I had before, this is the real thing. After another strong contraction, my water breaks. I'm going into labor.

A/N: so uh I suck at authors notes but I feel like I need to have one so vote and comment please

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