Chapter 8

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The light shining through the window wakes me. I blink my eyes, trying to adjust to the light, as memories of last night flood back to me. It's must be late, at least midday. How long did I sleep? I suddenly become aware of Peeta next to me and I turn on my other side to look at him. "Good morning." I can't help but smile at him. He's fully dressed and appears wide awake. He's probably been up for a while. "Good morning." He looks down my body, making me remember i'm naked. I start to panic, then I see that the blanket is completely wrapped around me. Peeta must've covered me up while I was asleep. He moves closer to me so his face is right next to mine and places his hand on my side. "You're so beautiful." I laugh, unable to stop myself. "You know what would be more beautiful? Some breakfast." I say, smiling at him. He laughs, taking his hand off me. "Do you want me to get it or did you wanna order it yourself?" He asks. "I'll do it. I just need to get dressed first." I say. "Okay." He seems to take that as his cue to leave, because he gets up and walks out, giving me some privacy. I get out of bed, open the dresser, and pull out some clean clothes. After I finish dressing, I make the bed. Then I walk into the kitchen. I press the button on the wall, getting my breakfast of oatmeal, eggs, bacon, and orange juice.

Sitting down at the table, I eat my breakfast. It's delicious of course, just like all the food in the Capitol is. Eventually, Peeta sits down beside me with a glass of orange juice. He follows my gaze outside, towards the huge swimming pool outside. We both stare at it through the glass wall, while I eat. "I'm going to go swimming after I finish eating. Do you wanna come with me?" I take my eyes away from the pool to look at him. "No, that's okay. I can't swim anyway." I turn away and look back to the pool, wondering if the water will be cold.

Once I'm finished with my breakfast, I change into the swim suit they've provided me with. It's a strapless, white, two piece. I walk outside through the glass doors and jump straight into the pool. My body feels weightless in the warm clear-blue water. When I come up for air, I find Peeta sitting at the edge of the pool in his khaki shorts and white t-shirt. "Did you decide to come in?" I ask. "Nope. Just enjoying the view." He says. I dive back down into the water and swim to the other side of the pool before coming up for air again. Then I dip back down and do a flip this time. I swim back and forth, gliding through the water effortlessly, until I start to get hungry. I swim towards the edge, staying underwater the entire time. Then pull myself up and climb over the edge of the pool, not bothering to use the ladder. "Ready for a break?" Peeta asks, getting up with me. I nod, in response. "I'm gonna go get a snack and then come back out." I say, walking towards the house. "Okay, I'll wait out here." I open the big glass door, and step inside.

I return with two glasses of water, a bowl of strawberries, and a bowl of melted chocolate, and find Peeta sitting in one of the chairs by the pool. "I thought you might want a drink." I explain, holding one of the glasses out to him. "Thanks." He takes a drink, while I sit down. I set the bowl of strawberries on the small table separating our two lounge chairs and take one out, dipping it in the bowl of melted chocolate. "So, I guess you're not offering me some of your snack are you?" He asks, jokingly, looking pointedly at the arm I have tightly wrapped around the bowl of chocolate in my lap. I bite my lip, trying to decide if I want to share or not. "I could go get you something?" I suggest, making him laugh. "No, It's okay, you can have it." I relax, and lay back, taking a bite of my strawberry, as I gaze at the sun shining on the bright blue water.

I dig through the open drawer on the dresser, trying to find something to sleep in. All I have is a few pairs of shorts and t-shirts, and a bunch of nightgowns. I pull a hot pink nightgown out, feeling the sheer see-through outside layer. It's got a soft hot pink inner layer that covers a little less than half my thighs, and another light pink see through layer over it that's about half an inch longer. I close the drawer, walk into the bathroom, and change into it.

I sit down on the bed, adjusting the thin straps on my shoulders, as Peeta walks in. I watch him sit down, crossing my legs. Then turn on my side so I can face him. He's wearing his usual pajama pants and a t-shirt. "You know if you want, I could teach you how to swim. While we're here, I mean. We've got plenty of time." I offer, looking up at him. "Sounds good. How about tomorrow?" He suggests. I nod. It suddenly hits me that I get to spend the next four weeks alone with him. For some reason, the idea makes me incredibly happy. I smile, leaning up to kiss him. I kiss his cheek, then his lips, once. I force myself to sit up on my knees, so I can kiss him again. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, kissing me back. I put one leg on each side of him and take his face in my hands, holding his face just inches from mine and look into his eyes. Somehow being away from home for so long doesn't seem so bad, As long as I have him with me.

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