Chapter 16

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My prep team has been working on me for hours, making me look extra special for the games. I rub my lips together feeling the numbing sensation run through my lipstick covered lips, as Octavia coats my lips with some kind of lip gloss she claims will make my lips look fuller. After applying multiple coats over my already numb lips she finally finishes. "All done!" She exclaims, backing away from me and looking me over. My prep team has made me look dark and deadly in a black leather dress with tears on the sides, and black high heels. To complete the look, I also have dark smoky eye makeup, and black lipstick. My blood red hair, perfectly straight hanging down my back stands out the most. I tried to object to the hair, but they assured me it would wash out, and I wasn't in much of a position to be telling them how to prep me. I take another short glance at myself in the mirror and internally cringe, I feel and look like just another part of the freak show.

The heels are almost impossible to walk in, both of them nearly ending in spikes with only a small part at the bottom that's flat, but I manage to get down the hall to the backstage area where I find Peeta waiting. I see the shock on his face when he sees me, but he doesn't say anything as I walk towards him. He's wearing a black shirt and pants and his hair looks darker, thoroughly gelled. "You look beautiful, Katniss." He says, but I don't believe him. "You do too." He goes to take a bite of the cupcake in his hand, but I stop him. He must've gotten it from one of the tables around here, but I don't have time to ask where. I take his hand, pull it up towards my mouth and take a bite of the cupcake with my puffy lips. Then I release his hand and kiss him once, lightly, smiling as I pull away.

I take my seat next to Haymitch and Peeta sits next to me. Although Haymitch isn't a mentor anymore they still invite all the victors out to the Capitol each year for the games. I manage to cross my legs, even though it's difficult with the tight leather pushing my thighs together. Peeta takes my hand as the music starts to play and Caesar walks out onto the stage. His hair and suit now a light purple color. I glance over at Haymitch, as he takes a long drink out of his flask and I feel a pang of jealousy. It's not fair that he gets to zone out and leave me to feel everything. I feel Peeta's grip tighten on my hand and he pulls me in for a kiss, distracting my attention from Haymitch. His kisses take away the numbness in my lips and leave me breathless. I try not to smile as he wipes the smeared lipstick off my face and then wipes his own face too. Him being here, holding my hand, it makes me feel more relaxed. More myself. Less a part of this freak show they've tried to force me into.

Caesar finishes his opening speech and sits down in his chair, ready for the first interview to start. The girl from district one steps onto the stage, in a dazzling red dress and red lipstick. I glance down a few seats and spot Finnick. His hand is in an awkward position, his fingertips stretched out touching the girl next to him, without really touching her. It's almost as if he's trying to be secretive about it, although I can't imagine why. Everyone knows he's very popular with the ladies. Why does this one matter? Who is she? It clicks in my brain that she's from his district. He catches me looking and he smirks at me, but I can see the questioning look in his eyes. I smile back at him, still confused as to why he would have to hide his feelings for her. Sure people in the Capitol would be disappointed, if he were taken, but wouldn't they get over it? I turn away and watch the tribute from district two walk into the stage, forgetting for a moment our little exchange.

By the time it's Brooke's turn I'm starting to get hungry. We've been sitting here for a least an hour. She walks onto the stage in cream colored pumps and a short nearly see through light pink dress. Her blonde hair hangs down to her waist in perfect spiral curls, and she twists one around her finger as she talks. They're clearly going for sexy with her. I look at the screen feeling sick to my stomach. They've covered her face in makeup, highlighting her cheekbones, taking away her baby face and making her look closer to my age. Anger flares up inside me, they've made this little girl look twenty instead of fifteen. She goes on to chat with Caesar, being bubbly and charming. I wonder if she's that way naturally or if Peeta's coached her. They stand up together and he holds her hand up introducing her to the crowd again. Then he sends her off.

Peeta runs his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. He's been playing with my hair since we got back, so I haven't gotten a chance to change yet. He breaths in the scent of my hair again, like he has multiple times in the last hour. "Your hair smells good. Like cherries." He smiles at me, running his fingers over my back as he gets to the ends of my hair. "Do we have any cherries?" I ask. Now that he brought it up cherries sound amazing. "I don't know. But I'm sure we could get some." He says, taking his fingers out of my hair. "Why? You want some?" He asks, smirking at me as his hand moves down to my lower back, resting there. "Mmhmm.." I nod. "Alright. I'll go get you some." He gets up and the warmth of his hand leaves my body. I listen to his footsteps as he goes to get my cherries, thinking about how there's nothing I could ever do to deserve him.


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