Chapter 7

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I run to the bed and jump on it, face first. Finally I can rest! My feet are numb from walking in heels all day and the effects of the alcohol I drank earlier are starting to wear off. I force myself to sit up, long enough to pull off my heels, and toss them onto the floor. Although at this point I've practically mastered the art of walking in heels I'm still not used to the pain. After my heels clatter to the floor I become aware of the silence. I look up, just now remembering Peeta's not in the bedroom with me. I look around for him, but he's nowhere to be found. I'm sure he's fine, just checking out the house, or something. I lay back down and turn on my side to look at the wall, letting my mind wander, trying to think about anything but the big rock weighing heavily on my finger, and heart. Suddenly, I feel the bed shift and Peeta's arm wraps around me. "You okay?" He asks. I didn't even hear him come in, I was so focused on my thoughts. "Yeah. I'm fine." I turn around to face him. He's changed out of his button up shirt and pants, and into a pair of sweatpants. I play with the ring on my finger, trying to avoid looking at him. "I'm sorry you had to marry me." He says, a trace of a smile on his lips. "There's no one I'd rather be married to." I say, and it's true. If I have to be married to someone I can't deny that Peeta would be the best option. I allow myself a small smile, then pull him towards me, and kiss him. Without giving it any further thought I'm on top of him, sticking my tongue in his mouth, and he's doing it back. Eager to be close to him, I shove my body up against his, closing the gap between us. We continue to let our tongues explore each others mouths, Not stopping until we eventually have to catch our breath. Once we've both had a chance to breathe, I move off him. "I'll be right back." I mumble, climbing off the bed and walking into the bathroom.

I close the bathroom door behind me and lean up against it, catching sight of myself in the mirror above the sink. I approach the mirror slowly, as if approaching a wounded animal. I put my hands on the counter and tilt my body forward, staring at myself. I've changed so much in the last year, It's unsettling. I look into my own eyes, trying to find some trace of the girl I used to be, but I can't. She's gone. I take a deep breath, remembering Peeta's waiting for me just outside the door. I need to get my thoughts straight before i go back out there. I notice my toothbrush sitting on the counter and decide to start there. I brush my teeth, take my hair down, brush my hair, and wash my face as slowly as possible. Is this really what I want, or is this what I have to want? I don't know, but does it really matter? The only future I'll ever have is with Peeta, President Snow made sure of that today. I take off the dress my prep team put me in for our ride here, strip down to my bra and underwear, and carefully assess myself in the mirror. On the inside i'm a wreck, but on the outside I look perfectly put together. I hear a noise outside the door, and glance over my body in the mirror one last time. The cream colored lacy bra and underwear I'm wearing don't seem to be covering as much of my body as they should, although I know my prep team had them made specially for me so they must be the right size. The bra, although not entirely uncomfortable, pushes my breasts up, creating an overwhelming amount of cleavage. The underwear barely covers my butt, which to me is annoying because I thought that was the entire purpose of underwear. My body is almost completely hairless since they waxed me right before we left. And skin is nearly flawless. I turn towards the door and take a deep breath, opening it. My desire for Peeta winning out over my feelings of uncertainty.

Peeta glances up at me, as I take a few steps out the door, his eyes locking on my face for a moment, then glazing over my body. I pause, giving him a second to look me over, before I slowly begin to approach him. I climb onto the bed, and position myself on top of him, straddling him. I can't help but laugh, seeing how surprised he is. I can tell by the look on his face this is more than he ever dreamed to get on this trip. He puts his hands on both my sides, holding me up, and I lean in and kiss him.

His hands move to my back, holding me against him while we kiss. His fingers fumble over my bra strap, unhooking my bra, and he rolls us over. His sparkling blue eyes meet mine for a second, before he leans in and kisses me again, this time much softer. "Are you sure?" He asks, looking into my eyes. I can tell he's trying to figure out what's going on inside my head, but I'm just as confused as he is on that. Heat rushes into my cheeks as I stare into his eyes, making me blush. I nod, I've never been more sure of something in my entire life. I want him. He kisses me again, on the lips. Then he moves down to my shoulders and my neck. He pulls my bra off and throws it on the floor, his hands covering my breasts. My breathing gradually begins to get heavier, more intense, as he kisses me. He pauses, only to pull my underwear off. My hands find their way to his pants and pull them off along with his boxers, so we're both completely naked. He finds his way inside of me and I make a choking sound, burying my face in his shoulder. I dig my hands into his back, holding him against me, afraid that if I let go he'll stop, and I don't ever want this feeling to stop.

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