Chapter 10

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The girl in the mirror blinks at me nervously, as I smooth my dress down over my hips, waiting for it to be time for us to go on. I sigh, leaning up against the counter. At that same moment Peeta walks in, startling me. "I'm sorry." He apologizes instantly although I'm not entirely sure what for, it's not like I was still getting changed or anything. "It's fine. I just didn't expect you to be in here." I stand up straighter. In heels I'm taller than Peeta. "I know. Neither did I. It's just Haymitch thought it would be best if we walked out together from now on and he said you don't usually come out of your dressing room until it's time so I thought I'd come in and get you." He explains, awkwardly. "This isn't what I expected." He looks around the room for a moment. "It is very plain for the Capitol." I agree. I glance at the clock on the wall. Five more minutes. "We should probably head on out there." I say, glancing at the clock again. He follows my gaze for a second, then turns back towards me. "um.. yeah. We should." He holds out his hand towards me and I take it. We walk out of my dressing room, hand in hand, to the door leading onto the stage. "Oh, and Katniss." He starts, attracting my attention. "I like your dress." He looks down at my dress then back up to me. I smile, but look away, back towards the door, trying to hide my blush.

After another tedious interview with Caesar, Peeta and I make our way onto the train. Even though the interview Itself wasn't much different from any others, something certainly was different. At least, I felt different. I actually felt happy in a way, getting to talk about my honeymoon with Peeta, at least the real parts of it, which is strange for me. We board the train and I take a seat by the window and stare down at my crossed legs. I know this feeling can't last, I can feel it slipping away, with every second we get closer to home, bringing me back to earth, and forcing me to once again confront all the  problems that await me at home. Although now it seems it's even more complicated, by letting myself get close to Peeta I'm putting more on the line to get hurt. I find him standing, leaning against the window, watching the Capitol disappear behind us, and approach him slowly. I try to think of something to say, some sort of assurance that once we get home things will be the same between us as they have these last few weeks, but I can't. So, I just stand there next to him, watching through the window as our beautiful honeymoon fades into nothing.

My silky nightgown rubs against my skin as I toss and turn in bed, trying to get comfortable. As much as I wish it weren't true I can't sleep without  Peeta. Even on the nights I don't have nightmares. I still can't sleep without his warm body in the bed next to me. I've grown accustomed to having someone   in the bed with me to cuddle with. It feels foreign laying here by myself. I turn towards the door and find Peeta standing in the doorway. "Can't sleep?" He asks, taking a few steps into the room. "No. Just trying to get comfortable." I shrug as if it's nothing. He doesn't even try to hide his smirk as he climbs into bed with me, saying nothing as I hesitantly move closer to him. After turning over on my right side and then my left side again, I give in. I curl up next to him, resting my hand on his chest right over his heart. The strong and steady thumping of his heart calms me almost instantly. He wraps an arm around my waist and I inhale his scent deeply, finally beginning to fall asleep. He runs his warm hand along my waist a few times. Then he slides it over my hip, hesitating, before moving it down further. He slowly runs his hand over the back of my thigh then back up slightly, cupping my butt. "Peeta, listen, about the other night. I-" He cuts me off and moves his hand away. "You don't have to explain Katniss. If it was a one time thing it was a one time thing." He looks away from me, hiding his real feelings from me. I know he's hurt by my rejection. He doesn't have to tell me. "Peeta." I try to say something, but the words won't come out. "Did you like it? What we did that night I mean?" I'm somewhat confused by his question. Did I like it? What kind of stupid question is that? I initiated it for a reason. I was expecting him to ask if I loved him or something like that. "Yes." I answer, looking into his eyes, even in the darkness they sparkle. He sighs, looking relieved. "It's because of him isn't it? Gale." I nod. "Yes." I have no idea exactly what's going on between me and Gale but as soon as we get home I'll be seeing him again and it's hard enough to look into his eyes as it is. "But you did like it?" He looks at me waiting for confirmation. "Yes." I feel myself start to blush, hopefully the darkness will conceal it. "Okay. Then that's good enough for me." He smiles seeming relaxed again. His hand finds it's way around my waist again and I curl up onto him, safe in the knowledge that things are okay between us.

A huge crowd of people rush to meet us at the train station. Gale is not among the crowd. I can't seem to find Prim and my mother either, maybe they stayed home, or maybe they're just lost amongst the people. The people swarm us from the second we step off the train platform, asking questions, or just screaming our names. It's ridiculous, were the same people we've always been but still they treat us different. Peeta takes my hand, seeming to sense my nervousness, and helps lead me through the crowd, towards our home.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update! For some reason this chapter took me forever to write. maybe it's because it was one of the only ones I didn't already have prewritten? I don't know. But I do know i'm off school for christmas break in a few days so I'll have plenty of time to write. (I hope) Comment your opinions of this chapter? I love to hear what you think.

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