Chapter 9

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My cheek has been pressed to the couch for the last hour or so, when I finally look up. I glance up at Peeta, and am surprised to see he's already looking at me. It seems like we've spent the majority of our honeymoon on this couch. His arm remains wrapped around me as I sit up.  "I'm hungry. Do you want to eat dinner now?" I ask, still sleepy. I've been dozing off all day even though I slept almost a full twelve hours last night. "Yeah, we can eat now." He moves his arm away from my waist, so I can stand up. We've gotten a lot closer over the past few weeks, closer than I thought possible. I get myself up off the couch and hold my hand out to help him up, my body feels numb from being in the same position for so long. I can't imagine how he must feel after letting me sleep on him the entire time we've been laying there. He accepts my help, takes my hand, and stands up. I don't feel any pressure to let go of his hand as we walk into the kitchen together.

    With Peeta's help, I set the table. We make a line in the center of the table with all of our favorite foods, set each of our plates in a spot, as well as a glass for each of us. I sit in the seat across from Peeta, and wrap my sweater around myself, scooting my chair closer to the table. I open the bottle of wine in the center of the table, and pour some into my glass. "Do you want some?" I look at him, waiting for an answer. "Yes, thank you." He holds his glass out and I pour some in. Peeta and I almost simultaneously take a sip of our wine, making me giggle at his facial expression. "How do you drink this stuff all the time? I mean it doesn't necessarily taste bad, but it.... burns?" I laugh, taking another drink. "You get used to that after a while." He doesn't say anything else about it, he just nods. I take a look at the large selection of dishes in front of me, trying to decide where to start. Since It's our last night here we've decided to make the most of it. I decide on the lamb stew, since it's my favorite, and fill my bowl up. We eat and talk for what seems like hours, mostly Peeta talking, but It's nice. We've been working on getting to know each other better, but I haven't been very good at talking about myself, so I just listen, making small mental notes to myself. Peeta, unlike me, has plenty to talk about. He tells me about his likes and dislikes, childhood memories, anything he can think of he tells me. As I'm starting on my third dish, I start to feel full. I quickly realize that eating the lamb stew first was a bad choice, there's no way i'm going to be able to finish all the other stuff after eating two bowls of that. Peeta was smarter about it, only having a little bit of each thing, but then again I've never really been very good with self control. Instead of trying some of the other soups and things Peeta and I ordered, I jump right to my dessert. It's a triple chocolate cake with icing between each layer. I finish my slice of cake and excuse myself from the table, to go take a shower.

I push in my chair and wrap my sweater more tightly around my waist. As I walk down the hallway, I hear a chair being pushed in and the sound of plates clanking into each other. I start to wonder if I should go back and help him, but when I turn around the table's already cleared. His body moves across my view as he walks towards the living room, probably going to sit back on the couch. I scowl at the floor, as I once again turn to walk down the hallway. I find myself wishing I could go back and sit with him, cuddled up on the couch as we were before, but I don't.

I strip out of my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor, then step into the shower. I push one of the buttons that I know to be a gentle spray, and then another that makes the water extra hot. Then, just for fun, I push the button that adds steam, filling the shower with steam and fogging up the shower door. I lather my body with soap, intending to just get clean and get out. I run my hands along my arms, then down my sides, washing the soap off, when thoughts of Peeta enter my mind. I feel an entirely different kind heat spread throughout my body, starting at the core and spreading all the way to my fingertips. I let my fingers wander to my inner thigh, nearing the source of the warmth, as I slide down to the shower floor. Peeta hasn't said anything about that night and for that I'm grateful, because I don't know how I feel about it yet. Other than that I liked it, Alot. We have kissed more than a few times since then,though he's never tried to take it any further, so I didn't either. I definitely won't risk that again while we're still here with no protection of any kind. I don't want a baby, that would only complicate things more for the both of us. Maybe when we get home, we could get some. Then I could consider it, but only then. I try not to let myself think about it too much. My vision gets hazy as I slide one shaky hand down my inner thigh. I lean back against the shower wall, as my hand reaches the apex of my thighs. Images of Peeta flash through my mind, mostly of that first night, and I force my hand to go further, slipping one finger, then two, inside of me. I'm vaguely aware of the moans escaping my lips as I pump my fingers in and out at a steady pace, managing to get a third finger in, in the process. The wetness mixes with the shower water, hot and thick, dripping down my leg. I take a deep breath, starting to shake. "Peeta." My voice doesn't sound like my own, more of a mix of a moan and a sigh, as I say his name. I pull my fingers out, running them under the warm water. Then I curl up into a ball on the shower floor, letting the warm water drip over my burning skin.

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to update! I only had a little bit of this chapter written before and I've been dealing with some other stuff lately so I haven't had time to write. Also I hope I described wine correctly? I've never actually drank it so idk I just assumed it would be like grape juice that burns but probably burns a lot less than the stronger stuff which I have drank so I just kinda guessed.  So I guess I'll have to drink some and find out... Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I realize some of the things Katniss has done are slightly out of character which I did on purpose because she's changed a lot since the games and she's basically feeling very desperate and indecisive. Which I can strongly relate to.
Update: I drank some wine last night and I feel like that was an accurate description

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